The Third Task (2/2)

The Legend of the Sun and the Moon

Chanyeol had been afraid that after that night Baekhyun would avoid him but surprisingly instead the boy seemed to stick closer. Every night Baekhyun would join him in his room after the rest of the castle was asleep and ask him about his life, his family, his friends, training, even the tasks. And with the time they spent together, sitting together side by side in bed until late at night, he learned about him too.


As each day passed Chanyeol felt himself falling deeper; from the jewels in his hair to the sharp canine teeth that appeared when he smiled to the way his eyes slanted down at the corners. It was only when they had two days remaining until the third task that Chanyeol realized he had to do something.


He couldn’t lose Baekhyun.



Chanyeol couldn’t help but feel as if he was being followed.


It had been happening all day, for a few days actually. Years of training had honed the ability to sense if someone was following him and he could just feel the gaze on the back of his neck, but every time he turned around he could never find anything out of place. The continuous feeling of unease was setting him on edge.


“I’m going to return to my room,” Chanyeol said, stepping away from the group. The Solaris had just finished training and were heading to the dining hall. Kris frowned but Chanyeol interrupted the man before he could be chastised. “I’m not really hungry,” he offered halfheartedly. Kris’s brows furrowed even more but Jongdae cut in and quickly maneuvered the group away, sending Chanyeol a look which he silently thanked him for. Jongdae always seemed to understand him. He turned down a separate hallway towards the Solaris’s room but halfway down he rounded a corner and turned into a separate empty hallway.


He was still walking, gaze straight ahead, when he suddenly spun around. He grabbed onto his pursuers clothing before the man could escape and slammed him up against the wall.


Only once he had captured him did he realize it was Kai.


“Why the hell have you been following me,” he snapped after his initial surprise had worn off. He knew Baekhyun was friends with him, but he was the enemy and he shouldn’t have trusted him. Was he trying to kill him?


Kai’s eyes were wide, more of surprise in being caught than anything. Soon however his surprise was replaced by a frown. “Let go of me.”


“Are you trying to kill me?” Chanyeol snapped, shoving Kai harder against the wall. “If you are you’re going to have to try a lot harder.”


“Baekhyun asked me to follow you,” Kai spit out and in surprise Chanyeol loosened his grip. There was a pause in which the two observed each other before Chanyeol slowly released him, stepping away. Kai scowled at him as he fixed his shirt, rubbing his neck from the soreness of Chanyeol’s grip. “He said he was worried,” he grumbled, though he looked irritated by the request.


“I don’t need your protection,” Chanyeol said, crossing his arms indignantly. It did however please him that Baekhyun was worried at him.


“Clearly,” Kai said with a huff. “That’s what I said too. I mean, there has to be a reason why you’ve survived this long.”


There was an awkward pause as the two stared each other down before Kai let out a long suffering sigh. “Baekhyun’s going to die.”


Chanyeol stiffened. “What?”


“In the tasks,” Kai elaborated, leaning back against the wall. He was handsome and Chanyeol felt a rush of jealousy run through him. The boy closed his eyes and rubbed the heel of his hand against his eyes. “We both know it. Baekhyun could never defeat you.”


At that, Chanyeol went silent. He had been avoiding this conversation for a long time.


“But neither of us want that,” Kai ventured, opening his eyes and locking gazes with Chanyeol, “Right?” He raised an eyebrow when Chanyeol didn’t respond, though he didn’t have to because Kai could see it in his gaze. “Either he kills you or you kill him. Someone has to die… But not if I get him out.”


Chanyeol’s head shot up in confusion. Had he heard him right? “What? How?”


Kai shrugged, avoiding Chanyeol’s gaze of suspicion. “Why does it matter,” he snapped defensively. “I can get Baekhyun away from the tasks and away from the Lunar. He’ll survive and you two won’t have to fight. But you need to talk to him.”


“Me?” Chanyeol blanched. “Why?”


“Because I’ve tried! You need to convince him, he won’t listen to me!” Chanyeol didn’t seem completely convinced and Kai sighed, throwing his hands into the air. “Listen, if Baekhyun disappeared than the Solaris would win by default and we’ll move onto the next tasks in fifty years.”


“They’ll look for him.”


Kai’s gaze was dark. “They’ll never find him.”


“How do you even know this will work?” Chanyeol asked, frowning. It seemed farfetched, but if there was a possibility of keeping Baekhyun alive…


Kai looked sad. “You don’t have to trust me, but you do have to believe me when I say this is the only way Baekhyun’s going to get out of this alive.”


Chanyeol didn’t trust Kai, but he wasn’t doing this for him.


“Okay. I’ll do it. For Baekhyun.”


Kai’s face was determined. “For Baekhyun.”



That night Chanyeol waited for Baekhyun as always, lying back on his bed in the darkness as he waited for the small finger taps on his door at alerted him to the boy’s presence. They came only minutes later and Chanyeol opened the door, smiling as Baekhyun bounced in, his usual playful grin on his face. “How was your day?” Baekhyun asked as he sauntered up to Chanyeol’s bed and plopped onto the edge of it.


“Fine,” Chanyeol said with a slight shrug of his shoulders, coming to sit gingerly beside him.


Baekhyun frowned at his lack of response. “What’s the matter?” He asked, concerned.


Chanyeol leaned back in the bed, staring at the ceiling. “I talked to the Kai today.”


Baekhyun’s gaze furrowed deeper. “Why?”


“He said…” Chanyeol glanced at him, trying to gauge his reaction. “He said he could help you escape.”


When Baekhyun didn’t respond Chanyeol hurried to continue. “He didn’t tell me exactly how but he said he has a way for you to get away from the tasks. He says he can save your life and you won’t have to battle and you won’t have you die. You’ll be safe and far away from the reach of the Solaris and Lunar’s power. You can be free.”


He expected Baekhyun to be happy, even relieved, and though it may have hurt, Chanyeol was willing to endure the pain. But Baekhyun simply stared at the wall, face blank except for the slight strain in his fingers as his grips tightened on the bed sheets.


