Christmas Night!

Christmas Miracles!

Christmas. One of the most beautiful times in the year. Childrens are smiling, couples are cuddling, everybody is out from work or school. The families are putting lights on their houses.They are decorating the trees and preparing food for the guests thet will come over.

But not everybody is happy in this time of the year. Kim Kibum, also know as Key, is having a hard time. He can't get over the fact that it is his fault. He blames himself for causing his boyfriend death.

He usted to love Christmas. It was his favorite holiday. Every year, he usted to bake for him and his boyfriend. They lived in the same house after his parents leaved to go and work in America. 

They dated for a long time. Key was so happy having a boyfriend like Jonghyun. Yes, his boyfriend was Kim Jonghyun, a famous model. Key didn't love him for his money or popularity. He loved him for his lame jokes, for his cute smile, for his y stare. He loved all about him. And it was the same for Jonghyun. The first time he saw Key, he fell in love with him.

But everything was over now. No more cuddling, no more lovey dovey, no more good night kisses. An Key hated that. He wanted all that back. He wanted to be happy again. He wanted Jonghyun back. But that can't happening. Because Jonghyun was gone. His Jonghyun wasn't anymore with him.

All happened two years ago. Jonghyun and Key went to a party. A Christmas party. They got invited by Jonghyun's manager. They wanted to have fun, so they started drinking. This was the worst choice Key ever did.

It was time to go home, and Key was driving that night. He thought that it wouldn't be a problem, so they got in the car and started driving away. Jonghyun was sleeping so peaceful thet Key was giggling every time his lover was turning on the other side.

After some good minutes, Key was feeling a bit deezy. He told himself that they will get home soon so he needs to stay awake. He was trying to not fell asleep by drinking some coffe he took from the party before they got in the car. 

When they where near their house, Key could fell that he can take it anymore. He slapped himself some times but it didn't help. All he can remember is that his eyes closed and after that all went black. 

The next day he woke up in the hospital. The doctor told him that everything was alright and he only got some cuts. When Key asked about Jonghyun, the doctor looked down before teeling him that his lover died in the accident.

After that, Key wasn't anymore like he used to be. He wasn't smiling anymore, he wasn't telling jokes, he wasn't going out of his house. When somebody talked about Jonghyun, he would go in his room and cry for hours. He hated himself. He wanted to have the boy back.

Like the last Christmas, Key was in his room, watching photos of Jonghyun on his phone and cry. His best friend Taemin will came everyday to check on him. But today, Taemin wanted to let Key alone. He needed that.

After some hours of crying, Key went in the kitchen to get something to eat. He looked out and saw everybody having a great time. Then, an idea came in his mind. He stormed into his room and went to his drawer. He took out the black suit he wore to Jonghyun funeral. His eyes started geting teary, but he calmed himself. He wanted to get ready fast, so they can have some time.

He was all dressed, and now there was only a thing that is missing. After tacking his jacket, he went out. On his way, he stopped to buy some flowers.

When he arrived to cemetery, he saw that nobody was there. At least he could talk to his lover and there wouldn't be people to hear him. When the arrived Jonghyun's grave, all the memories came back. He stayed there, looking at the grave, and crying. He couldn't stop. He felt so guilty.

"Jonghyun..." he whispered softely. "I'm so, so sorry.Please forgive me"

"Don't worry, Key. I've already forgive you" a voice said.

Key looked behind him to find a smiling Jonghyun. He was wearing a pair of wings.

"Jonghyun, I missed you." Key said and hugged Jonghyun before starting crying again.

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Chapter 1: nooooo! :( this is so sad