

“Well, that’s it,” Baekhyun declares as he barges into the dorm room. Jongdae snaps up from the pool of drool forming over his physics notes as Baekhyun slams his fist onto the desk. “I talked to Jung and he says no way. We’re still having the test on Wednesday.”

“But we have the concert on Tuesday,” Jongdae whines, his voice cracking from his nap. “We can’t just not study.”

Baekhyun shrugs. “I know. I told him that. He says it’s our responsibility. We’re growing up. All that crap. I can’t help it. Sorry, guys. I did my best.” He pats Chanyeol on the head as he walks towards his side of the room.

“,” Chanyeol says distractedly. He looks back at his netbook screen and starts clicking away again. Jongdae nods back off on his physics notes.

“What are you even doing?” Baekhyun asks as he jumps onto his bed and begins to peel off his socks.

“Tumblr,” Chanyeol says while clicking and typing. “It’s a thing.”

Baekhyun jumps up from the bed to lean over and look at the screen. “What is this?”

He squints. “Is that… Park Bom?”

Chanyeol blushes and tries to cover the screen. To no avail, of course. Baekhyun snatches his netbook and runs off to his bed. He jumps onto the bed and scrolls through the page. He snorts.

“Chanyeol,” he wheezes. “You have a fanblog of 2NE1?”

Chanyeol jumps up in embarrassment. “Hey!”

There’s really no necessary explanation, though. It’s too true. Chanyeol sits back down, at a loss of words. “I mean—“

Baekhyun isn’t listening, though; he’s scrolling through the pages and looking at Chanyeol’s little hyperactive tags and his little anon messages in his inbox.

“Hey, you’re pretty famous, huh?” Baekhyun says after a while. “4,043 followers?”

Chanyeol walks over to snatch the netbook away. “Yeah,” he says, his confidence restored a little. “I have a few.”

He hops back into his much-too-small desk to squeeze his knees under the table and continue queuing in anticipation for his finals. “I need to make an edit for CL’s birthday,” he murmurs to himself. “It needs to be better than the other one—“

Baekhyun rolls his eyes. “Jongdae,” he says, turning to the half-awake junior plowing desperately through scratches of physics notes. “Jongdae, wake up.”

Jongdae’s head snaps up again, looking blankly at nowhere in particular before nodding back off. Surprisingly, his arm is still autonomously scribbling and highlighting random blocks of text.


This time he wakes up, his head violently hitting against the back of his chair. “Ow,” he says slowly. “What?”

“Jongdae, you need to study,” Baekhyun says. “Or just sleep. You can’t really do both at the same time. Just sleep on the bed, okay?” He slaps Jongdae on the back. “I got you, bud. Just sleep.”

Still half-awake, Jongdae nods, slithers over to his bed, and sinks into the mattress, snoring within a matter of seconds.

“God, that kid,” Baekhyun says as he looks over pitifully at the snoring figure. “He’s probably still dreaming of physics equations.”

Chanyeol shrugs. He’s still clicking.

Baekhyun hops over, dragging a chair to sit next to him. “So. Whatcha doing? Still 2NE1?”

“Shut up,” Chanyeol says as he updates his twitter: “ugh. park bom can u not be so cute”

Baekhyun snorts. “U? U? Can u use better grammar? You go to a selective all-boys high school. Please live up to the expectations or Touma will die of stress.”

Chanyeol ignores his comments as he smiles smugly at the two people who have favorited his tweet within a minute.

“Dude, you have a thousand followers on twitter?” Baekhyun leans in close to the screen to discern the digits. “A thousand?”

Chanyeol shrugs. His chest inflates a little, though. “Yeah, I guess.”

“Dude, that’s amazing. How do you get so many followers for spazzing over pictures of four twenty something year olds?”

Chanyeol looks up indignantly. “Excuse me—“

“Oh, sorry, did I hurt your little fan-heart?” He says sarcastically. “Fine. But still, I don’t really get the point of tumblr—“

Chanyeol shrugs. He looks a little embarrassed. “Neither do I, to be honest, sometimes. But there’s a lot of nice people on tumblr,” he says as he clicks on the little mail icon to scroll through his messages. “Oh, they want another selca,” he says to himself.

Baekhyun laughs. “A selca? Why? You get famous along with 2ne1? Why do they want to know who you are?”

“Because,” Chanyeol says matter-of-factly, “I run this blog. I’m a senpai.”

Baekhyun snorts (again). “Senpai?” he’s practically spitting from the incredulous sarcasm. “Senpai?” He throws his head back to laugh. “You’re such a dweeb.”

But he leans in closer to look at his messages anyways.

“You…” he squints. “You have some devoted followers, man.”

Chanyeol shrugs again. “I think I’m going to take the selca now, so if you don’t mind—“

Baekhyun glances at Chanyeol for a second. “If I take a selca with you, would I become famous too?” he says carefully.

It’s Chanyeol’s turn to laugh. “Who’s the dweeb? Fine.”

“Well,” Baekhyun says defensively. “Well…”

Chanyeol opens up his webcam program to take a picture from his netbook. Baekhyun leans in, his head dangerously close to Chanyeol’s face. Chanyeol feels some sort of tension between the proximity of their faces for a split second, but he ignores it.