“I’m not leaving.”


Chanyeol frowned. He hadn’t been expecting that reaction. He knew Baekhyun never wanted to be in the tasks and this was his way out.


“Did Kai put you up to this?” Baekhyun asked, swinging around to him and frowning disapprovingly. “Listen, I may not agree with the tasks but I’m not a coward. I will not run away.”


“Baekhyun,” Chanyeol said calmly, trying to make him see reason. “You’re going to die.”


“Then I will die!” Baekhyun challenged.


“This is no time to be noble!”


“I’m not being noble!” The two glared at each other for a moment before Baekhyun’s gaze softened. “Listen, Chanyeol… Have you even considered what would happen if I disappeared? You may win by default, but the Lunar would never agree. A war would break out. I would be hunted down, no matter how far Kai took me away. I would be running for the rest of my life and that is not how I want to live.” Baekhyun leaned forward and laid a comforting hand on his knee. “Besides, where would I go? Everything I love his here.”


Chanyeol knew he wasn’t speaking about him but he couldn’t help the lump that formed in his throat. “But Baekhyun,” Chanyeol said desperately, leaning forward, trying to ignore the pounding of his heart at their close proximity. “You’d be alive.”


Baekhyun shook his head. “But I wouldn’t be happy. And that is not a life worth living.”


Chanyeol continued shaking his head. He didn’t want him to die. There had to be something he could do. He stood up and stepped forward, meaning to try to get the other to see reason, but Baekhyun interrupted him, holding up his hand. “I’m visiting my family tomorrow,” he said abruptly. Chanyeol opened his mouth to argue but Baekhyun shook his head, refusing to speak more about it. “Please, stop,” he whispered.


The pleading tone in his voice made Chanyeol’s heart wrench. “Would you like to come?” Baekhyun asked hesitantly a moment after, voice forcibly bright.


Chanyeol swallowed thickly, fists clenching at his sides. “Alright.” He finally whispered and Baekhyun smiled gently before slowly guiding him back to the bed and changing the subject to how his day had been. Chanyeol just listened and tried to grasp as much as much of him as he could because he knew their time was soon coming to an end.



The next morning Chanyeol woke early to go with Baekhyun. Telling Jongdae had been difficult, but after seeing Chanyeol’s deep circles and his exhausted blood shot eyes he had eventually agreed and allowed the visit. It would be their last day in the Lunar lands anyway, that night they would head back to the Solaris kingdom to prepare for the third task. Baekhyun was waiting outside for him in a carriage surrounded by Solaris guards, smiling brightly when he joined him, but as they slipped into the carriage he could see the strain in his eyes and all Chanyeol could do was slip his hand into Baekhyun’s as they traveled deeper into Lunar territory.


Seeing the Lunar territory for the first time was fascinating. It was more farm land than anything which Chanyeol guessed was because it was harder to grow crops. The headed away from the main cities and deeper into the outskirts of the land where roads turned to dirt paths and people became scare. Baekhyun barely looked at him, instead keeping his gaze on the rolling hills outside the window. Chanyeol let them ride in silence, alternating between watching the scenery and watching Baekhyun. Their connected hands made him feel a bit better.


After a while Baekhyun’s grip tightened suddenly and Chanyeol looked out the window. A small farm cottage had come into view, interrupting the sloping hills of farm land. The carriage pulled to a stop and the soldiers outside moved into formation around them. Beside him, Baekhyun seemed frozen on the spot, his gaze never faltering from the cottage. Chanyeol paused before leaning toward him, taking his other hand in his as well. “Don’t worry, I’m right here,” he whispered.


Baekhyun turned to him and blinked, as if finally seeing him. He belatedly squeezed Chanyeol’s hands before letting go, standing up and straightening his clothes. He had worn something a bit fancier, silk layers of dark purples and blues adorned with jewels at the hems. “Thanks,” he said, voice slightly hoarse before he opened the carriage door.


They walked up the small slightly worn path to the cottage. Chanyeol had requested the guards stay behind and reluctantly they had agreed. As they walked they passed two young teenagers, only a few years younger than Baekhyun, who had been working in the field and bowed deeply when they passed. Baekhyun bowed back just as respectfully. At the door Baekhyun held his hand up to knock but paused. When Chanyeol looked at him he realized his hand was shaking.


Chanyeol slowly placed a hand gently on Baekhyun’s shoulder and lowered his arm before he raised his own and knocked on the door.


There were a few moments before the door opened. It was a man, someone who was finally showing the strains of age. Wrinkles had begun to line his face and his hair was receding and turning gray, though it took nothing away from his severe eyes. There was a moment’s hesitation before he slipped his hat off, eyes locked on the boy beside him.


“Baekhyun,” he whispered, voice hoarse as if shocked. Chanyeol could only think that he’d thought he would never see his son again.


Baekhyun bowed low and Chanyeol followed. “Father.” His voice didn’t falter but Chanyeol knew his hands were still shaking.


Baekhyun’s father finally seemed to spot Chanyeol and Baekhyun quickly bowed again, introducing him. “This is Chanyeol, he’s a friend.”


The man raked his gaze down Chanyeol’s body. “A friend,” he repeated. Chanyeol could tell he didn’t quite know what to think, but he never questioned them and instead opened the door wider to let them through.


The cottage was small but surprisingly warm, completely different from the towering walls of the palaces. Chanyeol could smell a nice aroma of cooking and he couldn’t remember the last time had had a home cooked meal. “You should… Stay for dinner.” Baekhyun’s father scratched behind his ear and Chanyeol was surprised at how much he was fidgeting.


Baekhyun smiled softly before motioning toward one of the doors. “Is grandfather in?”


“Oh, yes,” the man said quickly, eyes darting to the room.


Baekhyun didn’t pause before stepping over to the door. He raised a hand to knock and after a moment there was a soft reply from inside. Baekhyun seemed to brace himself before he opened the door.


