


 "Come closer, I can't do it if you're standing so far away"


"But I'm scared. I don't think I'll be good at it"  



"Just close your eyes and trust me"




As I look out the bus window at the gloomy afternoon weather, a faint smile plays at the corner of my lips. I gaze over at my bestfriend Jackson, who is currently snoring on my shoulder and I kiss his hair fondly. This was that little boy who gave me my first kiss almost 8 years ago, we had practically grown up together and were extremely close from a very young age. My grandparents and I would spend every summer in Hong Kong with his family ever since I was about 4 years old. My grandfather and his father had met in the navy almost 20 years ago, and had been bestfriends ever since. The summer before we were sophmores in high school, Jackson's father revealed to us that he and Mrs.Wang had decided to move to America for Jackson's sophmore year, and that we would be attending the same school. That year we were with eachother 24/7, and even made sure to take every class together. Wherever one of us was, the other was sure to be there too. I smile thinking back on that year, it was so much fun having him with me all the time. There was never a dull moment around Jackson,and every day was a new adventure. 


Jackson moans in his sleep and I stiffle a giggle as I wonder what he could be dreaming about. It's almost our stop and I ponder for a second on  whether or not I should start waking him up, being such a heavy sleeper, it would always take Jackson awhile to actually get up. My thoughts are interrupted by Jackson's hair ticking the side of my face as he snuggles deeper into the crook of my neck. My heart flutters a bit at his warm  breath on my neck and I internally scold myself for feeling this way about my bestfriend. Ever since that kiss in 7th grade, my feelings for him had turned into something much stronger than friendship, Jackson was not only my bestfriend, but also my first love.


I sigh and rest my head on the window feeling very weighed down by my thoughts, the gloomy weather not helping my mood at all. "Are we almost there Amara?" Jackson's groggy voice pulls me out of my brooding. "Yes, just about five more minutes so you might as well start getting up." Jackson moans dissaprovingly and doesn't move. " Come on Jackson" I nudge him with my shoulder. "Ugh, fine fine I'm getting up." 


I watch as Jackson stretches quite dramatically and rubs his eyes. He combs his fingers through his hair and smiles at me cutely, I am internally screaming at this point but manage to keep my outer composure. "You done?" I ask him sarcastically, he makes a mocking face at me and ruffles my hair, knowing I hated when he did that. "Stop it Jackson! It took me so long to do my hair this morning." I pout, trying to comb my hair back down with my fingers.


Jackon laughs at me and pushes my hands out of the way as he replaces them with his own, smoothing down my hair softly.  I stare at him (probably stupidly) in silence and just revel in the feeling of  being in his presence again. Completely oblivious to my feelings towards him, Jackson would often unknowingly torture me with these randomn acts of skinship. A shiver runs down my spine as his fingers brush across my forehad in an attempt to smooth down my bangs. "There." Jackson pats the top of my head to indicate his completion. To  my relief, the bus comes to a stop and I look past Jackson and out the window to my apartment across the street. Still facing him I give him a small smile and gently pat his cheek "It's our stop Mandu." 



Hellooooo my lovelies, I am back from my slumber and will complete the next chapter soon! Sorry the first is so short but I assure you that the rest of the chapters will be longerrrrrr hehe I hope you all will enjoy and yeah!

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Chapter 1: I really liked this first chapter. Your writing is very good. I can't wait to read more!
OMG cannot wait for this story! Gotta love Got7 :))))