Apologies...........not accepted.

Your absence

That weekend saw scorching heat and it was piercing your skin,all the way to your bones. The heat annoyed you as you were sweating buckets and absolutely vexed. Like they say 'Face is the index of the mind', you were no exception. Your face was conveying best your irritated mood like nothing else. You were constantly stomping your feet, mumbling, hungry like a mammoth and you were feeling dirty. Your day, ,basically. But the heat spared no one, the rest of the trainees were pretty much in the same state. Leo and you had fought and both of you were equally grumpy. You could never get mad at someone, you never really had the strength. You wanted to talk to him but he was behaving like a snotty cat to you. You found it adorable that he was trying so hard to ignore you but Leo was known for his temper and you wanted to give him some time. It had been a long day. Most of the Idols weren't here. You were annoyed with a lot of things. Firstly the heat and and secondly on how Kris had been with you yesterday. You wanted to know why he had left so abruptly. You did not want to think much about it, you tried avoiding that thought so many times but Kris was Kris. And he gracefully walked right into your mind, trapping your thoughts into screwed up pieces of nothing.

You were the only one in the studio and you, you wanted to curse so badly. You felt like throwing things around and shouting loudly. Things were not going in your favour today. You walked in circles.

"LIFE SS"... you hissed.

"I HATE YOU" you screamed at nothing. You looked up at the mirror infront and you saw Kris standing there, looking a little more than shocked.

"Oh my god sorry, I-I'm so so s-sSorry. That was not directed to you at all. I-It was the heat really, I was frustrated and that er-really just shot up my anger. I just I-just wanted to ven--." You stopped short cause one of the most beautiful laughter you have ever heard, reverberated throughout the room. Kris had thrown his head back in laughter and you gaping at the man in front of you and you were spellbound. If you had to recall you two months here, these moments with Kris were the ones that left you surprised and shocked at the same time. They were permanently etched in your memory and you took days to recover. It was like a haunting fever. You were embarrassed but you were enjoying this moment. There was innocence, warmth and you had to admit deep, husky and smooth. 

"Aahh...Honestly it's been a while since someone cracked me up that much."Kris said and there was a strange sense of ache and longing.

"So you are against heat." Kris stated, you knew it was not a question.

"Kris-shi I-I no that was not I meant". you stammered. "Yes, Sorry but I do hate the heat." you said sheepishly.

"Not a really good day for training is it...... or for screaming such disdainful things" he smirked.

"Well I didn't expect anyone to be around and I just felt like screaming" you admitted. Suddenly the ceiling seemed more interesting.

"It's alright" Kris said and the silence prolonged. It suddenly struck about the issue with Kris yesterday. And you frowned. You were not aware of Kris's intent gaze. Your face showed turmoil. You were at war if you should bring up the subject with him at all. Your face was streaming confusion and Kris had understood that you were facing an Internal Battle.

"A penny for your thoughts" he whispered. You jumped because he had breathed into your ear and you had distinctly realised how close he was to you. You were striding back so fast that you had rammed into the wall. Kris looked at you amused.

"Sorry Kris-shi you gave me a heart attack. I was thinking about something. It kept me preoccupied. I'm sorry".

He stood silent.

"Umm Kris-shi, sorry did I do something inappropriate".

He stood, with an astoundingly blank expression.


"KRIS" he said sternly. "Kris would do."

"I..umm.. Kris okay.." you felt dumb. But you realized, something. Something beaautiful. You loved saying his name. Your heart was a floodgate and your reservoir had broken down.

"So what got your face all twisty that you forgot that there was another person in the room."

"umm...Well i do not know if it's okay to ask you.." as you said that you looked at Kris. He signalled that it was okay to proceed " ugh why did you leave so abruptly last week? I was honestly confused. Was something wrong in the choice of the song. Or were we doing something that was unfit for a trainee. Or had it been your schedule? I'm sorry about the questions, but it has been bothering me." you breathed. That was too long for you to say. Poor fellow even had to listen to it.

"Schedule. That's it."

"Oh," you simply said

"umm...." You looked at Kris," If it's okay with you, could you join me for a drink? Something like Cola, ofcourse" he immediately added at the end noting your hesitation. You drank but not devotedly.

"That would be amazing." 

"So I will meet you at the Lloyd Cafe right that's on the 7 floor tonight at say...umm... 7, yeah?"

"YES, I mean yes.." you could barely contain your excitement.

"Alright, see ya then." Kris dribbled on the door and left.

Boy, oh Boy were you tensed. You were the fundamental visual of a nervous wreck. You needed to find Aisha and Leo and you needed to find them now. You dash out of the room and spotted Leo arguing with Ray. You ran upto him and dragged him without another say. You had spotted Aisha entering a studio in the floor below yours and you ran at top speed with poor Leo dangling by you side.