The man inside was very old. He was propped up in bed and his face was lined with age. However, when the door opened a spark formed in his eyes at the sight of his grandson. “Baekhyun,” the man breathed out, weakly lifting his hands.


“Grandfather,” Baekhyun whispered before launching himself across the room. He collapsed in the elderly man’s arms, pressing his face into the nape of the man’s clothes.


His grandfather placed shaking arms around him. “Baekhyun, my Baekhyun…” He whispered, closing his eyes as he began to rock the boy in his arms.


Chanyeol couldn’t even remember his grandparents but the sight made his heart ache. He felt like he was an intruder. He meant to step out of the room, maybe wait in the carriage, it had been a bad idea to come, when Baekhyun sat up abruptly. “Grandfather, this is Chanyeol,” he said, wiping at his eyes.


Though the man was older and weak, Chanyeol couldn’t help but feel his gaze was more intense than Baekhyun’s father’s. “Chanyeol,” the man repeated. His eyes seemed to grasp everything at once and Chanyeol knew, even though he had worn the simplest clothes he owned and tried to be inconspicuous, that the man knew who he was. “You’re taking care of my Baekhyun, right?”


Chanyeol bowed, surprised he hadn’t mentioned his identity. “Of course.”


Baekhyun laughed and leaned into his grandfather’s embrace. “More like I’ve been taking care of him,” he teased.


“Good.” The man continued to observe him but when Baekhyun began questioning about his health he turned his head away, letting the subject drop. “I’m fine,” the old man snapped, though his tone was anything but mean. Rather, he seemed amused. “I’m still breathing. I haven’t become a bag of bones yet.”


Chanyeol was content with just watching and listening to the two when the door opened. Baekhyun’s father stood in the door, looking as hesitant as he had before. “Dinner’s ready,” he grunted before walking away. Chanyeol assisted with helping Baekhyun’s grandfather into the main room and the four of them sat at the small table. There wasn’t much food to eat but Chanyeol could tell the food was made with care and he appreciated it.


“The foods delicious father,” Baekhyun said at one point with a smile. His father didn’t meet his eyes and grunted in response.


“It’s the best food I’ve had in a while,” Chanyeol cut in. The man looked up in surprise, staring at him for a few calculating seconds before turning back to his plate.


Suddenly the front door opened and a young man in his mid-twenties strode in with a bag over his shoulder. It didn’t take long for Chanyeol to see the resemblance. “Why is there a carriage outside…?” His voice drifted off as he took in the state of the kitchen. His eyes widened in shock when he saw Baekhyun.


Baekhyun hurried to his feet. “Baekbeom!”


Baekbeom dropped his bag in astonishment and took a step forward. “Baekhyun-” He paused however when his gaze landed on Chanyeol. Chanyeol froze and he could see the gears whirling in his mind as he connected his identity. “You’re… You’re the Solaris Competitor!”


Chanyeol flinched. Before he could say anything Baekbeom sprang forward, hand pulled back in an obvious attempt to punch Chanyeol, but before his fist could connect Baekhyun stepped in, grabbing his brother’s arm and yanking it down forcefully.


“What the hell are you doing?” Baekbeom snapped, surprise and betrayal glittering in his eyes as he yanked his hand out of Baekhyun’s grasp.




“Baekhyun, this is the Solaris Challenger! Your opponent! The enemy! Solaris scum right from the bottom.” When Baekhyun didn’t move he snapped, “He’s going to kill you!” When he garnered no response he turned to his father and grandfather. “He’s murdered countless others for his bloodthirsty kind and you’re sitting here feeding him?” He exploded. His father shifted uncomfortably while his grandfather stared impassively at him.


“Baekbeom, stop,” Baekhyun finally said, staring pleadingly at him. Baekbeom stared incredulously between them, mouth agape. “Please,” Baekhyun repeated, reaching for him.


Baekbeom just shook his head and yanked his arm painfully from Baekhyun’s grip. “If you want to get stabbed in the back than go ahead. I don’t want to watch.” He turned harshly and threw the door open, sprinting out. Baekhyun took a step after him before slowly dropping his hand.


All Chanyeol could do was stand frozen. He opened his mouth to apologize, say anything, but nothing came out. Finally Baekhyun slowly turned around to face his family, gaze conflicted. “I should leave.”


Chanyeol opened his mouth to argue that he should leave instead, after all everything his brother had said was true, but Baekhyun had already moved forward to hug his grandfather. His father had left the room.


“Stay healthy,” Baekhyun whispered, bowing low. He glanced to where his father had disappeared before he quietly left the house.


Chanyeol hurriedly made to follow, bowing stiffly to the old man. But before he had stepped through the door he heard his name being called. He spun around and Baekhyun’s grandfather fixed him with his intense gaze, locking him in place. “Take care of my grandson.”


Chanyeol slowly nodded before turning and hurrying after Baekhyun.


The guards looked stunned at their abrupt exit and quickly hurried to open the carriage door for Baekhyun who walked swiftly towards them. He clambered in and Chanyeol quickly followed. “Baekhyun, I’m so sorry,” he said immediately after they were seated.


“It’s not your fault,” Baekhyun cut in, looking tired and haggard.


“Yes it is, I shouldn’t have come-”


“I asked you, so stop.”


The words died on his tongue. Chanyeol felt horrible. He knew he should have never come, he had ruined the last possible chance for Baekhyun to be with his family. And everything Baekbeom had said was true, Chanyeol was the enemy. He was supposed to kill Baekhyun.


Suddenly a soft hand touched the back of his. Chanyeol looked up, meeting Baekhyun’s gentle gaze. The boy’s smile was small. He slowly laced their fingers together before turning his gaze to the window to watch the Lunar land pass by. Chanyeol traced Baekhyun with his eyes, from the stars in his hair to the slant of his eyes to his small button nose to the curve of his jaw all the way to his long beautiful fingers interlaced with his.


