Chapter 2 - Déjà vu

Contract to Their Hearts

Kris was awoken by his phone ringing, and for a few seconds Kris had decided it must be cold callers, for no one else ever rang him. In fact, there had been many times where Kris had considered getting rid of the bloody thing.

There were three reasons he kept it. One; for searching for jobs, two; in the hope that an employer will call him, and Three; that maybe one of his family members would call and ask him to come home. Where ever home is.

 He had first lived with his mother is China, but when times got tough, he blamed his mother for not working hard enough, and set off with money he stole from her to fly to Canada. There he lived with his dad for two years. However his dad seldom pay him attention, too busy making another family with another woman.

She was very unlike his mother, who had been short, dark haired and Chinese to the bone, and not to mention that with her age she had become slightly plump, but that added to her charm in Kris’s opinion.  His dad’s girlfriend (for he refused to call her step mom) was a lot younger than his mother. In fact, she was closer to Kris’s age than his dads. She had hair that was dyed unnaturally blonde, was skinny as a matchstick and her s so fake Kris was convinced he would smell burning plastic if she used another tanning booth.  In short, Kris didn’t like her. And yet his father loved her more than anyone, and when Kris saw that wasn’t changing he tried to go back to his home in China. However his house was occupied by a different family, and his mother’s location unknown after she had sold the house.

She had become so poor in Kris’s absence that she couldn’t afford their house anymore. Kris had no idea where his mother was, how she was doing, or even if she was alive. And so his phone may be outdated, and another drain to add to his wallet, but it was his only hope that maybe someone would call him and want him back.

Kris rolled over in bed and reached for the phone, clicking the answer call button and holding it to his ear. The blanket he slept under had fallen down to reveal his shirtless chest and his eyes still hadn’t opened properly yet since he had only just woken. His hair stuck up in all directions and when he said hello into the receiver his voice came out deep and husky.

“Good morning, is this Kris?” A chirpy and somewhat familiar voice asked.

“Yeah. Who is this?”

“This is SM host club. You’re application has been reviewed and your contract has been signed. You are invited to attend training sessions starting at 2pm today. Do you have any questions or further inquiries?” This voice definitely belonged to the busty receptionist.

“uh. No I don’t think so. 2pm today right?” Kris asked sleepily.

“That’s right. Your position at our host club will be fully explained later, but if you have anything you wish to ask, you can call us back at this number, any time of day, we’ll answer.”  Kris nodded even though she couldn’t see him before remembering he needed to speak.

“Well okay then. Thank you.”

“Thank you! We’ll be seeing you later. Good bye!”

Kris clicked end call and lay back down in bed. The clock on the wall showed that it was 9am. He looked around at his other belongings.  Other than the mattress which he was now laying on, the room had a cardboard box of clothes, and another with items he had brought from China and Canada. He had a small photo album containing childhood photos, a ring once given to him by his father and the last birthday card he received from his mother. However that was over three years ago now, and he hadn't receiver another card since. 

Kris pulled himself out of bed and into the small bathroom. The shower had only produced cold water for weeks now, yet he still wasn’t used to the icy jets that engulfed him. Once clean he dressed in dark jeans and a black shirt. Passing from the bedroom to the small kitchenette he made himself some coffee and put the last slice of stale bread into the toaster.  

When he had finished eating only half an hour had passed and he still didn’t have anything to do.  Taking his sunglasses and black jacket, he decided to go for a carefree walk.  He had spent nearly all of his free time looking for jobs recently, and now that he was settled he could finally stop worrying about money. He could move out of his small apartment into a dorm which would have heated showers, food, and other people’s company. Something he had surprisingly missed, even though he wasn’t the most sociable of people. 

He found himself at a park, and deciding to stop at a bench. It was quite a nice park in the richer part of town. There was a fountain in the middle, a child’s play area in one corner and a row of trees separating it from the busy road that lead out of town.  Kris found himself watching the different people that entered the park and imagining their lives.

