"I Will Handle It!"

You Are My Only One

Running as fast as you could, you anxiously began searching for Room 141. All eyes were on you as you made your way through the white walled hallways. Finally being able to spot the room number, you sprinted and dashed inside the room.

"Umma!" you shouted the moment you saw your mom weak form on the hospital bed. You quickly went to her side and kneeled down beside her, "Umma, what happened? Gwaenchanayo?"

"Gwenchana," a weak smile was formed on her lips as she softly touched your cheeks.

"She fainted," a man, twice as older than you walked in with a folder and placed it at table beside the bed.

"Doctor Park," you acknowledged him as you stood up to bow in greeting.

He walked over to you as he placed his hand on your shoulder and looked over to your mom, "Her boss brought her in, told me she was in the factory to volunteer for more jobs when she fainted there."

"Umma! Didn't I tell you to just rest at home? Including this time, it has been the third time in a week you had fainted when you went out."

"Relax. I just fainted because I had forgotten to eat before going out, it's nothing much."

"Nothing much? But it's the third time in a week! Doctor Park, is anything wrong with my mom? Why is her fainting becoming more frequent?"

You faced him full of worry as he placed both his hand in his pockets, "I'm not sure yet. I, too, noticed that your mom's fainting is becoming more frequent." He went silent for awhile before turning to face you, "I need her to stay here in the hospital longer. I want to sent her in for a thorough check up."

"Oh, Doctor, there's no need. I feel fine now. No need to hold me back here in the hospital," your mom began to sit up when you stopped her and pushed her back down.

"Don't be ridiculous, Umma. I want you to be checked up." Your hands still on her shoulder as you firmly prevent her from sitting up.


"No need to worry about the fees, I will take care of it," you whispered in her ears before facing the doctor again, "Well then, I will place her in your hands then."

"Of course. You need not worry, once the result is out, I will inform you straight away." He patted your back before moving away, "I'll leave you two alone then for now."

Muttering your thanks, you looked at his retreating form before swivelling back to your mom. "Why did you do that?", your voice tight as you take in the sight of your mom being put on the IV.

"I had to. Your school fees is due next week and the medical fees for my previous visits here has yet to be paid too."

"But Umma, your health is much more important than that. You know I can help you pay for that, that's the main reason I'm working part-time."

"I don't want to burden you any further."

"What nonsense! If you carry on doing this, Umma, I will really quit school to take care of you full-time."

Your mom swivelled to your direction and gave you a furious glare, "Now, don't you pull that on me, little girl!" 

"Then do as I say! I just want you to rest, Umma. I don't want to ask you for anything else," your voice increased in desperateness as you stared into your mother's eye which held defiance. "Fine! Do it your way! I can't believe you're still doing this eventhough you're like this!"

You stood up suddenly as you stomped your feet to head out only to pause at the door and muttered in an almost soft voice, "Money could always be gained, but a life once gone, you could never regain it back. So please, Umma, you are all that I had left. I don't want to lose you too."

A sob unvoluntarily broke but you hastily walk away so as to not let your mom see your tears.


"Stupid alarm clock, forever not ringing at the correct time." You grumbled as you rushed to get all of your things packed for the day. Though you still have forty-five minutes exactly to reach school, you are practically late since the walk there would take one hour. Yes, you do walk there since you can't bear to waste the little money you had left for a petty thing such as transportation. You rather use it for food than taking the feet you had been given by God for granted. Once you were out of the door, you turned around after locking it  only to be taken by surprise by a stranger that had his face near your face.

"Ahjussi!" You pushed him off instictively and backed away slowly, "Don't you know such things calld 'personal space'? Why were you on my face?"

"I'm sorry to have surprised you like that," the man that you realized were quite nicely dressed held out his hands as he awaits for your shake, "Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Jong Chul, a PD from WM Entertainment."

Reluctantly, you reached out to shake his hands as you introduced yourself, "So, why are you here? Is there anything that you needed?"

"As a matter of fact, I do. I have been noticing you for quite some times and I can safely say that you are fit for the job that I want to offer you."

"Excuse me? A job?"

"Yes, a job. Naturally, being from an entertainment agency, the job that I scouted you for would of course require you to be on camera."

"On camera? And you said that I'm fit for it? I think you scouted the wrong person, I'm not good on camera but still, I thank you for the compliment. Now, if you would excuse me, I'm late for school," you side-stepped the man as you fished for your wallet in your bag.

"But Miss! I'm very sure you are the one. I mean, fit to be the one."

You tilted your head as you faced him, "Ahjusshi, I appreciate you for giving me the job offer but I don't appreciate you making me late for school and forcing me to take the bus so as to not be late. So please, leave me be."

At the same time you finished your 'speech', you found your wallet and you open it up only to feel the instant dread, "Drats, if I use this for the bus fare, I won't have any money left for food."

You let out a big sigh when suddenly your phone rang. Immediately, you look at the screen to see that it was Doctor Park calling. "Yoboseyo, Doctor Park?"

"I have the results to your mom's fainting case. It won't be exactly what you would want to hear."

"What do you mean? Tell me."

"Your mom, she has kidney cancer, second stage, but not to worry, if you start on the treatment now, you might be able to save her."

"Cancer?" Trying to grasp on what you had just heard, your hands instantly went to cover your mouth, "th-then what are you waiting for? Start the treatment now."

"But your mom said that--"

"I know what she would say, tell her not to worry about it. I will handle it!"

Quickly, you ended the call and turned around to search for the man earlier. Glad to see that he wasn't far off, you rushed to him as you call out to him. The moment he turned and saw you, he gave a questioning look.

"How.. How much is the pay?" you panted out the words.

His frown slowly turned up into a smile as he answered smoothly, "Enough for you to buy eight big mansions."

"How long will it take? And will it disrupt my school time?"

"One year and you need not even worry of it affecting your normal routines."

"Then.. If you would allow me to, I would want to sign the contract." You ever so said it confidently that you brought out a big smile on his face.

"Of course! Now, come follow me. My car is just around the corner."


A/N: That's the first chapter! That was just the introduction of the story. Just wanted to give you the idea of how your life in this story is like. Well, I know you are dying to see the appeareance of our beloved guys so not to worry, in the next chapter, they will appear in their full glory. Be sure to stay for the next chapter! Hope you liked this chapter! Please don't be a silent reader and comment on it. Will appreciate it a lot. Thank You!

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