Chanyeol selfishly couldn’t let go.



When they arrived back at the Solaris palace instead of letting go Baekhyun surprisingly tugged him gently from his seat and led him out of the carriage. The guards seemed to have gotten used to Baekhyun’s strange antics, and Chanyeol was sure he looked miserable, so they didn’t say anything. The path to Chanyeol’s room was empty and Baekhyun didn’t pause until they were inside with the doors firmly locked behind them.


“Sit,” Baekhyun said, guiding him to the edge of the bed. Chanyeol felt a wave of claustrophobia hit him, it was going to be the last night Chanyeol ever spent with him.


“I’m sorry,” Baekhyun said once he settled in a chair opposite of him.


Chanyeol’s head snapped up so fast he almost strained his neck. Baekhyun stared at him with such a sincere, sad look in his eyes that Chanyeol felt a sharp pain pierce his heart. “No Baekhyun,” he insisted, quickly grabbing Baekhyun’s hands. “It’s not your fault. You don’t have to be sorry.”


Baekhyun shook his head like Chanyeol didn’t understand. “I am. I know how much you’re blaming yourself right now, but you have to realize that I chose this. This is the path I’m going to take.”


 Chanyeol stood up, hauling a surprised Baekhyun up with him. He seemed so light and fragile in his hands, but Chanyeol knew he was one of the strongest people he knew. “This doesn’t have to be your final choice,” he insisted. “Kai will help. We can help you escape, maybe into the southern lands. We can even get your family! You won’t have to fight, you’ll live in peace and you can live with your grandfather…” But Baekhyun just stared at him with such pity that Chanyeol wanted to cry. “I’ll protect you,” he promised desperately.


“Oh Chanyeol,” Baekhyun whispered, reaching up to cup Chanyeol’s face in his hands. “Don’t betray your people. I’m not worth it.”


Baekhyun’s words left a bitter taste in Chanyeol’s mouth. “Yes you are!” He exploded, grabbing Baekhyun’s shoulders, his knuckles white as he resisted shaking the boy. “Don’t you ever say that! You are worth everything; the moon, the sun, the stars. Please Baekhyun, let me do this. Let me save you.”


Baekhyun smiled but it felt like a goodbye. “You can’t save me.”


Everything felt wrong. Baekhyun was giving up his life for people who never cared about him and it just wasn’t fair. He made one last frantic attempt. Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun’s hand and the boy let out a yelp as it was dragged to a spot over his chest. “Take it.”


“What?” Baekhyun’s eyes were wide. He tried to disentangle himself but Chanyeol held on tight, his other hand trying to pull Baekhyun closer.


“My heart,” Chanyeol pleaded, close to his hysterics. Everything was wrong. He felt his legs collapse under him and Baekhyun hurried grabbed him, barely managing to catch them before they fell to the ground. Ignoring the pain in his knees Chanyeol used the momentum to pull Baekhyun’s hand closer to his chest, ripping the fabric open to expose his bare skin right where his heart laid. “Take it. Kill me.”


Understanding dawned in Baekhyun’s eyes. He went very quiet. “I can’t do that Chanyeol,” he finally whispered.


“Why?” A cold laugh escaped his mouth but the hollowness in his tone made him feel even worse. “What’s so different from now than tomorrow?”


“There is none.” Baekhyun averted his gaze. A single sliver of light escaped from the covered windows and it shined directly down the middle of them, almost like a curse from the sky itself. “I won’t be able to tomorrow either.”


Chanyeol let out a strangled noise. He could feel his whole world collapsing before his eyes. The small world he had trapped himself in all these years was crumbling down. In a last desperate attempt he grabbed Baekhyun by the back of his neck and kissed him.


Baekhyun kissed him back feverishly. They moved with a frantic grace, a rhythm that Chanyeol knew he could never share with anyone else. Chanyeol had a tight hold on Baekhyun’s shoulders but Baekhyun was grabbing at him like the world depended on it.


After a moment Chanyeol felt something wet drop onto his hands and he realized Baekhyun was crying. With his heart beating erratically in his chest he leaned backwards and kissed Baekhyun quickly on the nose before separating, resting his forehead against his as they both gasped for air.


Chanyeol gently lifted a finger to Baekhyun’s eyes and wiped the tears that were b over. He had never seen Baekhyun cry and it hurt his heart right down to his core. “Don’t cry, my light,” he whispered.


Baekhyun let out a choked laugh and raised a hand to wipe the tears that Chanyeol hadn’t realized he had. “We should’ve done that sooner,” he said jokingly, pulling a small smile from Chanyeol.


“This doesn’t have to be the end,” he insisted, but he knew the look in his eyes and knew there was nothing he could do to change Baekhyun’s mind.


“Choosing to participate as in the tasks was my choice. To become a challenger, to give up my family, to fight to the death.” Baekhyun gently touched the side of Chanyeol’s face when he flinched but his touch only turned the pain into a dull ache. “And if given the chance to choose again I wouldn’t change my decision. Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me.”


Chanyeol took Baekhyun’s hand and gently brought it to his mouth, laying a chaste kiss on his palm. “Which is why I want to protect you.”


Baekhyun smiled. “I wish to protect you. No one will be sacrificing themselves this year. My family will be well taken cared for, and you will be out of harm’s way.”


“You’re sacrificing yourself,” Chanyeol insisted.


“I’d rather it be me than someone else.”


“You’re just as important as anyone else!” Chanyeol pleaded. He wished Baekhyun could see how important he was.


But Baekhyun just smiled sadly at him. After a moment he took Chanyeol’s hand in both of his. “However, I do urge you… Please be careful in the next tasks.” His gaze was pained and Chanyeol knew the words he were speaking shouldn’t be said at all.


Chanyeol couldn’t help the hurt that flashed in his eyes. “Why are you worrying about me?” He snapped. “You’re the one sacrificing yourself.”


