t w o

one step forward; two steps back.


Baekhyun's Home.
May 2014. 

"You know, that doesn't mean anything," Chanyeol said, "Sure, it seems like you may be cursed or whatever, but you don't really believe in those supersititions. I don't think you should stop having a social life just because of those incidents." Baekhyun just chuckled. 

"That's what she said, too," Baekhyun said. 

"Who?" Chanyeol asked. 

"Sarang," He said, looking at a picture. 

"You mean, love?" Chanyeol said, a little confused. 

"No," Baekhyun replied, "Well, she was my love, but her name was Sarang. She was the first person to ever get me to open up after all those years of hiding, trying to protect people from my harm." 


Hankuk High School
December 2011. 

Oh , Baekhyun thought, Late again. Oh well, the teachers are probably scared of me anyways. Rumors had followed Baekhyun everywhere. Ever since he made that promise to himself to never become close to anyone, he had stuck to it, hard. It was a rough fourteen years, but the pain of losing his friends and family was enough to train himself. People had the hardest time figuring it out. He talked to people when necessary, but only when really necessary. He never smiled. That was too close of a relationship in Baekhyun's opinion. The most emotion you could get out of him was a polite "Good Morning." Never acquainting himself with anyone, most people just assumed he was a loner and most people left him alone. He was almost invisible to them, and he liked it that way.

As Baekhyun continued to walk up the stairs, he suddenly heard a yelp from above. Everything happened too quick for Baekhyun to comprehend. All he could see was a girl who tripped and was falling, right to where he was standing. Without thinking, he opened his arms wide open to catch her. Although she landed safely in his arms, the momentum was too strong for withstand, knocking them down onto the ground. 

"Ow," Baekhyun groaned as he hit his head on the floor. It didn't hurt that much, but it was sure to leave a bump. He then noticed the girl laying on top of him. At that moment, the girl looked up at him, shocked at what just happened. She scrambled to her feet. 

"Oh my god," She said. She looked around, taking in her surroundings as the papers she had been holding had all flown in different directions as she had tripped. 

"Oh my god," She said again as she frantically tried to salvage all of the papers she could find. Baekhyun looked at her and chuckled in his mind. He started to pick up the papers with her. She noticed what he was doing and smiled. 

"Hi, I'm so sorry. I should've said thank you and sorry to you first," She said, obviously in a hurry, "So, thank you and sorry." She took the papers that Baekhyun had collected, "Thank you for these too!" She continued to pick up the papers. Since they were everywhere, it seemed like she was bouncing around the place, on top of the stairs, next to the stairs, on the bottom of the stairs. All this movement was making Baekhyun dizzy. When she finally seemed to gather all her papers together, she looked at Baekhyun again. 

"Byun Baekhyun?" She asked, finally getting a good look at him. Baekhyun furrowed his eyebrows. How does this girl know me? No one should know me. No one can know me. 

"You went to Pearl Kindergarten, right?" She asked. Baekhyun paled, but barely managed to nod. 

"I was Jaehee's best friend and neighbor at that time," She said, giving a melachonic smile, "But I moved before I could attend kindergarten with her, she told me a lot about you. I have to admit I was jealous because apparently you guys had a little kindergarten romance in the beginning of school?"

"It was nothing. We were friends," Baekhyun coldly stated. However, on the inside he was freaking out, of course, yes, he was sure Jaehee had a crush on him and he had a crush on her, but the memories of her sadly passing away and people indirectly pointing fingers at him still freaks him out to this day. 

"Funny, I went to her funeral at a young age and many people were saying you were the cause," She said. Baekhyun was surprised at how confidently she could say that to him. Did she not realize the traumatizing effect it had on him? Everytime he was reminded of the dreaded curse he had?

"I didn't believe them," She said, "It made me so mad that they could pin the blame on an innocent child. It was wrong of those people. So, I went home, looked at the yearbook and saw your picture. I promised that I would tell you if I ever got the chance. Who knew I would get it?" She chuckled slightly, "I didn't even know you went to this high school."

Yes, and I'm sorry it couldn't stay that way, Baekhyun thought. It was not that he didn't like her. He could just tell that she was the social type and he obviously was not in the mood or rather, was never in the mood to make acquaintences. 

"I'm sorry. I'm a chatterbox. My name's Sarang. Han Sarang," She said, smiling and looking at her watch. Realizing she was almost fifteen minutes late to class, she started to freak out, "Anyways, thanks for saving my life, Baekhyun! I'll see you around?" She yelled as she took off. Baekhyun stood there stunned.

Saved her life? Baekhyun thought. The idea was so absurd to him as all he ever did was kill. He shook his head, Better steer clear of that girl. She already knew too much about his backstory and did not want to hurt her. She doesn't deserve it, no one does. 

