There's always a first time for everything

Your absence

Your trainee days had already begun and you were dancing to many of your own Entertainments songs. Learning choreography, styles,trying to adapt and find you own. You were a excellent dancer but a better singer. Your dances were usually power packed but you were given slow sensuous music to dance often too. You never had a problem with variety. By this time, you had met most of your sunbaes, Trax, Super Junior, Exo, Shinee. You were yet to meet F(x), SNSD and DBSK. You were an ardent and devout Cassiopeia. You had always believed in the power of 5 and DBSK was no exception. 

But to your joy you had met Exo only once. Ofcourse you were disappointed. And you knew Aisha shared your same feelings. Jihye had had the chance to meet Chanyeol, that lucky girl and she was smitten. Hara too had met Baekhyun. You were so jealous... OBVIOUSLY.

"waaahhh I'm so tired" Rinko and Jihye chorused. You laughed and simply pulled them into one giant hug. At the same time you felt the rest also gather around you guys in a huddle.

"This feel feels weird, I do not even like you people" Leo said

"YAH" all of you loked at him amused and frowing.

Wonbin began laughing. All of you joined too. Leo was like a stress buster sometimes. His Energy levels were too high to be channelised. Ray and Wonbin were like the calmer and polite versions of Leo respectively. But both were no exceptions to sarcasm and pranks. The three were upto no good. You looked at you group. Sometimes it was okay to just laugh and not worry about things right? Things will be fine right?They always are. The eight of you were an amazing power unit Trainees. You all shared pretty much the same likes and dislikes. The lot of you girls hung out together often and you loved being with each other and the guys were no different. Despite his crass jokes and the lamer ones he's got down his pockets, Leo was your favourite. Ray came second. Wonbin was a litle shy with you. You found him cute. As all of them were childishly bickereing you decide to step out. You had been wanting to do something for quite sometime now, You wanted to write in your diary. It had been a while since you had made an entry. A lot had happened and you really wanted to vent it out. 

Grabbing minimal stationary and stuffing it in you hoodie you wandered off to find a spot to sit and write. You walked aimlessly and you had reached the flight of stairs that led up to the terrace. You walked up wondering what to write, lost in your own world, when



How nice and embarrassing. Rubbing yourself off dust, fallen on your bottom, you began apologizing.

"Sorry I jus-" you started and looked up

You felt like pulling the trigger in your mouth. Way to go you thought. Your superlaser scan told you that Kris was not there. You face was a fleeting images of hundred quick expressions of Pain,Shock,Scanning,Embarrassment,worry. You had wanted to see Kris badly but you were also kind of glad that he was not there.

Suho stepped out to enquire if you were ok. You cheerfully smiled and you assured them you were fine

"Sorry off-late this has become a ritual, so please don't worry about it." you chuckled but this time seriously telling them.

You heard Tao mumble " She is weirder than me sometimes." You looked at him because you had caught on to him saying that. He looked like a deer caught in headlights. Thats it. That did it for you. Peels of laughter broke out of you. Tao, the panda had made you splutter out a heart laugh. And slowly the members joined. Tao looked apolegetic. But you laughing, shook your head, signalling that it was okay.It felt so good to laugh like that without restraint. Exo walked past you not before mentioning that they would love to meet the trainess soon.  

Smiling at them fondly you climbed up and as you reached the entrance, a fragrant and strong breeze hit your face. You entered the open space and you admitted that you loved the view of Seoul you got from the SMent Terrace. It was mindblowing. The breeze was thick with promise and you felt elevated in spirits. You walked slowly and sat on the parapet infront of which were glass frames lined with metal pipes to avoid accidents. You folded you legs and sat cross legged, only to open a few pages of your book and look at your enteries. It struck you that it had been a while since you had met Miyoung and Sara. Point to be noted you thought to yourself. You felt like Ray would love Sara if he met her. Well matchmaking aside, you were seriously in need of a catch up. Just when you picked up the pen to write a new entry

"That's a dangerous place to sit"

You went slack. You could recognise that voice anywhere, anytime of the day. No way. No. No. Not him. you slowly turn your head around. You usually were strongheaded but Kris and only Kris had that insane ability to make you weak-kneeded and look absolutely stunned and speechless.

"S-ss-Sorry" you stammered.

Nimbly he jumped down from a huge block and landed a couple of feet away from you. Dressed in a plain white shirt and Jeans, he looked clean, sharp and beautiful. Kris made you turn into nothing. He had full control over you and you feared it. 

"You have a unique name and I distinctly remember it. I usually do not remember names. You should feel honored." He said as he had walked over to stand in front of you and had this slight smirk etched to his face, that told you he was simply mocking and meant nothing serious. He chose his words carefully and adressed you in a canadian laced accent that would often appear like a butterfly. You could not explain in words how cute that was. He looked expectantly at you, waiting for you comeback with something. You wanted him to feel comfortable and you spoke in English.

"As honored as I feel,I'm sorry sunbaenim I can't seem to remember yours." you joked.

"Now that is a serious crime dear trainee, we can't have that can we."

"There's a book of such crimes?"

"Well.....Exo started it" He laughed as he said that. That laugh told you that he was recollecting warm memories. But something in Kris's eye looked like he was searching for something. Some form of happiness or peace. You thought you were overthinking and you decided to let it go.

"So, what are you doing up here?"

You didnt feel like lying to him.

"I came up to write something. I usually write diaries and I really felt like writing in it. A lot has happened and I just want to tell my side of story somewhere.

"Yeah.. a lot has happened." As Kris said that you couldnt help but notice the same feeling of helplessness again. Before you could say anything Kris continued,

"That's a nice hobby. Many of them here do it. If not regularly, occasionally".

"Aahh.." you said. You felt Kris sit next to you on the parapet and he slowly stretched himself to lie down.

"You should do the same, after a long day....... it feels nice. Trainee days are dog days. You have to work hard if you are hoping to get into the field and debut and carry on successfully."

Just as you head hit the ground you realized how exhausted you actually were. You looked up. It was twilight. So many changes in lifestyle and how things are for you. New place, new friends. A new dream. You felt the man next to you breathing evenly. Realizing Kris had gone off to sleep you slowly got off the wall noiselessly. You saw his head resting on the bare wall and you curled up your hoodie, gently lifted his head and left it there. Before doing so you left a note for him, letting him know that he may return it when he could. You slowly walked not. This time the feeling inside you was pure satisfaction and just unadulterated joy. The innocence of love was taking its course in you and you felt blissful. These moments with Kris didnt feel like a personal Fan meeting, you didnt feel like squeeling or behaving childishly. You felt the admiration you had for the Chinese man was growing out to be something else altogether.

You knew your diary was going to be flooded tonight.

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sarraang #1
Chapter 29: Such a beautiful and cute love story authornim..*thumbs up*..
Gosh, it's so amazing ;-; <3
LeBonheur #3
Chapter 29: Hahahaha!!!! Seven times a day!!!.. Well that's a memorable line
Kenjeeeh #4
Chapter 28: Epilogue! epilogue!! Are you going to make an epilogue? I really like your story authornim.
exol_army_starlight_ #5
Chapter 28: You are one heck of a writer! 대박!!! 짱!!
MysteryNeko #6
Kenjeeeh #7
Chapter 26: Continue this authornimmmm I really like it :)
sitinurfarisyah #8
Chapter 15: Omg asdfghjklasdfghjkl