“Cheese,” he says. The little animation flashes a 3, 2, 1, and then blinks white as it snaps a picture of the two juniors.

There’s a slight delay before the computer finally shows the camera screen again.

“Let me see,” Baekhyun says. “I can’t let my picture out to four thousand something people looking like more of a dweeb than I already am.”

Chanyeol clicks on the gallery icon to open up the most recent photo. It looks decent.

“Looks okay,” Chanyeol says.

Baekhyun doesn’t say anything, so Chanyeol saves it and uploads it.

“Here you go, anon,” he types. “I hope you don’t cry from my awkwardness.”

“Hey,” Baekhyun says. “Are you going to comment on me?”

Chanyeol rolls his eyes. “And that’s my roommate, Baekhyun. He’s a dweeb,” he types.


“Fine.” He erases the last sentence. “Now… the read more mark…” he murmurs to himself.

Baekhyun looks incredulously at Chanyeol. “Dude, if you concentrate this much when you study for tests, I swear you could be the valedictorian—“

“Shut up,” Chanyeol says. He’s tagging the post now. “#selca #sorry anon #pls don’t click #haha studying for finals ._.”

Baekhyun coughs. “Studying for finals, eh?”

“Going to,” Chanyeol says. He clicks the “Post” button. He starts scrolling through his dashboard.

“This is so boring,” Baekhyun says. “You should promote my youtube channel on there.”

“Shut up,” Chanyeol replies.


Chanyeol is finishing a gif of CL’s cameo on a Korean TV show when Baekhyun opens up his camera and fastens it onto the little tripod he bought last month. He corrects the angle before hopping to the other side. Jongdae is at the lab finishing up his research project.

“Hey guys!” He flashes a smile at the camera. “It’s been a while—I’ve been so caught up with school lately. But guess what—I found another coin! I have six quarters now—this one’s from New Jersey—isn’t that awesome?”

Chanyeol snorts to himself as he scrolls through his activity page after uploading the gif. His selca post has been his “top post” for the past week and a half, climbing up to a hundred notes. A selca post!

He clicks on the permalink to the post to see that people have replied, as well: “aweEEE my fave tumblr bud is so cuTE! And who is that handsome kid there ouo”

“chanYEOL YOOO ur so cute ;-; can I be u pls”

“who is that???”

“omg Chanyeol are all of your friends gorgeous?”

“yo who is this Baekhyun I need this man”

“more selcas! More Baekhyun!”

“you’re too cute Chanyeol”

He shrugs. So it’s because of Baekhyun. He glances at Baekhyun, who is showing off his coin collection to the utterly disinterested Nikon camera and his double-digit followers. That dweeb.

He does have a cuteness to him, though, Chanyeol guesses. Sort of. Definitely good looking.

He suddenly snaps out of his thoughts and shakes his head. What is he thinking? No. He’s just being objective.


Baekhyun’s done with his video. He hops back to his seat next to Chanyeol to observe his tumblr duties. “You know,” Baekhyun says. “It’s amusing watching you do this.” Baekhyun props his elbows onto the desk to place his chin on his hands and look directly at Chanyeol’s face. It’s probably just a joke, but Chanyeol feels his face getting a little hot.

“Stop looking at me like that,” Chanyeol looks up from the screen. “It’s so awkward.”

“What?” Baekhyun teases, looking more intently at Chanyeol. “Got a problem?”

Chanyeol punches Baekhyun in the arm as a joke. Maybe in desperation. It doesn’t matter. Baekhyun leans back again to look at Chanyeol’s activity page.

“Yo isn’t that that selca post from like last week?” Baekhyun points to the “top post” box under the little line graph of note counts. “How is it still a top post? Am I becoming famous along with you?”

Chanyeol laughs. He wasn’t going to tell Baekhyun if he hadn’t noticed. “I think it’s because of you,” Chanyeol says.

“No way,” he says. “Me? Why?”

Chanyeol clicks on the post to scroll down to the notes. “Look at this,” he says, pointing at the replies commenting on Baekhyun and his supposed “gorgeousness.”

“I’m… gorgeous?” Baekhyun says slowly.

It’s a strange term to the two of them; they’ve been attending an all-boys high school for three years. The most they hear as a compliment for looks is “looking sharp today”. Never “gorgeous.”

“Supposedly,” Chanyeol says, feeling a little bitter inside because the moment Baekhyun makes a visit on his blog, his selca post spikes up in notes. He’s even gained a few followers for it. But it’s nothing big. He’s always thought Baekhyun was more good looking than he was—

Chanyeol starts reading through the comments aloud. “CLlover101 says she needs you. 2ne1fan21 asks if you’re my brother, heh. twentytwo21 wants to know if all of my friends are gorgeous like you, and doomdaracutie asks—oh” his voice suddenly tapers off into some sort of whimper.

“What?” Baekhyun asks, feeling significantly more confident with the compliments. He leans over to search for “doomdaracutie” and pauses for a second to read the comment. He leans back. He doesn’t say much. “Oh,” he says awkwardly.

The comment asks if they’re boyfriends and that she ships them.

Chanyeol’s face is red now. He’s not sure why, but it’s red anyways. Baekhyun falls silent and suddenly decides it’s time for him to start editing his video. The two of them don’t really talk much again until they’re forced to walk together to the cafeteria for dinner.

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