- - - -

But, Baekhyun's plan did not work out very well. 

He was sitting to the Economics lecture by his teacher when all of a sudden, she burst into the classroom. 

She looked around the classroom and looked at Baekhyun. He flinched a little at their eye contact. She giggled and looked at Professor Oh, who was staring at her in confusion along with the rest of the glass. 

"Sorry Professor Oh," Sarang apologized, "I'm just here to grab a friend out of class, with the principal's permission of course." 

"Of course, Ms. Han, and that friend is?" Professor Oh asked. Baekhyun silently prayed in his head. Sarang smiled and pointed at him. 

"Byun Baekhyun," She said. People immediately started to murmur around them. They rarely noticed the quiet boy who never talked and/or assoicated with any of them. Baekhyun sat frozen in his seat. 

"Well, Mr. Byun?" Professor Oh asked. Baekhyun reluctantly got out of his seat and followed Sarang out the door. 

"What do you think you're doing?" He hissed the moment they got out of the classroom.

"I wanted to thank you, and what better way then leaving school early and hanging out with me? What do you want to do? Watch a movie? Go eat?" She laughed and walked towards the school exit. Baekhyun stopped in his tracks. 

"What?" He exclaimed, "Sarang, we can't do this. Especially not after you lied about getting the prinicpal's permission. I'm going back." As he turned around to return to class, Sarang grabbed his arm. Baekhyun immediately pulled away from her grasp. 

"But, I didn't lie," She muttered, "Man, you really haven't been updated, huh?"

"What do you mean?" Baekhyun asked. 

"I'm the principal's daughter," She said. Baekhyun gaped at her in shock. 

"What, how, wait, what," Baekhyun was barely able to mutter a sentence. 

"Yeah, that's why people don't fancy hanging out with me," She pouted, "I'm sure you at least know how strict da- I mean Principal Han is." Baekhyun nodded. Although he isolated himself from people, he still knew how Principal Han was notorious for his cruelty and coldheartedness towards the students. 

"Well, I see, but you can't hang out with me either," Baekhyun said, desparate to get away from Sarang as soon as possible, "Thanks for letting me out early, but I don't think we should take this any further. Bye." He said coldly and turned around to go home, ignoring Sarang's protests. He truly did feel bad, but it was inevitable what her fate would be if she associated with him any more than she already was. It needed to stop. It's for your own good, Sarang. Once he got home, he went straight to bed, tired out by Sarang. Little did he know what would happen the next day.


Baekhyun's Home
December 2011. 

"Coming!" Baekhyun said to the knocking on his door. After that long sleep, Baekhyun felt refreshed that morning. That is, until he saw who the guest was. 

"Sarang?" He gaped at his guest. She nodded at him and welcomed herself into his home. 

"Wow, this is quite a place you got here," She said, looking around. 

"Sarang, what, how, where, what," Once again, Sarang was leaving him speechless. 

"Oh please, when your father is the principal, it's not hard to get into the student's records," She nonchalantly said. Baekhyun just gaped at her as she took a seat on his couch. 

"Sarang, you can't be here," He said, sighing in frusturation, "Hanging out with me will lead to no good."

"That's why I'm here," She said, "I don't understand! Most guys fawn over me even though they know I'm the principal's daughter. They don't want me as a friend, just a trophy, which I wasn't interested in being, but still, they mostly have some interest in me. But you, you just shut me out so cold, and not at all affected. I didn't understand."

"Call me immune," He said montonely. 

"But still, there's just something about you. It intrigues me. It makes me curious. Now, the question of the day, Baekhyun, what is it?" She asked. Baekhyun shook his head. 

"You need to leave, Sarang," Baekhyun said. 

"And ding dong daeng, there we go," She said, "It's your way that you push people away. It's become so natural to you. Why? Why do you do it?" Baekhyun started to cringe at the memories. He wanted them to go away so bad. But they also served a purpose, it helped him keep true to his promise. His promise to never let anyone in again, into his life that is. 

"I just don't need friends, okay?" He said, quickly making up an excuse, "I see no need for them." Not true at all, but Sarang was too close to knowing too much. 

"Everyone needs friends, Baekhyun," Sarang said sadly, "Especially us two, that's why I'm so fervent in getting to know more about you."

"You don't want to know," Baekhyun said, trying to drag Sarang off the couch, but with Sarang's stubborn personality, she wasn't budging. 

"No, I need to know, I have a sense of responsibility, I-" Sarang was saying before Baekhyun finally lost his temper. He grabbed her by the wrist and started dragging her to the front door.

