A day of Horror and Happiness (Nakajima Yuuto)

Same ground, Different worlds.


Normally, I'm early for school.. But what had happened this day?!


Hi.. So I'm Ryosuke, Ya-ma-da Ryo-su-ke. A senior High School Student from Hirokoshi Gakuen, and I am most likely a teen star. The best singer of Hey Say Jump, not complementing myself but telling the truth. Ha Ha.


1 hour before, my alarm clocks ringing so loudly that even my mother from the next room came rushing unto my room. She’s unfortunate, it's lock and the spare keys was in her drawer since yesterday but I lost mine so I went to get it and forgot to give it back. A minute passed so the alarm's gone and I am now in peace again.


Then 10 minutes before, I realized that I am going to be late for about 20 minutes and the bus would be here 10 minutes before the said time.


And now, I'm probably going insane!                            


"YAMADA!! Your lunch box!" mom shouted while I was running to get in the bus, but I wasn't able to get it.


Fine fine fine Mom… I have my own money so I can just buy what I want.


The bus had just stopped in front of our school; fresh air brushed my cheeks and made me shiver. So new season huh, winter.


"MAI!" I shouted and ran towards a girl with eyeglasses, hair almost undone, and a skirt few inches above the knee.


So this is my best-girl-friend, Sato Mai, she's more likely from a rich family, and an intelligent one. She's kind of weird, she doesn't want to go out with others other than me, and when she talks, it's all scientific. But sometimes, I also get that weird talking.


She turned; her pale skin's a bit reddish.


"Do you have a fever?" I asked and checked her temperature by putting my hand on her forehead.


She became more reddish staring at me.


"Blushing?" I asked, just kidding.


"No... I'm not," she said shyly and removed my hand on her forehead, a little bit slowly.


"Oh... Here," I said and tilted my hand to hold hers.


"Yamada-kun, you're late," She said and I felt like she slapped me with that fact.


"YAMADA!" someone, from the 3rd story of our school's building, shouted. And I know whose voice was that, Yuuto.


I waved my hand and smiled. When I turned my head back to Mai, she's now advancing towards the stairs.



Lunch time:


Damn it! I also forget my wallet... And now, how am I going to eat?


Someone tapped my shoulder from the back, it was Yuuto.


"Yo... Lovey Dovey with your Best-Girlfriend?" Yuuto asked and joined me on my table.


I was already here at the cafeteria before looking for my wallet.


"She's my Best-Girl-Friend. Not what you think," I said.


Yuuto, chewing the food he bought, asked why I didn't bring my lunch box. Not wanting to say out loud how idiot I am, I lied.


"Uh... I decided not to eat in lunch boxes starting to-day," I said trying to look cool.


I looked pass him, a familiar figure was standing on the counter, probably paying for her food, and it was, Mai. I excused myself from Yuuto, saying I'm just going to talk to her and he grinned. "Fine," he said finally.


"Mai!" I shouted as I walk towards her. Surprised, Mai turned her head from where she had heard a voice, seeing me.


"Hey-- Can I borrow some money?" I asked, lowering my voice and not wanting her too, to suspect that I left my money.


"Why--" she said and broke off, she seemed to see through me.


"Here, I know it’s for food," She said as she takes one of her cards out of her wallet, so she hasn't finished paying yet.


"No... I mean--" it's not for food. I should say but since we’re staring at each other straight in the eye, something stopped me from lying.


"Thanks," I said taking the card from her, and made her wait for me 'til I finish getting some food.


"And for looking cool," she added while staring at my plate, plate whose contents are the most expensive.


"You know, everybody knows your band is so cool... You guys are cool," she said, sincerely, and her eyes glowing.


"I know..." I said… And as far as I can remember, she's the only one, though she's weird, can stop me from lying.





Mai is my classmate ever since grade school. She transferred from a very famous and elegant school, normally for rich Japanese. They said that she came from USA, and was kicked out of school because of being rebellious. And hopefully, I was able to change her, not to the BEST one, but to a nerdy friend. 


