Love is a Funny Thing


She enjoyed living on a rooftop. The stars shined brighter up there.

He enjoyed living on a rooftop. She shined brighter up there.



There was just three, maybe four, feet in between the both of them. If he tried hard enough, he could jump and he'd be there. He'd be standing right next to her. If he had the balls, he'd jump without hesitation. But looking at her made him freeze in place, as if trapped in a picture. She looked so calm and peaceful. That was the only time she ever looked happy. She looked happy being alone, wrapped in her own comforting blanket of silence and solitude, and he would never have the heart to interrupt that holy peace she seemed to have treausured greatly. 

When he really looked at her, the three, maybe four, foot gap became a gap so wide he couldn't even think of ever touching her.

dont expect


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