Chapter 24 - One Large Bubble Tea

Contract to Their Hearts

Lay didn’t mention his concerns to anyone the next day. He decided to stay quiet and look out for signs; he didn’t want to say anything which could make them more careful about what they say. It would be harder for him to figure out the truth that way.

He instead ate breakfast (a meal he hadn’t enjoyed in a long time) and then got dressed in his new designer clothes. The whole time he daydreamed that he had bought it all with his money and that this apartment was really his. The noises of Suho showering in the bathroom were transformed into images of Kris showering. The two of them owned the apartment and everything was absolutely fine.

Suho came out of the bathroom and disrupted Lay’s daydream just when it was getting good, causing Lay to frown and look at the ring that Kris had gotten him. Mumbling something in disjointed Korean about walking to the shop, Lay stepped out of the apartment, went down the elevator and took a long stroll around the area. His strength still wasn’t back so it took him longer than normal, but that didn’t bother Lay. He walked where his feet and his thoughts took him.  Soon he was constructing plans in his head as he walked.

“All I have to do is ask for his number and I can at least talk to him. Wait, why can’t I go to help with Tao’s grandma too? We really could be together!” Lay was about to turn back to go to talk to Joonmyeon when a black flashy car started to pull out from the drive several metres in front.

He was sure he’d seen it before and watched as it pulled out from the drive and then past him on the street. He tried to peer into the dark windows at the same time that he realised it was Tao’s car. Believing Tao must be inside he started to lift his hand to wave when a face in the back seat brought him to a halt. Although the glass was deeply tinted he was sure. He was so sure he was right…

He had looked like Kris. Exactly like Kris. For a moment Lay got excited, thinking that he must be back from Jeju, but then a realisation hit. They were driving out of the drive not into it. Then that meant he had been staying here. Staying with Tao!

Thoughts swarmed Lay’s head like angry bees in an overcrowded hive. He realised that his feet were moving him forward again and he collapsed onto the nearest bench, feeling drained.

“It’s a misunderstanding. This proves nothing.” Lay shook his head, speaking to himself in his native language. “I’ll need more proof before I say or do anything.” He tried to form a plan inside of his head. What was the next step? After several minutes a small plan had formed in his head.

He would go to Tao’s. He wouldn’t tell anyone he was going there, not Joonmyeon or Tao. If he successfully got into the grounds without being detected, what was stopping him from entering the building itself? If he was detected he would just have to confront Tao, and lie. Lay hated to lie but to find out the truth for himself it might be necessary. The plan wasn’t a great plan, and was dependant on a lot of ‘what ifs’, but it was all he had to go on.

 Deciding not to stay in the area for much longer Lay stood up and made his way back to Joonmyeon’s, the ring on his finger feeling like a heavy weight trying to pull him down and acting as a constant reminder that Kris was still out there, and maybe even closer to home than he realised. Trudging back through the door of Joonmyeon’s top floor apartment Lay forgot how amazing it truly was. Only instead of marvelling at the sight that only millionaires got to on a daily basis, Lay sighed and shuck off his shoes, trudged to his room and got back into bed.

“You okay in there Lay?” Suho said anxiously, concerned over Lay’s wellbeing. He had received a text from Tao saying that he had passed Lay on the way to Kris’s counselling session, with Kris in the back of the car.
“Fine, just tired from walk.” Lay replied, sitting up on the edge of the bed, playing with Kris’s ring.
“Could I come in for a moment?” Suho asked after a small hesitation.
Lay affirmed that he could and Joonmyeon joined Lay on the edge of the bed and sat in a quiet silence for a moment.

“How are you feeling? Do you think your strength is returning to you yet?”  Joonmyeon asked quietly in a genuinely concerned voice, eyes scanning Lay’s pale complexion and skinny frame.
Lay shook his head once.  “It’ll return soon.”
“Have you eaten yet? Do you want anything to eat?”
Lay shook his head again. “I’m fine thank you.” Suho bit his lip, wishing Lay could look happier, wishing he would eat something, wishing he would look human.

