Chapter 22

Just Once More
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*Eliza's P.O.V*

I heard a vibration going off on my bed. Last I checked my bed doesn’t vibrate. I slowly moved myself up and searched for the vibration on my bed. I still had my eyes closed as I moved my hand around. The vibration stopped and I slowly opened my eyes. I blinked for a few times and shut my eyes. I laid down again but before I could relax I heard a knock on my door. I quickly sat up and opened my eyes. I felt my heart in a quick panic for the sudden knock. I took in a breath to relax. I got out of bed and went to the door. I looked through the peephole and saw Kris with his hands in his pockets. I smiled and opened the door.

“Well good morning to you too?” he said as he walked in.

I rubbed my temples and smiled. “You made me panic.”

“Sorry, you said to be here early.” He said still standing and I felt his arms around my waist. “Did you sleep late?”

I nodded my head and hugged him back. “I was packing a few important items for us.”

Kris chuckled and held me for a bit. I moved back and opened my eyes. “Let me get ready and we can go.”

Kris nodded his head and let me go. I walked passed him and went to the restroom. I splashed water on my face to wake up and patted myself dry. Before I locked the door, I saw Kris sitting on the sofa. I told him if he could look for my phone. He nodded his head and went to my room. I now remember the vibration was the alarm on my phone. I shut the door and locked it. I put my hair up in a mess bun and smiled at myself in my mirror.

I looked down at my swimsuit and took off my other clothes. After putting on my swimsuit I smiled at myself in the refection again. I wasn’t really fond of a one piece or a two piece. The swimsuit I had was a two piece but it covered my stomach. I put on my swim shorts on and tied them. I unlocked the door and before I opened it I put a tee over me. I opened the door and I saw Kris sitting on the bed.

“You’re wearing that?” he asked me.

I shook my head. “I have my swimsuit under me.”

“I can change their right?” he said handing me my phone.

I put it in my pocket and went to get the bags. “You can do that but it would be better if you were already changed.” I looked at him and he was in a deep thought with himself on what to do. “Your choice Kris.”

I walked out of the room and went into the living room. I placed one of the bags on the sofa and sat down. I was checking if I had everything packed. I heard the door open and close. I looked up and I smiled. ‘Child.’ I thought to myself. I got up and went to get the other bag. I heard the door open and close again. I saw Kris holding his trunks and without making eye contact. He went into the restroom and I heard the door lock.

I laughed at myself and shook my head. I checked the other bag on my bed and when I was done I got up and went to the living room. I made another trip to my room and put on my sandals. I heard the door unlock and I saw Kris come out. His trunks were just plain dark blue. ‘My second favorite color.’ I thought to myself. Kris came towards me and I could tell he was being bashful.

I smiled at wrapped my arms around his neck. “You’re such a dork you know that.”

Kris smiled and pulled me closer towards him. “Yeah yeah but only around you.”

“Not even!” I said inching closer to his face. “I bet you’re a dork around the members as well. Especially Tao.”

Kris chuckled and nodded his head. “Ok you caught me.”

I unwrapped myself from him and went to get the bag that was on the bed and walked out. Kris followed me and he grabbed the other bag that was on the sofa before I could. I got my keys and went outside the apartment. I told Kris to lock the door and he did. I went to my car and unlocked it.

“We are going in your car?” he asked me as I got in the driver’s side.

“Of course.” I said. “You don’t know your way to the beach.”

Kris made his way to his car to get a bag and come to mine. He got inside the passenger’s side and closed the door. “Well you can tell me where to go and I will drive.”

I nodded my head. “I know, but lately you have been driving me to school. I want to drive this time. Besides maybe I’ll let your drive back.”

I started the car and put on my seatbelt. I drove off and went to the highway. I had plugged in my ipod and handed it to Kris. He gave me a confused look but knew that he could pick a song and go through my ipod. I was enjoying the music was putting on but I noticed he wasn’t even picking a song. He just put it on shuffle.

“Did you find a playlist?” I asked not looking at him.

