Chapter 8 - Two Weeks A Host

Contract to Their Hearts

Each day passed similarly to the last. Every morning Kris and Lay would start work at ten, doing jobs around the Host Club. Between three and six o’clock in the afternoon they would get a break, and then they would work until two in the morning Hosting with guests. Some nights the place would be empty except for a few guests. In these cases the tables were often pulled together and the Hosts and guests would talk as a group, openly flirting.

 Kai had learnt a new trick to gain the customers approval and which he had also sensed annoyed Kris greatly, and that was to flirt with Lay. Poor lay didn’t understand the true intent of Kai’s word, and while Kris clenched his fists under the table and glared at Kai, Kai would simply smirk back while the guests squealed in delight at the cuteness of their brotherly love.

How that drove Kris mad. Yet he had no idea why. Probably because he knew that Kai was just using Lay.

Kris had also started to notice that the longer they worked for SM, the more odd jobs they were being given. One day their morning job on top of their usual cleaning jobs was to go into town and hand out fliers. Another day they had to put posters onto streets lamps and in shop windows. Then they were weeding in front of the building. They had also had to order cement, bags of soil and saplings. Kris really hoped he didn’t have to deal with any work related to that. Every day there was something new that they had to do, and not once in the two weeks had they been told when they would get a day off.

Similarly, neither of the boys had yet been paid and as their wallets sat empty and useless in their dorm and their cupboards got emptier and emptier Kris knew he was going to have to speak to the boss.

Down in the lobby, Kris awaited the arrival of Lee Soo Man. After fifteen minutes he made an appearance, sauntering into the building with his wide smile plastered across his face.

“Kris my boy! How can I help you?”  He asked cheerfully, striding into the room in yet another suit and pink tie.

“I was wondering a few things.” Kris said carefully.

“Oh yes? Do tell…”

“Well, when do we receive our first pay check?” Kris asked outright, hoping he didn’t sound too forward when asking for money.

“Well usually I pay the employees once a month, why’s that?”

“Well I started here with very little money, and I know it’s only been two weeks but… I can’t even afford to eat right now.”

Lee Soo Man thought for a moment.

“Then why don’t I pay you tonight. As you’ve been working here for two weeks I’ll pay both Lay and yourself half of the monthly wage. In 28 days from now you can expect a monthly payment and so on. The money should be in your accounts by tomorrow!”

Kris nodded. “That would be great, thank you. Also I was just wondering_” Kris was interrupted by the beeping of a phone call.

“I’m sorry would you excuse me a moment?” Soo Man took a few steps away and took the call. “Yobeoseyo? Neh, Neh, algessupnida.” He looked over to Kris apologetically. “I’m sorry Kris I have to go. I’ll talk another time, yes?” Without explaining, Lee Soo Man left and the only assurance Kris had was that he wasn’t going to starve to death. Yet before he could return upstairs Suzy called him over to reception.

“As you know you’ve been working here for two weeks now, as has Lay. You’re both now open for private bookings with guests; I believe that tonight you have already been booked. I’ll need to double check a name and room so if you come downstairs later I’ll look that up for you.”

Kris nodded his understanding. “Thank you. Oh and, is it just me that’s booked or is Lay booked too?” Kris felt an odd tug at his heart and he couldn’t help but ask.

“For tonight it seems it is just you.”

Kris nodded again and then made his way upstairs, nervousness setting itself momentarily in the pit of his stomach.  He walked into the dorm quite blankly, completely forgetting his main reasons for leaving. However Lay swiftly brought him out of his reverie though, poking his head around from the lounge area to where Kris was standing motionless in the doorway.

“So did you see Lee Soo Man?” He asked keenly.

Kris snapped his head up and then closed the door behind him, taking his shoes off and joining Lay on the sofa.

“Well… briefly.” Kris said, clearly unhappy.


“We’re being paid half of a monthly wage tomorrow since we’ve worked for two weeks.  After this we have to wait twenty eight days and then we get paid a full monthly pay check.”

Lay nodded. “What about breaks? Do we get a day or two off?”

“By this point Lee Soo Man had to go elsewhere.” Kris said in a rather dejected voice. Lay looked just as disappointed and rubbed his waist as he seemed deep in thought. Kris often wondered where he had picked that habit up from; he caught Lay doing it a lot.

“What’s the time?” Lay asked, relaxing more into the sofa, closing his eyes and resting his head on Kris’s shoulder. Kris thought his heart was going to stop, this is the closest in proximity they’ve ever been. When Kris didn’t respond Lay peeked one eye open and poked Kris’s cheek. “Yah you big derp ball what’s the time?” Kris blinked and looked at his watch.

“Half past nine.” He said, his voice almost catching half way through the sentence.