Lay practically radiated stress. His lips were pale and dry, his eyes tired, and his body was screaming of weakness.  His eyes scanned Lay disapprovingly until he noticed sweat glistening on Lay’s brow. In fact his skin was starting to glisten almost everywhere.  Joonmyeon made Lay jump by suddenly reaching out a hand and pressing it gently to Lay’s forehead.

“Lay!” Joonmyeon scolded lightly as if lecturing a child. “How could you get yourself into such a state?”

Lay himself looked surprised. He had been so preoccupied that he hadn’t noticed the full effects on his body.

Joonmyeon disappeared into the bathroom and quickly returned with a basin full of water and a flannel over his shoulder.

“Get into bed!” He instructed.  Lay really had no choice but to follow his order. He had known that Joonmyeon was caring but not to this extent. He rested his head back onto the plump pillows and watched as Joonmyeon dragged a chair over to the bed side, took the flannel from his shoulder and ran it through the water in the basin. When it was thoroughly dampened Joonmyeon rung it and placed it gently over Lay’s forehead.  After dabbing it onto the skin several times he moved it to a new spot and repeated the action. The result was almost instant. Lay became more relaxed as Joonmyeon continued the process. After a minute Joonmyeon froze and looked at Lay who seemed to be deep in thought.

“I got a message from Tao earlier, he said he’d driven past you as he came out of his drive.”

Lay looked up and his eyes connected with Joonmyeon’s. He took a while to respond, sorting out his jumbled thoughts and trying to come up with a good reply.

“Yeah I saw him. Well I assumed it was him, I couldn’t really see who was in car or I would have waved.” Lay explained carefully.

Joonmyeon nodded slowly and brought the flannel off of Lay’s skin to run it through the water again. He left it in the basin and pointed at the top of Lay’s shirt.

“Could you undo the top few buttons?” He asked, ringing out the flannel while Lay parted the top of his shirt.

Joonmyeon moved his attention back to Lay and froze when he saw the milky white skin, the defined chest muscles and the beads that ran over them with every rise of his chest.  Blushing and clearing his throat he started to dab the cloth over Lay’s chest, neck and shoulders. 

After a little while Lay had fallen asleep and Suho had stopped his ministrations. Leaning back in his chair he watched Lay and thought about Kris. Would he recover? Would he ever come back to the person who wanted nothing but his return? PANG.

Joonmyeon frowned. He didn’t know why but his heart lurched with an unknown emotion. Maybe it was that he felt Kris didn’t deserve Lay. After all, he had caused Lay nothing but pain. But he wanted to help Lay right up until he forgot him. But he did still forget him! He thinks Lay doesn’t want him.

Joonmyeon argued with himself in his head. He looked at the time and sighed. Standing up slowly and limping away because his legs had fallen asleep while he was sitting there, he made himself a coffee in a thermos and left a note on the fridge telling Lay he had left for work. Taking out his phone he sent a quick message to Tao.

Don’t think Lay saw Kris. Be there to pick up Kris in 10.

Suho arrived just when he said he would and met Kris in the hall. Speaking quietly to Minah he asked how Kris was doing.

“He’s most certainly improving.” Minah said happily with a look of achievement on her face. “He was talking openly about his family today and even asking me questions!”

Suho beamed at her and lowering her voice some more Minah moved closer to Suho’s ear.

“But it’s still going to be a little while before we make development with Lay.”

Suho nodded. “The development you’re making with Kris is amazing. Take each day as it comes and celebrate each small achievement.  We’ll get there.”

Tao had gone off to find any more last minute evidence that he could before that the case started.  He was currently in a quick meeting and Sehun was waiting outside in the car. Minutes later Tao left, papers in his hands that needed to be sorted through, but he’d had an idea. Sehun was younger than even he was and he knew one thing about young boys, they love sweet things.