“Yeah the one that says ‘kpop’.” He said. “I assume you want to listen to kpop and just have it there.”

I shrugged my shoulders. “It doesn’t matter to me anyways.” I put my right hand on my lap and let my left hand hold the wheel. I don’t always like driving with both hands. It feels weird to me. I soon left Kris grab my free hand and hold it with his.

“Driving with one hand?” he said as I felt him looking at me.

“What’s wrong with that?” I asked looking at him for a minute and looking back at the road.

 “Nothing.” He said smiling. “Just be careful.”

I nodded my head and went back to focusing on the road. The drive to the beach wasn’t very long and it was mostly quiet expect the music playing. Every now and then I would sing a long and I would realize what I was doing. I didn’t really like others hearing me sing but I knew Kris enjoyed it. I felt him steal glances at me. He was still holding my free hand as I drove.

I would squeeze his hand a few times to make sure he was paying attention. I heard him chuckle and he squeeze back. I smiled and nodded my head to give him a sign to stop. The next song that came out was EXO-M’s “MAMA”. I was going to saw something but Kris raised the volume in the car. I guess he got a bit excited? I looked him for a moment and he was lip singing the parts. I shook my head and giggled.

I sang along as well but this time I actually sang out loud. I’m sure my words weren’t as right but I didn’t care. I sang as if he wasn’t in the car. When it came to Kris’s part of the song I stopped singing. I didn’t want to sing his part. I stayed quiet and just tried to listen to him sing out loud. I only kept hearing Kris sing from my ipod but then I heard Kris’s actual voice singing. I widen my eyes and I looked at him for a quick moment.

I couldn’t believe my ears. I was actually listening to Kris sing in my car. I bit my bottom lip to keep myself from screaming. ‘Uh-Oh’ I thought. ‘Crap my fan girl side wants to come out.’ I had to keep myself relaxed. The song had finally come to an end and Kris lowered the volume as the next song came out. I cleared my throat and put my hand back on the wheel.

“What’s wrong?” asked Kris.

 I shook my head. “Nothing, why?”

“Well, why did you let go of my hand?” he asked again.

I didn’t say anything. I looked at the road and I saw the sign that we were getting close to the beach. “Look we are almost there!”

I looked at Kris for a quick moment and he looked at the sign. “Cool, but you still didn’t answer my question.”

I took a turn and widen my eyes. “Oh. My. God.”

“Why do you-“

I knew why Kris stopped talking. He looked at the huge bridge that I totally forgot that we needed to cross in order to get to the beach. I gulped and quickly looked for Kris’s hand. I heard him chuckle and he interlocked our hands together.

“I’m guessing you forgot about this part?” he said looking at me and then back at the bridge.

I nodded my head and felt myself getting a small anxiety attack. I felt my heart pounding inside of my ribcage hard and rapidly. I gave Kris’s hand a squeeze and he just took my hand in the other hand as he used his no free hand to sooth me. He rubbed my back and leaned a bit towards me and kissed my cheek.

“Just relax ok?” he said

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Chapter 117: Yay!!
qinmad #2
Thank you! Even if I was the only one asking about it - to think that you really put my pleas into consideration is more than I wanted! I can finally go back to my old routine and by that I actually mean rereading the story as much as possible! <3

- one loving fan. :D xxxxx
cynthiatkd12 #3
Chapter 68: Mexican food is the best ^^ ( I love it<3)
735 streak #4
Chapter 117: At the moment, I have no questions.. and besides I can wait . :D
735 streak #5
Chapter 116: OMG! My feelings! I loved it sooooooooooooooooo much!
Chapter 116: Wahh, that was so good! :) All the feels, happy and sad :) I could definitely see you develop as a writer throughout the fic.
Wow :D
Great work!
Chapter 115: Yesss!! So happy :)
Chapter 117: Wow! Thats a lot to absorb. Hahaha. Have fun, chingu yahhh~
735 streak #9
Chapter 115: Cant wait for the next update. This was amazing! :D