"Sarang, I kill everyone I let in. Be it a car accident, a disease, another accident, a sudden out of nowhere, it always happens, there's no escaping it. My parents, my aunt, the two orphans I stayed with for only a month before my curse got to them as well, Jaehee. It was all because of me. I killed all of those people, Sarang. Those people I loved, those people I cared for, the people who cared for me. I'm cursed, I never believe in superstitions, but mine is true. There's no other explanation. Coincidences don't happen like that. They all died at such an early age and the guilt eats me away every day. So, I reufse to let that happen to anyone else, ever. And you, you are in such a dangerous zone right now. Listening to all of this puts you in such a dangerous zone, so that is why you need to leave," Baekhyun said, pushing her outside of his home. It was harsh, but it had to be done. Just as he was about to go back inside, he could hear her whisper through the door. 

"I know you've been through a lot, Baekhyun," She said, "But you can't avoid people for the rest of your life. What's the point in living then. You need to keep meeting people and get over this fear you have. Your parents, your aunt, and friends wouldn't want to see you like this in heaven. You need to open up and I can help with that. I know we just met, but I still feel so connected to you and I really do want to help you. We could start by being friends. But I understand if you don't want it, I'll count to three, then I'll leave you alone, Baekhyun." Baekhyun sighed in relief. At least, she was going to leave. It was better. 

"One" Sarang is too good of a person. 

"Two" Everyone is too good of a person

"Three" to have to fall victim to my curse. Sarang still waited a few seconds, hoping he would come out. Realizing it was futile, she started to leave, but turned around one last time. 

"For all it's worth," She whispered, "You saved my life. And how does a man who is cursed to kill save a life?" With that, Baekhyun could hear her footsteps walk away. 

And before he could stop himself, Baekhyun ran after her. 

- - - -

It took a good five minutes of springting to catch up to her as Baekhyun started running a while after she left. He finally caught her walking up a small hill. 

"Sarang," He called out, gasping for air. Sarang turned around in shock, stunned to see him, but then broke out in a smile. 

"Baekhyun," She said, walking towards him, "What..?" She looked confused and Baekhyun realized he was equally as confused as her. He doesn't even know why he chased after her. He just knew it felt right. 

"Maybe, we could be friends," He said hesitantly. She smiled. 

"Friends?" She asked in confirmation. Baekhyun then immediately regretted what he said. 

"NO," He said, all of a sudden. He felt like he was going crazy. "Oh god, I'm sorry Sarang, I just. Argh!" He screamed into the sky. Why must I be cursed? Why? 

Sarang just shook her head at him in slight amusement. 

"Baekhyun, you're not cursed," She said, "I will prove it to you, alright? With our friendship, I will prove that you are not cursed, once and for all, and then you will be free to hang out and actually have a life without fear. Okay?" Baekhyun contemplated for a while, but Sarang won out in the end. 

"Okay," He said, finally smiling, "Thank you, friend." Sarang chuckled. 

"No problem, friend." She smiled back.

a/n ; 

aGH. HOW WAS IT OMG WAS IT TERRIBLE IM CRYING. it worked out so well in my head : ( u gh but anyways yea p this is baek x sarang's first meeting woAH : O how do you guys like it? is it utter ? i feel like utter after writing it lmao. is it too short for you guys? i want to make it longer, but i already have a scene per ch. and i wouldn't want to add too much or too little. u feels ; ) i feel like i made sarang too straightforward, but thats her personality so whatever lmao. tELL ME WHAT YOU GUYS THINK IN THE COMMENT SECTIONS BELOW. I APPRECIATE ALL COMMENTS ESP. ONES THAT KIND OF PREDICT & ANALYZE ; ) KAMSA < 3

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Chapter 3: ohohoho this is really great. I'm really curious about what will happen next.
iceknight15 #2
Chapter 3: Hwhwhww.. The next chapter should come soon.. I'm curious, author-nim~ ><
anyways, your plot is really interesting so far and
even though there's more dialogue than descriptive
writing, i like it because i'm more of a dialogue
person myself. omg hopefully chanyeol doesn't die.
asdfghjkl can he like help baekhyun get over this
guilt and prevent him from committing suicide otl
Chapter 2: aaaaww' sweet chapter. HOHOHO!!!

Did she die too? :(

I hope not. but it seems like it. huhuhu.
iceknight15 #5
Chapter 2: Good starter, author-nim!~ ^^ I'll wait for Ur updates. Hope it'll come soon.. Fighting!~ (ง '̀ ⌣ '́)ง
Chapter 1: Wow.. Daebak! Can't wait for the next chapter. Poor Baek. BTW fighting author-nim!!! ^_^
Chapter 1: ohohohoho this is great!!

though the first chapter seemed shorter that what I have expected so now I ended up anticipating for more updates. kekeke.

hoho please update soon author -nim!!! ;)
it seem like a great story but right now i'm busy with my homework so after i read this chapter i will leave a comment to u okayy.. keep it up.. you're story line seem good =)