“Well we still have a little time before we have to work, let’s rest now for as long as possible.”

Kris tried to relax but his body wouldn’t respond. The place where Lay’s head touched Kris’s shoulder burned like crazy and his heart didn’t seem to know that Kris was way too young to have a heart attack.  Eventually he calmed down a bit and he looked down, wondering if Lay was asleep or just closing his eyes. This close up, he could see each one of Lay’s eyelashes, standing out clearly in contrast with the milky skin on which they rested.

A second later those eyelashes fluttered and Lay’s and Kris’s eyes connected. Neither of them could seem to look away for a moment, and Kris realised that Lay had the kindest eyes he had ever seen. Seconds passed and they both looked away at the same time, feeling the same odd feeling in their chest and heat rising in both of their cheeks.  And even though he was flustered, Kris seemed to enjoy instants like this the most. They caused an odd sensation in his body that he had never once before experienced.


That day Lay and Kris did yet another job on top of their usual cleaning and manual labour. Today it was painting the room downstairs which had been emptied for renovation. There were several boxes piled in the middle of the room which had been covered in sheets to protect them from the paint.

“At least painting is kind of relaxing.” Lay said, moving the roller back and forth before removing it to dip it into the tray of paint yet again.

“You say this now, but when your arms start to go numb from being above your head it’ll be a different story.” Kris said, arms already aching.

“Don’t ruin my fun!” Lay said, splashing some paint in Kris’s direction.

Kris opened his eyes wide and pretended to look shocked. “Oh you came here for fun did you? Well then.” Kris dipped the roller into the paint before chasing Lay around the room, trying to coat Lay in the white ceiling paint.

“No! Kris you wouldn’t dare. DON’T YOU DARE. AH!” Kris rolled a line of white paint straight across lays arm.

“Well if that’s how you’re going to play it…” Lay put his roller down and coated his hand in paint, now chasing Kris.

The two ran around the room, avoiding the others’ paint coated grip. That is until Lay gripped Kris at the same time as slipping on the corner of a sheet, resulting in him falling forwards, pushing Kris to the ground while landing on top of him. Their eyes were just centimetres apart and their lips… Kris could feel Lays breath brushing across his lips. He could smell Lay’s sweet addictive scent. If Kris reached up just one centimetre more they would be kissing. But he couldn’t move. He was over whelmed, and too soon Lay was moving away, apologising again and again before offering a hand to help him up.

Their hands clasped each other’s and white paint coated the majority of their skin and clothing.

“You’re right, painting isn’t relaxing.” Lay said chuckling, returning to painting the ceiling.

After the two had showered the paint from every inch of their skin, they were ready to host and Kris had almost forgotten he had to host privately tonight. When they went down to the reception Suzy was having to rush somewhere, but she managed to shout out “Oh Kris you’re in room four and you’ll_” The rest of what she said was too quiet to hear as she disappeared from sight.

Lay looked around in confusion at Kris.

“I forgot to mention, I’m hosting in private tonight. Someone booked me.” Kris shrugged, pretending it wasn’t a big deal. Lay looked shocked for a moment, a whole range of different expressions crossing his face.

“Oh well congratulations I guess. I’ll see you later, tell me how it goes.” They gave each other a half-hearted smile before leaving each other, Kris boarding the elevator and looking for room four.

He knocked on the door and opened it, not exactly sure what to expect. A tall dark figure stood at the back of the room, sifting through the music before choosing a song. “Hey there Kris.” Tao said, turning to face Kris. “Come on in, shut the door.”

Kris felt like a robot, his body following order’s while his heard swarmed with blankness.

“T-Tao!” He finally stuttered out.

“Oh so you do remember me. I told you I would book you didn’t I. Now come here and sit.”

Tao poured Kris a glass of champagne; he had already poured one for himself before Kris’s arrival.

“Are we celebrating?” Kris asked, gesturing to the glass.

“It’s your first night being privately booked and the second week anniversary of when we first met, it deserves a little celebration.” Tao said, bringing his legs up onto the seat and putting them awfully close to Kris’s. Soon Tao’s hands also came to rest on Tao’s legs, slightly resting on Kris’s thigh.

Kris’s heart leapt and he took another uncomfortable sip of champagne. He could feel Tao’s close watch on his every movement.  

“Babe relax a little.” Tao said, moving his hand onto Kris’s shoulder. “Loosen up a little bit.”

Kris felt a little ridiculous, but he couldn’t help but think of how Lay had earlier rested his head on that same shoulder, and somehow he felt as if he was, cheating?

“I am relaxed.” Kris said, remembering he had a job to do. “I’ve just had a stressful few days at work. There’s more to being a Host than drinking alcohol with my guests every evening.” He added a chuckle to the end of his sentence. Didn’t Lay say something similar to that once?