Rather than get angry the boy hooked his hand behind Chanyeol’s head and pulled him to his chest, wrapping his arms comfortingly around him, gently rocking them back and forth to calm his breathing. Chanyeol could only respond by tightly grabbing him back.


“You don’t have to do this,” Chanyeol whispered, his voice slightly muffled. His eyes were closed but he could hear Baekhyun’s heart beating soft in his chest.


“I can be stolen or given away and you will live,

Yet you cannot live without me.”


It was the riddle from the second tasks, the one Chanyeol hadn’t known the answer to. “Do you know why you couldn’t answer the riddle Chanyeol?” Baekhyun asked, raising his hand to gently his hair.


Chanyeol shook his head. “No,” he said quietly. He glanced up at the soft panes of Baekhyun’s face which were strained with pity. “Why?”


“Because you’ve never given your heart away,” Baekhyun whispered, leaning down and running a hand along the side of Chanyeol’s face, gently moving the wisps of wild red hair away from his face. “To survive these tasks you’ve locked your heart in a prison and you’ve kept your emotions hidden. You never let anyone get close to your, or enjoy these long years you’ve been given. You’ve never loved, my dear child of the sun. Make a promise to me. After I’m gone, open your heart.”


Chanyeol found himself shaking his head. He could never have anyone other than Baekhyun.


“You’ve kept it locked up for so long Chanyeol, isn’t it tiring?”


But his words were useless. Baekhyun could see it in his eyes; Chanyeol would never be able to love again. Baekhyun leaned forward and laid a chaste kiss on Chanyeol’s lips, this one slower and less desperate. It seemed to warm him from the inside out and Chanyeol knew a life without Baekhyun wasn’t worth living.


“I love you,” Chanyeol whispered after they had parted. The words had slipped out of his mouth but he didn’t regret them, they felt right.


Baekhyun’s smile was blinding. “I love you too.”


That night, the two spent their last night together embraced under the covers, the sound of each other’s hearts beating comfortingly in their ears. “I’ll protect you,” Chanyeol whispered, staring at the soft panes of Baekhyun’s face as he slept beside him. When his breathing had slowed into a steady rhythm and Chanyeol was sure the boy was in a deep slumber, Chanyeol carefully disentangled himself from their embrace and disappeared to find Kai.



From the shadows Kai gave him a subtle nod. Chanyeol responded back before focusing his attention back on the center of the stadium, heart pumping wildly in his chest. They would have one chance. Kai was ready. He had been rather annoyed to be woken up at the dead of night when Chanyeol had gone to find him, but he had agreed in the end. Kai would help them escape. They would run away. Chanyeol knew Baekhyun would be furious at him, but he had decided. They would be together. They would be on the run for the rest of their lives, but he’d do anything for an eternity with Baekhyun.


The doors at the opposite end of the arena opened and sunlight streamed down on Baekhyun as he entered. It felt like a mirror image of the first task, except this time Chanyeol’s heart leapt when he saw the boy and his intentions weren’t quite the same. He was dressed surprisingly extravagant in the finest silks of white, blue and purple. The jewels in his hair shined brighter than ever, reflecting off the beautifully colored jewels embedded in his long flowing robes. Chanyeol couldn’t help but appreciate how beautiful he was. He had been mistaken before. Baekhyun wasn’t a star. He was the moon, so beautiful he put the stars to shame.


Chanyeol took his cue and stepped across the stadium, walking up the podium to come stand beside Baekhyun on the sun shape carved into the ground, expression incredibly blank. His robes were heavy, numerous layers of red and orange that seemed to move with the light and come alive. Fire.


The moon and the sun. The day and night their people were determined never to see.


“Welcome all to the third task!” The announcer’s voice bellowed out and the crowd went wild. Years of suppressed contempt surged inside Chanyeol at the sight of so many people thirsty for blood. He could not believe he had fought for these people for so many years. “This is the final task. The third task is a competition between their abilities. The two challengers will compete to see which of them are superior, the Solaris or the Lunar, and to find out who is worthy of ruling the skies.


“There are no rules. The tasks end only when there is one challenger left standing. A battle to the death.”


Suddenly the sky darkened. The crowd began stirring, surprised at the sudden shadows coming across the sky. When they glanced up they expected to see clouds but a dark shadow loomed over them, completely blank except for the fading sun. Chanyeol looked up and he could see Kai staring in shock. The crowd was getting wild, no one had seen this much darkness in thousands of years.


“What you see here… Is night.”


Chanyeol turned to Baekhyun, stunned. The boy was glowing slightly, a warm glow around his body. At his words small specks of light began forming in the sky, stars that formed constellations that reflected off Baekhyun’s eyes. The stadium had gone quiet and his voice resonated as if he was the only one there.


“The world was once like this. Split between equal hours of sunlight and darkness, creating a balance that nothing else could match. During this time, both the Solaris and the Lunar flourished. There was an abundance of crops, enough land, no wars. The people lived peacefully and we were known as the greatest beings ever to have walked the earth. But that was long ago. Because of our greed we have kept ourselves from becoming the great races we once could have been. Our enemies are ourselves.


“But this darkness you see here…” Suddenly the night sky disappeared and the harsh sun’s rays shone back onto the earth. The crowd cringed in tandem at the sudden onset of light and Chanyeol blinked away dark spots. “Is just an illusion. Our races are dying. The Lunar are starving and without the Lunar the Solaris will soon follow. Nothing grows as well as it once did, our people are not as strong. The world needs balance but without it we will meet our end.”


Baekhyun lifted his hand and a small moon appeared in front of him. Darkness of night spread around it, stars blinking into existence as he held a small part of the sky in his palm. “But it doesn’t have to be an illusion. Night can become real once again, but only if the two races work together. We must give up our greed and desire to own the skies and share in the beauty that is the world to make it a better place. We’re stronger together. Day and night.” In his palm the image began to shift, almost turning, until a sun began peeking out of the corner, cushioned in blue sky. Baekhyun’s gaze dropped onto Chanyeol’s. “The Sun and the Moon.”