There was nothing wrong with buttering Sehun up just to see if he would slip any more information about the case, was there?

They got in the car and the whole way Tao refused to tell Sehun where they were going.

The two were always like this. They had good intentions at heart but just couldn’t resist winding the other one up.

Sehun lost his temper like a child and through an empty bottle of water at Tao’s head.

“YAH!” Tao yelled. “What was that for?” He pouted much like a child himself and mumbled as if he was really upset. “I’m only trying to be nice.”

“It would be even nicer if you told me where_”

“We’re here!” Tao yelled, interupting Sehun and getting out of the car. Sehun slowly got out and looked at the small café in front of him.

“Why are you so excited?” Sehun asked, following Tao into the café.

“I’ve heard they make the best bubble tea in Korea.” Tao said, walking quickly so that Sehun would struggle to keep up. Sehun perked up when he heard mention of bubble tea, it had always been his favourite drink.

“Hey slow down! Tao! Slow down!” Sehun walked quicker but Tao just sped up more leaving him behind and joining the queue before Sehun could get there.

Sehun finally caught up and poked Tao on the arm. “You said you were being nice. I think you’re just here for yourself.”

Tao rolled his eyes and stepped forward when it was his turn to order.  “A large taro bubble tea and a medium mango bubble tea please.” Tao ordered, before hesitating and adding more to his order. “and a slice of this chocolate dessert please. Oh and one of those, and two of that one there.”

The woman working at the counter rushed about, carrying out his order. “Is that all?” She asked finally, loading up a tray and hoping that it was, in complete disbelief that someone as skinny as Tao would order so much.

“That’s all.” He paid the extortionate price (although it was nothing for him) and took the tray of food and drink to the table, gesturing with his head that Sehun should follow.

“You ordered all of this?” Sehun asked, half amazing and half bewildered.

“Yup.” Tao said before balancing his own straw in his mouth while he stabbed the Taro bubble tea with another straw and pushed it in front of Sehun.

“Taro is my favourite flavour.” Sehun mumbled, sipping on the large drink in front of him.

“I thought so.” Tao said, sipping at his own mango drink and biting the juicy bubbles, in reality he had asked one of the employees of SM to divulge the information.

The two teased each other and stuffed themselves with sickly sweet treats for half an hour before Tao made his first move.

“Was it really bad at SM?” He asked quietly.

Sehun looked up at Tao for a moment before nodding.

“You know I know it’s all an act. The smugness and nonchalance.”

“It makes it easier to handle if I just don’t care.” Sehun shrugged.

“That’s not ‘not caring’” Tao pointed out “That’s just pretending you don’t care” Sehun just stayed quiet and sipped on his Taro bubble tea.

“Was it always difficult working there?” Tao clicked the microphone on under the table and hoped that Sehun wouldn’t notice.

“Not at first, but Soo Man slowly increased the work load. It would be bit by bit so it didn’t seem so much and usually he made it seem like a favour or like it was necessary.”

“How would he do that?”

Sehun thought and took a sip of his drink. “Well on top of my usual work load, he might ask if I could help mop the floor at the end of my shift because the other staff were struggling. Then that would end up being a part of my daily job too but my pay would stay the same. Then on top of that I might be asked another and another until it felt like all I did was work.”

“And you never got a pay rise?” Tao asked. Sehun snorted.

“Yeah right. He started to introduce new charges and rules that I’m sure weren’t there originally. The rent for my room would increase; the drinks in the bar would be deducted from my pay, things like that.”

“I’ve heard some rumours…” Tao started, but found it hard to continue. “Rumours that people were forced to have plastic surgery. Did you ever…” There was silence for a moment.

“He was going to… two days before the police came in he’d called me into his quarters and said…” Sehun gulped and it was clear that he was trying hard to maintain the indifference that he normally upheld. He sipped at his bubble tea, finding it hard to meet Tao’s eyes. After taking a deep breath he continued, playing with his hands on the table top, Tao could see them shaking.

