
I'm Here (For You)

I’m Here

Jongdae was wondering why Zitao didn’t come back to the dorm when their managers did. It was late too…Jongdae was worried. While he was just about to go to bed, Zitao was definitely more important in this situation. What if he gets lost because of the dark? Just because the practice studio is only two buildings away from the dorm, it doesn’t mean Zitao can’t get scared and go the other way without realizing it.

Jongdae got off his bed and silently sneaked out of the room he shared with Joonmyeon and Sehun, not wanting to wake the two, who had already fallen asleep a while ago. He looked around to see if anyone else was awake or in the living room, then slipped on some shoes and a random jacket (that evidently was too big for him, but he was in a hurry so he didn’t care) and made his way out of the dorm as quickly and quietly as possibly.

He looked through the practice rooms quickly, just in case Zitao hadn’t left yet. So far, there was no one. Then Jongdae heard a quiet sobbing coming from one of the rooms. Was that Zitao? If it was Zitao, he had a pretty good idea as to why he was crying.

Jongdae ran toward the sound and looked inside the room it was coming from. Sure enough, Zitao was on the floor, sobbing into his hands. Jongdae took the initiative to open the door and slowly walk up to Zitao’s crumpled figure.

“Zitao-ah?” Jongdae called softly.

Zitao looked up slightly, wiping his eyes uselessly, since the tears just kept flowing. “D-did…did the others send you?”

Jongdae shook his head. “No. I came on my own accordance.” He knelt next to Zitao. “Still can’t get over Yifan-hyung leaving?”

Zitao sniffed and covered his face. “I—I just can’t believe he’s—he’s leaving. And right before the…the concert, too. It seems too…planned. B-but it’s not…”

Jongdae placed his hand on the small of Zitao’s back and moved it in a circular motion in attempt to calm the younger down. “I don’t know why, but…I feel like this won’t be the end of Kris. He’ll be back.”

Zitao looked at Jongdae. “Y-you really think so?”

“It’s definitely possible.” Jongdae responded. “He loves and cares about all of us. He wouldn’t just leave us at the peak of our career so far, right?”

Zitao nodded slowly. “I-I guess…”

“And regardless of if Yifan-hyung comes back or not…” Jongdae stopped rubbing Zitao’s back and looked at him. “I’m still here for you.”

Zitao blinked. He smiled ever so slightly and hugged Jongdae. “Thank you, Jongdae-ge…”

Jongdae hugged back without hesitation. “Anything for you, Taozi.”

Zitao pulled away and let Jongdae wipe his eyes for him. The younger looked at Jongdae and said, “Wait. Why did you come to get me anyways, if the others didn’t tell you?”

“Oh…uh…” Jongdae looked away. “I—I wanted to see what was taking you so long…”

“You were worried?” Zitao tilted his head.

“Well…I mean…n-no, not really…but uh…” Jongdae bit his lip. “…Yeah…I was worried.”

Zitao smiled and kissed Jongdae’s cheek. “Thank you…for being worried.”

Jongdae blushed. “Uh…no problem.” He paused momentarily to in what just happened. “So…why don’t we go back to the dorms then? Before anyone else gets worried.”

“Okay…” Zitao mumbled. He got up and offered his hand down to Jongdae.

Jongdae smiled and took Zitao’s hand. When Jongdae was on his feet, Zitao hugged him again. “Seriously, thanks, gege. You really know how to cheer a person up.”

Jongdae smiled to himself. “That’s what I’m here for.”

Zitao pulled away. “And for me.”

“Ah?” Jongdae looked at Zitao in confusion.

“You’re here for me.” Zitao repeated with a smile. Then he threw his arm around Jongdae and led him out of the practice studio.

Word Count: 644

A/N: It's been like foreverr since I posted something on here. Sorry ;; I have tons of things. I'm just too lazy to post them. 

I hope you enjoyed this cheesy, pointless drabble thing. I'll post something better later (when I actually get on the computer its on).

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Chapter 1: That was really cute
Chapter 1: That was cute