I'll Stay, I Promise


In a world where people live for their own sake, will someone stay by your side until the end? 

It was never my plan to involve myself with more trouble when I moved into the poor neighborhood. I was scarcely surviving. But he appeared in my life and I had a feeling he needed me; So there I was; living for the sake of someone I love. 


Why can't you understand that I'm only pushing you away because I love you!



I had the choice to leave you. But yet here I am. Why do you think that is? Because I chose to stay here with you.



We'll go through this no matter what. Together.



You are the craziest woman I've ever met. But that makes you more special to me.



I'm supposed to be working on my chaptered fic, but then the whole Kris thing blew up and it just happened that it's a taoris chapter. So now I'm stuck with it. 

I don't know why it's affecting me this much than it's supposed to. (Kris is not even my bias but here I am trying to be okay.) 

So rather than ranting about it(I have a lot to say), I focused all my emotions in this. I don't even know where this is going. I wanted to write it as a Kris fic but I can't because it hurts so I made it a Tao fic. It's supposed to be a one shot but it became way longer so I will divide it into parts. 

This is a YOU fic but in FIRST PERSON (your) point of view. I don't like leaving the name blank(like this: ____) but it fits for this fic. 

(Title Subject to Change) 

Word count: 20k 

Genre: angst, romance, drama

Characters: You Tao Side: exo members Chen, Chanyeol, Lay, mention of Suho and Sehun

Rated PG for mention of drugs, use of drugs, profanities, murder

I'm debating whether to rate it as M or not since it doesn't really have . 


Thanks so much to ❝ fab and cute ♪ gfx shop ♪ for the lovely poster!



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exosiren #1
Chapter 4: I can safely say I love you author-ssi for writing this. I bawled for probably half an hour. This was-no, is- beautiful. Thank you for this!
Chapter 4: This is so sad at how Zitao has his "problems" and he died at the end that he won't see his son growing up. Anna is so strong to be by Tao's side through thick and thin, even pleading for her father just to free Tao. this is so... wow. thank you.
Rose_56 #3
Chapter 4: Omgoglgmgkgkg let me just tell you great job on making me cry at 3 in morning I been reading ur story non-stop I loved it!!! Its amazing omg no the word amazing is too small!!! Beautiful I just love it. I been looking for a story like that for awhile and I finally find it. I just can't describe how much I love this story!! great job keep up the good work!! Ur story should be a movie, it is a great story the best tao fanfic! !!
saranghae16 #4
Chapter 4: I can't believe Tao ended dying after all he and Anna went through to be together and Tao finally being able to control his anger. This story was really touching and it actually made me cry. I like the fact that it toke more then 2 chapters for Tao and Anna relationship to really start otherwise it wouldn't have been as good of a story as it is right now. Thank you author-nim for writing such a beautiful angsty story. Tao<3
Chapter 4: This story literally put me into tears!!!!! I loved every bit of it!!!!
Chapter 4: Uou got me crying over here. Even after everything.. man.. speechless.
Chapter 2: Okay.
It started out real slow.. to the point that I was wondering exactly when something was going to happen. And now your tao is a man after my own heart♡
singsongsungjong #8