“He told me I needed surgery if I was to get the clients to sleep with me.”

“Sleep with you?”  Tao asked in surprise.

Sehun nodded. “It was his new strategy. He thought if people found they could have a ual partner in SM then they would keep coming back.”

Tao was stunned, he almost forgot that he was recording the conversation. He reached his hands over the table top and settled them on top of Sehun’s.

“I’m so sorry… This case, it’ll be over soon and I promise I will take everything and more away from Soo Man. He will not walk away from this. I promise.”  Sehun nodded and Tao hesitated again.

“Would I be able to have your permission to use some of what you just said in the case? This would really help to go against Soo Man, it would even probably increase the amount I could sue him for.”

“You can use it.” Sehun said nodding, before his usual cockiness started to return. “But only if I get all of the money.

Tao playfully slapped his arm and moved away, turning off the microphone with his other hand. 

"Idiot." Tao muttered, kicking Sehun's leg under the table and sipping the last of his tea.

Finally~ My ideas are flowing and I've had the time to write. *Cries in relief*


I don't know about you guys but I had a pretty time these last few months. I hope its just karma, then all of this bad stuff happening to me will be transformed into a better future for me and a ish one for those doing this. sigh.

Anyway updates should be more frequent now, though I'm not promising it. I am going to try as hard as I can though. 

Now for me it is bed time zZ zZ 


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Asumi123 #1
I still haven't read this story yet. But I like Taoris an Sulay hahaha. :D
blackrosa413 #2
Chapter 37: may i know that in this story is luhan chen xiumin already appear???
because if not, in sequel maybe krishan will do...'cause i dont want to break sulay that will make lay hurt again
eventhough i still want kray to have happy ending...ahh i'm so complicated inside
Holy cow, I suffered so much through this story because it ended up being a battle between my favorite otps taoris/kray, but in the end I was happy that none of them happened and Lay could be happy again with Joonmama >♡< (and I thought it was for the best that Kris didn't end up with Tao nor with Yixing... Yixing would suffer the most
Your comments are just moving :') You are all so supportive. Thank you all so much...
Chapter 38: damn.
Read this in one go and i am proud of myself *pats back mentally

i'm fallen in love with this story *wheezes pathetically
the roller coaster of emotions, my inner battle of otps (taoris/kray)
it's all amazing
i just can't *clutches heart

questions just keep appearing like

What happened to Kris (or should we say YiFan)?
He said he was *insert quotations inlove? does that mean he moved on already or not?

What happens now?
what will happen when they get the chance to all meet again?
Does Lay still harbor some feelings for Kris?

Honestly i really crave for Kray just as much as i'm obsessed with Taoris but
what about Suho?
and then theres Sehun? (well i'm not really worried about that because i'm more of a *cough hunhan shipper *cough so yeah)

ugh so many questions *pulls hair in frustration

I'll be patiently waiting for the sequel then*digs a hole and lives there until the sequel comes up


let me hug you author-nim
you're amazing *attacks you with flowers and deathly hugs
Chapter 38: my heart is in pain because of Yifan.... but... if you put Lay with him... what about SuHo?

¡NO! you cant, my baby dont deserve that because he help Yixing , he love him, he care about him so... this time SuLay win for me
Chapter 38: TAORISSS!!!!MY OTPPP~~
blackjackvipbaby #8
Chapter 37: Kyaaaaaaaa come back home ! go go Kray >_< please explain what happened to kris during these two years ... <3 your story and waiting a sequel
blackrosa413 #9
Chapter 37: Yah author-nim i realize that this story just complete?????
i want lay end up with yifan!!!!!!!!!!
no no no no please nooooooooooooooooo
i want sequel that make it end up with kray!!!!!!!!!!!
blackrosa413 #10
Chapter 37: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa baekyeol appear with yifan!!!!!!!!!!!
update soon author-nim
hohohohoho really curious with yifan life up until now