There was a young woman and a man who he assumed was her husband, they laughed together and occasionally she would look startled and feel her tummy. In love, pregnant, starting a family, happy, not alone. The opposite of Kris.

There was chubby man running, his face bright red and his breath coming out in puffs which left steam in the cold air. He sipped at his water and pressed his earphones deeper into his ears, while slipping his iPod back into the pocket of his designer tracksuit.  Money, a goal, someone to impress? Still not close to how Kris is.

Kris’s eyes then found someone else. And apparently they found him too. He was a slim man with black hair, an expensive suit and catlike eyes. Yet there was also something that reminded Kris of a panda when he looked at him. Kris soon found the man’s stares awkward and couldn’t sit still any longer. He got up and slowly walked back towards his apartment, spending a small amount of money he’d kept on some ramen before heading into his apartment.  After eating, procrastinating and taking as much time on things as possible, it was finally time to leave.

Yet when he reached the building he had a strange sense of déjà vu. Someone else also reached the building at the same time.

“Kris! After you.” They said, holding open the SM Host Club door for him. Kris nodded his head in response and said. “Xièxiè, Lay.” 

So chapter two is now up! This chapter was basically filler, which is annoying but necessary in any story. Tell me what you think in the comments and thank you all for reading this! Subscribe if you want to read more! 


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Asumi123 #1
I still haven't read this story yet. But I like Taoris an Sulay hahaha. :D
blackrosa413 #2
Chapter 37: may i know that in this story is luhan chen xiumin already appear???
because if not, in sequel maybe krishan will do...'cause i dont want to break sulay that will make lay hurt again
eventhough i still want kray to have happy ending...ahh i'm so complicated inside
Holy cow, I suffered so much through this story because it ended up being a battle between my favorite otps taoris/kray, but in the end I was happy that none of them happened and Lay could be happy again with Joonmama >♡< (and I thought it was for the best that Kris didn't end up with Tao nor with Yixing... Yixing would suffer the most
Your comments are just moving :') You are all so supportive. Thank you all so much...
Chapter 38: damn.
Read this in one go and i am proud of myself *pats back mentally

i'm fallen in love with this story *wheezes pathetically
the roller coaster of emotions, my inner battle of otps (taoris/kray)
it's all amazing
i just can't *clutches heart

questions just keep appearing like

What happened to Kris (or should we say YiFan)?
He said he was *insert quotations inlove? does that mean he moved on already or not?

What happens now?
what will happen when they get the chance to all meet again?
Does Lay still harbor some feelings for Kris?

Honestly i really crave for Kray just as much as i'm obsessed with Taoris but
what about Suho?
and then theres Sehun? (well i'm not really worried about that because i'm more of a *cough hunhan shipper *cough so yeah)

ugh so many questions *pulls hair in frustration

I'll be patiently waiting for the sequel then*digs a hole and lives there until the sequel comes up


let me hug you author-nim
you're amazing *attacks you with flowers and deathly hugs
Chapter 38: my heart is in pain because of Yifan.... but... if you put Lay with him... what about SuHo?

¡NO! you cant, my baby dont deserve that because he help Yixing , he love him, he care about him so... this time SuLay win for me
Chapter 38: TAORISSS!!!!MY OTPPP~~
blackjackvipbaby #8
Chapter 37: Kyaaaaaaaa come back home ! go go Kray >_< please explain what happened to kris during these two years ... <3 your story and waiting a sequel
blackrosa413 #9
Chapter 37: Yah author-nim i realize that this story just complete?????
i want lay end up with yifan!!!!!!!!!!
no no no no please nooooooooooooooooo
i want sequel that make it end up with kray!!!!!!!!!!!
blackrosa413 #10
Chapter 37: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa baekyeol appear with yifan!!!!!!!!!!!
update soon author-nim
hohohohoho really curious with yifan life up until now