"AISHA!" you shouted barging in.

"Have you ever heard of knocking? It's a chapter in an ancient whence revised Book called Manners and Decency. You should read it sometime" Aisha mocked.

"While your at it check out chapter number one, It's called Cutting-thorough-a-coversation-where-you-are-insignificant-only-to-drag-your-friend--to-tell-a-story-which-he/she-thinks-is-beyond-insignificant" Leo dusting his hands off remarked slightly.

Your shoulders slupmed and your spirits lowered immdiately.Leo noticed it and added urgently," But I guess you can make an exception for your best frien-" you had attacked him into a hug by then. Leo was blushing and embarrassed cause he remembered that he was supposed to stay mad at you. You had only mentioned to Aisha and Leo about the whole Kris crisis. 

"Well go meet him. He would be waiting. Besides you need to freshen up and look good. So here's my advice. Get back to dorms cause none of us are practicing anyways. Change and look good for him. And look dolled up. First impression counts." The moment Aisha said First impression counts, your mind reeled all the events and god was first impression Sub-pathetic, it was melodramatic. Girl who screamed at nothing. And to you for a second, Aisha sounded too unbearably chic. "Any hu, I have to go meet Sehun for a vocal lesson. So, ciao." Aisha grabbed her belongings and was out of the room in a flash.

Deafening silence followed.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you the whole day. I didnt mean to. I was pissed about a couple of stuff generally and the temper just caught on." Leo was looking at you through his lashes. God, was the boy cute you thought. You decided to play with him.

"Leo, Honestly I'm so pisse--"

"I know, I know you are, I mean who would not be in their righ-"

"Allow me to finish. Leo I-"

"No please dont finish. I mean it. It was my mist-"


"It was terribl-"



"LEO, I'm so pissed at myself that I cannot stay mad at you."

He was dumbstruck. 

"You made me vex and apologise to you over and over and worry myself and seek forgiveness for n-nothing?"

"Sorta yeah.." you said offhandedly. A smile gracing your lips.

"YOU SLY-" and he tickeld you to death until both of you were flat on the floor panting for breath.

"I think youshould just clean up and go meet Kris-shi. There is no need to doll up. You are pretty, lively and amazing as you are. I know he will be impressed either ways."

"Oh and you know this how Leo?"

*cough* "Man to man perspective" *cough*  Leo said. You smiled at the boy lying down next to you.

"Thanks Lion" you said. Leo had mentioned to you that his mom called him her Little Lion everytime he did something nice for her or made her happy. Just as you had said that a smile graced Leo's face. Without realizing you had fallen into a deep sleep.

----------------------------------------------------------"WAKE UP YOU TINY THING"

You sat upright as soon as you heard that. You looked at the watch and blimey it was 6:45. . You had to meet Kris in 15 minutes and your hair was in shambles. You looked like you had eye bags and you had to wash your face. You rushed to the nearby bathroom and tidied yourself up quickly. Leo was waiting for you outside and gave you a thumbs up. You hugged him and ran to the 7th floor from the fourth. you had to get to the other end of the stairs. Your tiny brain, in the hurry had refused to process the idea of using a lift. You got there in the nick of time. It was 5 minutes to seven. You walked in and took a seat.

It was 7:00pm. You kept looking out expectantly hoping to see Kris. Minutes passed by. You felt like time walked past you and you were simply waving it off. Minutes changed to hours. It was 9 and the cafe had reached its closing time. You really didnt know how to treat this absence as. You didn't know if it was schedule or he forgot or was he avoiding you or was he playing fool out of you. Was this some sort of joke? You dragged your feet across the room to the door and there was no sign of him anywhere. You felt a little annoyed and that the same time your mind was full of questions. Were you the only one who was taking this way too seriously? Tomorrow Kris would have to answer.


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sarraang #1
Chapter 29: Such a beautiful and cute love story authornim..*thumbs up*..
Gosh, it's so amazing ;-; <3
LeBonheur #3
Chapter 29: Hahahaha!!!! Seven times a day!!!.. Well that's a memorable line
Kenjeeeh #4
Chapter 28: Epilogue! epilogue!! Are you going to make an epilogue? I really like your story authornim.
exol_army_starlight_ #5
Chapter 28: You are one heck of a writer! 대박!!! 짱!!
MysteryNeko #6
Kenjeeeh #7
Chapter 26: Continue this authornimmmm I really like it :)
sitinurfarisyah #8
Chapter 15: Omg asdfghjklasdfghjkl