The stadium was still, as if Baekhyun’s words as reduced them to silence. But Baekhyun continued to stare at Chanyeol like it was only the two of them, gaze focused as if he was trying to commit their last moments to memory. Chanyeol stiffened.


“I hope one day the moon will rise again. Too bad I will not live long enough to witness it.”


Chanyeol was sprinting before the words had escaped his mouth. Baekhyun’s legs folded under him and he collapsed. Chanyeol slid the rest of the way, barely managing to catch him before his head hit the ground. His face was cold and clammy, beads of sweat trailing down his face. His eyes were glassy, gaze faraway. Chanyeol couldn’t believe how he had kept standing for so long.


“Medic! I need a medic!” Chanyeol yelled, gently lowering Baekhyun to ground as the boy grasps weakly at his clothes.


Baekhyun’s gaze focuses slowly on Chanyeol’s face and a smile spreads across his features. “Don’t bother, it’s too late,” he tries to tell him.


Chanyeol shook his head frantically. “Don’t speak, you’re wasting your energy.”


A medic came upon the scene, a young boy with dark brown hair and frightfully wide eyes. He was dressed in Solaris clothing but Chanyeol thought he had seen him before down in the practice rooms. He placed his hands on Baekhyun’s chest, his palms glowing green as he ran them gently down his sides. Baekhyun let him, his breath coming out slower and shallower by the second. The boy’s eyes narrowed for a moment before he looked up. Chanyeol could see the pity in his eyes as he shook his head sadly. “I’m sorry, there’s nothing I can do. The poison has already spread too far.”


Chanyeol let out a howl of pain. He could feel tears pricking his eyes. This couldn’t be happening. They were supposed to spend eternity together, he was supposed to keep Baekhyun safe. But he had failed. “Baekhyun, don’t do this to me. Please,” he whispered, grabbing Baekhyun’s fingers like a life line. Baekhyun squeezed his hand but his grip was terrifyingly weak.


“My only regret was not kissing you sooner,” Baekhyun said with a final grin.


Before his eyes Baekhyun’s life was slipping through his fingers. “No, Baekhyun no!” Chanyeol cried but his hand slipped from his and hit the ground with a note of finality that had Chanyeol eliciting a heart wrenching cry that shook his soul.


“Challenger, you need to let him go, he’s gone-” The medic tried to remove him but Chanyeol let out a dangerous yell and fire exploded around him. His eyes glowed red and his hair shined like molten fire, the flames crashed around him in the shape of a phoenix and the pure heat sent the boy stumbling back. The crowd gasped for he burned like the sun itself.


But then all of a sudden the flames extinguished like a match, snuffing out of existence. The light disappeared, dimming until all that was left as a young boy drained and heart broken. He was the most powerful person that walked the earth and yet there was nothing he could have done to save the one he loved.


Chanyeol slowly dropped to his knees, reaching forward to tenderly caress the side of Baekhyun’s face. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered. He half expected the boy to open his eyes and smile one of his dazzling smiles at him, but he didn’t move. Baekhyun was gone.


Chanyeol didn’t intend to live without him.


Inhaling slowly, Chanyeol closed his eyes and carefully brought one hand in front of him. He had been practicing this technique for years, hoping one day to perfect it. It would out his entire essence from his body, the flames that kept him alive, and finally let him succumb to death. It was forbidden, the cowardly way out to escape the tasks, but Chanyeol had known it was his only choice. He had never had a purpose to take his own life before, but now he knew what he had to do. He was going to save the one person who deserved life more than anything even though it would end with his own demise.


He brought his hand to his chest, fingers splayed right above his heart, before slowly extending his hand away from his body. The pain was unbearable. He let out a choked cry as a bright red fire was pulled from his body, attached to his hand like it wouldn’t be able to last very long without him. He took a moment, closing his eyes in pain as he gasped for air. When he opened them his previous dark red eyes had turned completely black.


“I promised I would protect you,” Chanyeol said. He leaned forward before pressing his flame tipped fingers to Baekhyun’s chest. The flames seemed to absorb into his body, his back arching off the ground as the last of the fire disappeared inside of him. His back hit the ground and Chanyeol slowly removed his hand, the fire following his fingers which had now turned a pale blue. He stood shakily to his feet, barely able to stand without support, and stared up at the sky which shined mercilessly down upon them.


“Goodbye Baekhyun,” Chanyeol whispered before gently tossing the flames cupped in his hands into the air. As it drifted upwards the bright sky seemed to fade, a blanket of darkness descending upon them.


“I love you.”


Chanyeol collapsed with declarations of love dying on his lips. With his last sacrifice the world plunged into darkness. The last thing he saw was the moon shining down upon them.



The Solaris challenger’s sacrifice marked the beginning of night.


But unknowingly he had also brought the world back into balance. The Solaris and Lunar were shocked when twelve hours later the sun began to rise again. Chanyeol died as the moon rose and Baekhyun was reborn. Everyday their cycle repeated, the two separated only by seconds.


However the gods must have felt pity on them, for they granted one night a year in which the sun and the moon shared the same sky; an eclipse, a chance for them to be together.


The land returned to peace and the Solaris and the Lunar flourished once more. The walls that had been keeping them apart were torn down and their differences abridged. After hundreds of years the distance between the two races finally disappeared until they became one, thus creating human kind as we now know it.


“Chanyeol and Baekhyun watch over us now, as they will for the rest of eternity.


“The Solaris and the Lunar challengers.


“The sun and the moon.”


Kyungsoo brought his gaze back to the room, blinking his wide eyes. He had been so wrapped in the story he had almost forgotten where he was. He always had a habit of getting lost in the past, in the memories of his old life. He shook his head, trying to get his bearings and jumped when he found two boys staring right at him.


