The One and Only Love ~ One Shot

Love Love Love

This love. Is one in a million.

Its the love people always dream about, the love in every fairytale. The one every hopeless romantic wishes for.

Zitao was one of these people. He was always there for anyone that needed him, always so caring even when the people around him werent always the nicest. 

Though he was like this, he had a lot of problems himself. Stuff that he didnt like to share with others because he was afraid of being judged.

Sure he seemed completely normal on the outside, but he didnt want to tell anyone that he was gay. He wouldnt be excepted by his friends, much less his own family or community.

Thats when he found someone that he could depend on and trust. His name was Oh Sehun. 


Sehun laid in the dark room, wide awake, thinking about how these next few days were going to go. They actually had a small break for themselves. It was rare to have a break but when they had one, it was like a gift from God. 

Then he heard a loud thud coming from the room next to him, it caused him to jolt up. He continued to listen, until he heard the doorknob rattle and the door slowly opening.

A soft voice called into Sehun, "Sehunnie-ah?" Sehun could tell that it was Zitao and that he was shaken up.

"Ne, hyung.. come here.." Sehun knew very well that Zitao had been having frequent nightmares.

So every night for the past 2 weeks, this process would happen. It consisted of a thud from Zitao rolling off the bed, and the soft voice that made him shiver when he was calling out his name. Then Zitao would come and lay with him in his bed.

He knew that it might be weird for the others at how close they were but he could careless what they would say. He just wanted to make sure that Zitao was feeling better, and that he rested. If anything, it helped him too. Having someone right beside him helped him sleep throughout the night so much better. Maybe he just didnt like being alone? Or maybe he just liked the fact that Zitao was this close? But either way, it made the sleep come so much quicker.

He listened to Zitao stumble towards the bed, and flop right beside him. 

"You okay?" Sehun petted the others hair slowly, trying to calm him down.

It must've been worse tonight because Zitao was crying, and he was obviously shaken up a bit more than usual. 

"I-I... no... I'll be okay now that I'm here with you." Zitao curled up into Sehun's chest, breathing calmer already.

"Just breathe Tao-ah. I'll always be right here for you. I promise." Sehun held Zitao close, rubbing his back comfortingly. 

"Th-Than-" Zitao started but was interrupted by Sehun's finger against his lips.

"No Tao...dont thank me. Please dont." Sehun begged, and felt a small nod of agreeance from Zitao.

Sehun remembered hearing Zitao's slight snoring, showing that he was asleep before he allowed himself to close his eyes and fall asleep.

The next morning, Zitao wasnt in his arms, he was alone in his room. It made him slightly start to panick because normally at least Tao was in the room. That wasnt the case. So he hurriedly got dressed completely, and left his room. The only one he saw in the dorm was Jongin. It made him raise his eyebrow slowly as he tilted his head slightly.

"Kai hyung, where is everyone?" Sehun yawned softly, running a hand through his messy hair as he sat beside Jongin.

"They went out to go eat, but they said that they would bring us something back." Kai responded, slightly staring at the tv.

"Well.. Why did you stay hyung?" Sehun continued to stare at Kai, since he had a lot of questions for not only Jongin but other questions that Jongin probably couldnt answer for him. 

"Because, I didnt want to leave you here alone." Jongin seemed kind of uninterested at the moment but that was probably because he was woken up earlier than he was anticipating. So, he was grouchy.

"Ah... okay. Thanks." Sehun mumbled, not wanting to bother Jongin anymore than he already was.

So Sehun got up, kind of pacing back and forth in the bedroom.

Why did Tao leave? I thought he would've stayed...

He scratched at his head a bit before sitting down. Another yawn leaving his lips soon after he sat down.

Then a buzz came from his phone, it was Zitao.

I'm sorry I left you, you just looked so peaceful as you slept. I just didnt want to wake you up. I'll be back soon, and when I get back, we need to talk.

As he read the text, a small smile appeared on his lips.. but those last words we need to talk were bothering him. What did they need to talk about? 

It was about an hour after he got the text when the group got back from eating. It gave him time to shower and get ready, even if they might not be leaving the dorm today, he still didnt want to stink. 

Zitao approached him slowly, making sure that no one was really paying attention to them. When Zitao felt it was safe, he took Sehuns hand and lead them to the his room, shutting and locking the door.

"Whats.. going on Tao?" Sehun asked, nervously.

Sehun could tell he was nervous because his palms began to sweat, and he couldnt seem to sit still. Shifting his weight back and forth from leg to leg.

"Nothing, I just .. wanted to talk to you about.." Zitao was obviously getting nervous himself.

All Sehun could think about was how bad this conversation might be... why was he hesitating this much? 

"Us." Zitao finally took a big breath in and tried to calm down but he couldnt look up at Sehun.

"What about us?" Sehun asked another question that only Zitao could answer for him.

"I..." Zitao took another breath in and started, as he sat on the bed, patting the spot beside him. Signalling for Sehun to join him.

Sehun nervously moved towards the bed, sitting down.

"I know this is taking.. a huge risk by saying this but I.. really like you... scratch that... I love you.. and I just-" Zitao was babbling again and Sehun knew that the other would do this when he's nervous. 

Sehun kissed his lips to stop this terrible habit, but to show that the feeling Zitao had for him was more than mutual.

Zitao felt his cheeks burn a slight red as he pulled away from the others lips. 

"I...I... I didnt .." Zitao had no idea what to say.

"You're so cute when you babble." Sehun grinned when he saw the other obviously lost for words.

Sehun gently took Zitaos hand in his own, looking into his eyes.

"I love you too Huang Zitao, and nothing will ever change that. I will always care for you and care about you. You're my first, last and my forever." A small smile played at Sehuns lips before Zitao followed Sehun by smiling.

Sehun pulled Zitao into his arms slowly.

As Sehun did so, Zitao laid his head gently on the others chest, curling into him.

"I love you too Oh Sehun, I couldn't live without you." 

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Chapter 1: Aww, too cute! I love Taohun :D and this story was really sweet.
seventhsign #2
Chapter 1: asdfghjkl taohun why so cute? Finally they got together and they're more in love than ever XD
Chapter 1: Oh my god this was wonderful!!!!!! I was smiling throughout and the feeeeels this gave me was ugh... my heart is going to explode from the fluff :D love this author-nim!!!