“Well you’re drinking right now. You’re in good company so just forget work. Tell me, how has it been being a host here? Have you enjoyed it?”  Tao asked. Kris tried to get around the fact that if Tao was any closer he would be sitting on Kris’s lap, and instead tried to form a coherent and pleasing answer.

“It’s been quite enjoyable; though I’m guessing tonight will be quite a different experience.”

“And why is that? Because we’re in private or because you’re with me?” Tao looked deep into Kris’s eyes. Tao’s eyes held a very different look to Lay’s. Lay’s were naturally kind, relaxed and innocent. Tao had eyes that hinted at knowing more, having ulterior motives and above all, that he had power.

Kris gulped, he couldn’t help it.

“Both?” Tao whispered, one of his arms now fully wrapped around Kris’s shoulders, which had led to Kris being turned towards Tao. Their legs were pressed against each other Tao’s other hand now sat fully on Kris’s thigh.

“I said relax.” Tao said more kindly this time, almost as if he was empathising with Kris. The sudden change from the catty sly Tao to the more caring Tao left Kris confused, but the change was only there for a second before the usual glint appeared in his eyes.

“What is it that’s scaring you?” Tao asked.

“I’m not scared.” Kris answered immediately. Tao raised an eyebrow. “No really, I’m not scared. I’m just unused to so much … physical contact. How do you want me to respond?” Kris asked, trying his best to cooperate with the client.

Tao smiled and leant in, his lips passing close by Kris’s ear. “However you want, don’t hold back.” Before Kris could react Tao’s lips were pressed to the side of his neck, travelling up his jaw and inching closer and closer to his lips. Kris froze up. He could think nothing but the fact that Tao was going to kiss him. Tao was going to take away his first kiss. And then an even odder thought crossed his mind. That kiss is meant to be for Lay. 

This chapter is a longer chapter and boy did it take me a while to write. I literally only just finished it and it's 2:20am. I shall proof read after a much needed sleep. 
So tell me, after this chapter what do you think will happen? I left it on a bit of a cliff hanger. I'll be awaiting your comments, I'm curious as to what you think might happen. :F

Goodnight my stalkers and stalklings. I love you all!


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Asumi123 #1
I still haven't read this story yet. But I like Taoris an Sulay hahaha. :D
blackrosa413 #2
Chapter 37: may i know that in this story is luhan chen xiumin already appear???
because if not, in sequel maybe krishan will do...'cause i dont want to break sulay that will make lay hurt again
eventhough i still want kray to have happy ending...ahh i'm so complicated inside
Holy cow, I suffered so much through this story because it ended up being a battle between my favorite otps taoris/kray, but in the end I was happy that none of them happened and Lay could be happy again with Joonmama >♡< (and I thought it was for the best that Kris didn't end up with Tao nor with Yixing... Yixing would suffer the most
Your comments are just moving :') You are all so supportive. Thank you all so much...
Chapter 38: damn.
Read this in one go and i am proud of myself *pats back mentally

i'm fallen in love with this story *wheezes pathetically
the roller coaster of emotions, my inner battle of otps (taoris/kray)
it's all amazing
i just can't *clutches heart

questions just keep appearing like

What happened to Kris (or should we say YiFan)?
He said he was *insert quotations inlove? does that mean he moved on already or not?

What happens now?
what will happen when they get the chance to all meet again?
Does Lay still harbor some feelings for Kris?

Honestly i really crave for Kray just as much as i'm obsessed with Taoris but
what about Suho?
and then theres Sehun? (well i'm not really worried about that because i'm more of a *cough hunhan shipper *cough so yeah)

ugh so many questions *pulls hair in frustration

I'll be patiently waiting for the sequel then*digs a hole and lives there until the sequel comes up


let me hug you author-nim
you're amazing *attacks you with flowers and deathly hugs
Chapter 38: my heart is in pain because of Yifan.... but... if you put Lay with him... what about SuHo?

¡NO! you cant, my baby dont deserve that because he help Yixing , he love him, he care about him so... this time SuLay win for me
Chapter 38: TAORISSS!!!!MY OTPPP~~
blackjackvipbaby #8
Chapter 37: Kyaaaaaaaa come back home ! go go Kray >_< please explain what happened to kris during these two years ... <3 your story and waiting a sequel
blackrosa413 #9
Chapter 37: Yah author-nim i realize that this story just complete?????
i want lay end up with yifan!!!!!!!!!!
no no no no please nooooooooooooooooo
i want sequel that make it end up with kray!!!!!!!!!!!
blackrosa413 #10
Chapter 37: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa baekyeol appear with yifan!!!!!!!!!!!
update soon author-nim
hohohohoho really curious with yifan life up until now