Tao and Sehun were gaping at him with equally dumbfounded expressions on their faces, completely entranced so much that they hadn’t even dared interrupt Kyungsoo’s story. He wanted to laugh at their faces, so much for a bedtime story.


“You mean they DIED?” All of a sudden Sehun screamed, shocking Kyungsoo so much he jumped and nearly upturned the bedside lamp.


“Well, I mean, they both lived. Kind of. I mean, they’re born again every day so they’re not technically dead,” Kyungsoo stuttered, taken aback.


Tao suddenly burst into tears and Kyungsoo jumped to his feet, hands waving wildly. “But they’re separated forever!” Tao howled. Before Kyungsoo could do anything Sehun had leapt across the beds, gathering Tao in his arms and glaring accusingly at Kyungsoo like the whole thing had been his fault.


Which it definitely wasn’t. Kyungsoo hadn’t had much authority back then. Though if he had, sometimes he wondered if he would’ve done anything.


“They can still see each other during the eclipse...” Kyungsoo said lamely but Tao only let out another wail.


There was suddenly a crash from the living room and Kyungsoo jumped to his feet, thankful for a way out. “Ah, I think that was… The cat.”


As Kyungsoo raced from the bedroom he heard Tao mutter through his sniffles, “We have a cat?”


He skidded to a stop outside the kitchen, alarm turning into amusement when he found the intruder hastily trying to put a vase back together. There were wisps of what looked like smoke coming off him and if it had been anyone else Kyungsoo would’ve been worried they were on fire.


He was still surprised though to see Jongin because he hadn’t been expecting him. “Now the kids think I have a cat,” Kyungsoo said with a wiry grin, crossing his arms over his chest.


Jongin turned towards him with a guilty smile. “Well, Tao has always wanted one.”


Kyungsoo laughed and stepped forward, handing the boy a broom before taking the fallen flowers and putting them in a new vase. He waved his hands over a few that were dying and their colors immediately brighten. He liked his powers; being close with nature allowed him strength but also healing properties which he had been interested in all those years ago. Though of course they were nothing compared to flaming phoenixes and disappearing in smoke.


“Sorry,” Jongin said, obediently cleaning up the rest of the mess and popping into the kitchen to throw away the remains when he was done. He finally turned awkwardly to Kyungsoo, reaching up to scratch the back of his neck. “I just… Have you seen Baekhyun?”


“Baekhyun?” Kyungsoo looked at him in surprise before his brows furrowed. “It was your job last night to keep an eye on him.”


“Yeah, yeah, I know, but then he kind of disappeared…”


“You lost Baekhyun?” Kyungsoo exclaimed. “Last night of all nights? You know what Chanyeol wanted.”


“I know! I was an accident, he just vanished! You know he’s good at that.”


“Jongin, you can’t be serious right now-”


“You two bicker like a married couple.”


Both Kyungsoo and Jongin jumped at the new voice and spun around in surprise. A boy sat at the kitchen table dressed in plain white robes and sandals, the dim kitchen light bouncing off jewels in his hair. He looked haggard but he managed a smile at them. “Hello Kyungsoo.”


“Baekhyun!” Jongin exclaimed. He disappeared in a flash of smoke only to reappear beside the boy. “Where did you go last night?” He asked, frowning down at him and crossing his hands over his chest like he was his parent and Baekhyun was his rebellious son.


“I stayed with Chanyeol,” Baekhyun responded calmly. He pat Jongin consolingly on the arm but the boy just looked more annoyed.


“Baekhyun,” Kyungsoo scolded.


But Baekhyun just waved the both of them away. “I got enough nagging from Chanyeol yesterday, I don’t need it from you two love birds,” he said with more amusement than annoyance.


Kyungsoo could feel his face heating up. He and Jongin weren’t in a romantic relationship, but after years of being by each other sides, the two had grown extremely close. Baekhyun and Chanyeol always liked to tease them and Kyungsoo wished for the day he would stop blushing at their comments. “You know Chanyeol doesn’t want you there when-”


“When he dies?”


The kitchen went silent. Kyungsoo was always amazed by how blunt Baekhyun could be.


Jongin looked incredibly uncomfortable, or frustrated, but they were interrupted when there was suddenly another high pitched wail from the other room. It seemed Tao was still not over the ending of their story. Kyungsoo glanced over worriedly but Jongin waved him away, already sweeping toward the room. After a few moments the crying had stopped to be replaced by exciting screams of, “Uncle Jongin!”


“He’s really good with the kids, isn’t he,” Baekhyun said with a sly grin in his directly.


Kyungsoo ignored him. “He always does well with the kids,” he said simply. He pulled up a chair at the table, sitting beside Baekhyun who was resting his head in his arms, rubbing at his eyes tiredly.


“So you finally decided to tell them about me, huh,” Baekhyun questioned. Kyungsoo nodded in response and he the boy grinned playfully. “It sounded very romantic.”


“It was,” Kyungsoo insisted and Baekhyun smiled genuinely at him. After a moment Kyungsoo gently prodded him. “How is he?”


Baekhyun’s face fell ever so slightly and Kyungsoo could see how exhausted he was. “Chanyeol says hi,” Baekhyun finally offered. “He says he’ll visit soon.”


After Baekhyun rubbed his eyes for the nth time Kyungsoo leaned forward and rested his hand on his arm. “Are you alright?” He asked sincerely.


Baekhyun smiled and took Kyungsoo’s hand, giving it a gentle squeeze before dropping it. “I’m fine,” he assured. Kyungsoo still looked concerned. “It’s just I haven’t stayed with Chanyeol in a while. He was pretty angry.” He chuckled and Kyungsoo spared a smile, he could imagine. “It never gets easier, but it was something I had to do. He always tries to protect people and put them first, but he needs to learn that I’m here for him. Forever.”