The school seems too quiet every after all students are out. But, obviously, not everybody's out but I'm here and I am looking for Mai which means she’s here too.


"Mai..." a young man's voice came from the hallway leading to the music room, a voice of someone who's nervous.


Nobody replied so I wasn't really sure if she's there, talking to him.


"I...." hesitating, he said, and before he can continue his sentence, I tried to peek.


There I saw two figures, Mai and a man, around 2 inches taller than Mai, holding a folded paper, not crumpled. His head's down, unable to look at her, and slight red color which is too visible on his pale face.


He gave the paper to Mai, making my heart ache, the feeling of someone gripping it.


Mai read the contents of the paper and was about to talk when something inside me wanted to shout, and there, I was standing from where the sun's red-orange rays made me visible.


Mai, lips parted, held a gasp.


"Oh... I'm sorry to intrude, I thought..." I said but can't get a hold of any phrase and feeling a little regret of saying anything.


She ignored my excuse and looked back at him.


"We can talk about this later," Mai said and the guy, who's just about to confess to her, turned and walked passed me.


Mai too, now completely ignoring my presence, went to the direction of our room.


I rushed to her minutes passed after that scene, which is too shocking for me and while I was running, I realized something, something that makes her incomplete like something's missing.


She didn't run, just walk and that made me feel relieved, relieved that she isn't angry about anything to me.


I stopped after reaching our room’s door, trying to get some air into my lungs. Our classroom's door is slightly open and through the tiny space, I can see Mai who’s fixing her things, and holding the envelope, the envelope that might contain the love letter. Something inside me triggers me to snatch it from her hands but I can't move.


She stopped, staring into space and then she sat. And I know that it's my chance to promise something, promise that I'll never talk about anything happened to anyone...


I took a step forward, one step at a time. Then when I reached her, I placed my hand on her shoulders. Then she suddenly moved like a wind in its fastest speed. She stood, still on her back, and got a tight grip on the hand on her shoulder and quickly pulled me, sending me into the air and dropping me hard on the floor in front of her.


She placed one hand on , about to say sorry... That's when I realized what's missing, it's her eyeglasses. Without those, she looked more like innocent than actually weird, looked prettier than nerd and more of delinquent than studious. So this is what she looks like back when she's a war freak. Her eyes looked bigger and her lips are a little bit glossy.


"Sorry," and her way of talking gave shivers on my spine.


Glossy, looks like she really made it glossy for that guy…


"No... I mean, I should be the one since I walked silently - which I'm not supposed to do," I said and felt a snap of pain in my back while trying to stand.


"So what are you doing here? Isn't it prohibited?" she asked me like she's not prohibited to do so.


"What are you doing here, is supposed to be my question... And who's that guy?" I asked, and realized that she isn't wearing our school uniform, instead, a pair of white converse shoes, a black shorts which is too short that it's about to show off some parts of her that's too private, a white shirt printed SHOOT ME AND YOU'RE DEAD and a colorless pendant on her necklace.


She noticed that I'm looking at her head to foot and shot me a look of trying to hide her own self from me.


"Ah… 'bout this?" she asked.


'UHUH," I said while nodding.


"Nothing," she said.


"Nothing? So something's wrong," I said, shooting her a look like I was expecting a better answer.


"Nothing... Not something you need to know --" she said and broke off when the colorless pendant blinked a red light.


"Step back," she said and turned to look at one of the doors, specifically the back door.


I followed her gaze... and the door cracked open. Something outlined at the door, in human shape except for its fingers where replaced by long sharp claws. I was about to scream when the figure advanced towards us. Something in me saying that I must protect Mai and another's opposing the idea telling me that I can't do anything. But before I can take an action, Mai held me in my arms and we jump into the windows, hopefully it was opened but I guess if it isn't, Mai would still do whatever happens.

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