Because of Chanyeol’s sacrifice, every night when the sun goes down Chanyeol dies and Baekhyun is born again. It’s a painful process for both of them, Kyungsoo can attest to having witnessed the unpleasant experience. On the night of the eclipse the two can coexist on the same skies and see each other for one night, but he knows they usually part early so Baekhyun doesn’t have to experience Chanyeol’s death. The two consider their meeting a gift but sometimes Kyungsoo can’t help feeling that it’s more of a curse.


“We’re here for you too,” Kyungsoo said quietly.


Baekhyun smiled at him and the two drifted into a comfortable silence.


“I can feel your curiosity Kyungsoo, just ask me.” Kyungsoo laughed, Baekhyun always seemed to know what people were thinking. He took a slow breath before beginning, “How do you do it?” He finally asked. He could never understand it. It was hard enough to watch people die around him as he continued living but to have a loved one die over and over again… He wasn’t sure he was strong enough for it.


Baekhyun’s smile saddened. “It’s hard,” he admitted. “I’ve been around for many years. I’ve watched the world changed, I’ve changed the world, and I’ve always wondered… What if it had been different?” He smiled and shook his head, staring down at his clasped hands. “But right now I’m alive and I have Chanyeol. It’s not easy, and the pain never really goes away, but I’m happy.” Then he chuckled and grabbed Kyungsoo’s shoulder. “And I have you,” he added jokingly. “And Jongin.”


When Chanyeol and Baekhyun had died the immortal power that had been granted to them through the tasks had fallen onto the next challengers. Kyungsoo for the Solaris and Jongin for the Lunar. Thus the two stayed as protectors of the earth and watched over remaining Solaris and Lunar descendants that needed homes. Kyungsoo was just glad he wasn’t alone.


“I’m lucky for everything I have,” Baekhyun said, grasping Kyungsoo’s hand, “and I have to thank you for a lot of that as well.”


Kyungsoo smiled but he couldn’t help but think he should be thanking Baekhyun for everything he had ever done and taught him instead.


There was a ruckus from the hallway. “The kids are hungry!” Jongin bellowed and Kyungsoo rolled his eyes, knowing bedtime never existed when uncle Jongin was around.


“Who’s that?”


Kyungsoo and Baekhyun both turned toward the door. The three came out, Tao sitting proudly on Jongin’s shoulders with Sehun wrapped around his neck.  Jongin glanced up, “What’d you say?”


“Him, who is he?” Tao repeated, one hand clutching onto Jongin’s hair and the other pointing straight at Baekhyun.


Baekhyun stared at the three of them for a moment before slowly turning around. Then he spun back around, a look of astonishment on his face. “You can see me?” He asked.


“Of course we can see you,” Sehun said with a frown.


Kyungsoo audibly gasped and Jongin nearly dropped Sehun. Kyungsoo opened his mouth to explain; some descendants of the old races were able to see Baekhyun and Chanyeol, but he was so flabbergasted that both of them had this rare trait he couldn’t find words. Luckily Baekhyun stepped in and came to stand in front of them, a gentle smile on his face. The two watched him carefully, both looking equally confused.


“My name’s Baekhyun,” he said, happiness etched into every feature. Kyungsoo could understand, it had been a long time since someone had been able to see him. “It’s nice to meet you Sehun, and you as well Tao.”


Sehun frowned while Tao hesitantly lifted a hand and waved.


“Okay, I think it’s time for bed,” Kyungsoo finally said, ushering the three back to the bedroom. Jongin still seemed in shock.


They could hear Sehun scowl from the hallway. “How does he know our names?”


“Did he say his name was Baekhyun? From the story?”


Kyungsoo and Baekhyun exchanged glances before the two chuckled in amazement.


“That was… Unexpected,” Kyungsoo said, still astonished.


Baekhyun turned toward him with the brightest smile Kyungsoo had ever seen. “Chanyeol will be so excited to meet them.”




(A/N: Woww, and it's over!!

I have been working on this fic for a LONG time, at least a year. It took me awhile to write but I'm honestly really proud of this fic, it's like my baby. <3 I just wanted to thank all of you guys for reading! I love to hear your comments, and if you liked the story, please upvote! ^^ Also, I'm hoping to do a few spin-offs in this universe, so if you're interested, subscribe and you'll be notified when I post anything new!

Here's links to two edits that I made about this fic, [x] and [x], and here's my tumblr if you're interested. Anymore edits I make will be posted there!


My twitter @seeyousoonhoon 

If you guys have any questions, or something doesn't make sense, please feel free to ask. Sometimes when I write I forget to explain things >w<

Anyway, now that that's done... Tissues anyone? :)

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usereri #1
Chapter 4: Woah this story is so beautiful. Changed my view of sun and moon though and gave a new light and I'm sure I will feel pain and happiness when looking at it afterwards...... So beautiful and painful...
Thank you for writing the most beautiful fantasy story and it's true the sun and the moon will be together forever.
Lae_kshme #2
Chapter 4: Woah! I have no words.....all I can say is that the next time I see the sun or the moon this is the story that's gonna come in my mind...

PS an epilogue would be great....
Suicide101 #3
Chapter 4: Give us an epilogue plsssd
mo_sina #4
Chapter 4: Wow.....i gotta no words to express the beauty of this story❤
ParkDobiEXO12 #5
i remember this is one of the most beautiful fantasy I've ever read.. ♡♡
This story deserves more subs and upvotes tbh. The writing is amazing and the ending... the amazing ending made me cry :((
yiseulbi #8
Chapter 4: THIS IS IT!! THIS IS THE STORY. omg its so well written and i love it a lot. This story deserves a lot more upvotes because this is so beautiful. Its 12 in the morning and im crying but its worth it. I love every bits and pieces of this. Will surely add this story to one of my favourites:)
Chapter 4: This made me cry too much!!
mayajay #10
Chapter 4: 'I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid for l have loved you
A thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more...' I cried and cried again
It's so so beautiful Y_Y your writing is so poetic and so wonderful and the story is really amazing.
I feel all the words I want to say are really nothing compared to the dazzling story that you have written. I love it so much. I hope you write many many more.