run away

she is not the same girl ;)

It was time for Minho oppa to go so your family send him off but you did not tag along incase you were sad by his leave , "Appa,omma thanks for taking care of me all this while i will not dissapoint you and jaebal take care of Aeirin properly haha she is really very cute haha i will miss all of you"

"ofcourse we will take care of her aren't we taking care of her all this while? , and don't worry everything will be fine here i want you to take care of yourself dont injured yourself alright?" Omma say in a very sad tone  "Take good care of yourself at there okay son? work less rest more and find a lover" Appa , "Appa!!" he say in embarrasing tone as EXO arrive  "i am just kidding " appa say and everyone laugh 

Suddenly when Minho oppa was about to go he heard a familiar voice shouting at him "Oppa!!! oppa!! wait!! wait for me!!" a girl shouted at him , he turned and saw the familiar figure running after him "yah Aeirin what are you doing here i thought you did not want to visit me" minho chuckled "how can i not ? i will miss you" i pouted 

"Kyeopta~~~ you two are so cute " familiar guys voices was heard and i turn and saw what i thought was a dream my mouth was hanging open and i could not  believe my eyes my idol standing infront of me i stared blankly at them with my mouth hanging open "yah bapo close your mouth you are drooling" minho oppa tease me "opaa!! i am not drooling!!" i say in an embarrssing tone and all of them laugh 

"its time to go!!" two guys say in excitement "i recgonised that voices it was my two favourite bias , and they are standing infront of me" at first i thought it was a dream until minho oppa pinch me "yah oppa!! it hurts!!" i shouted ,Minho oppa chuckled "its time for me to go,take care okay" he pat my head as soon as i heard that tears start rolling down my cheeks minho oppa wiped off my tears and say "hey how am i going to leave if my baby girl is crying?" he playfully say to me "omma appa can't i follow minho oppa?" i turned to face my parents but they shook their heads and say "you can't ,did'nt i told you to stay at America?" 

"Jalgayo oppa~~" i say still crying , minho oppa hugged me and say "come on cheer up smile for me for the last time will ya?" he say looking sad too. The rest of the EXO members were touched and went "awwww so sweet" " and sad too " Tao say looking sad ,before pulling me out of his arms minho oppa say "don't worry everything will be fine but then i did'nt want him to be sad so i just smile at him "jalgayo oppaa~~~" he smile and say bye to me

My parents and i took the car and i was crying until i was asleep then i woke up on my bed at it was 3 in the morning ,it was my birthday but i just feel the urge to leave this house so i call soo young "annenyeong mianhe soo young are you asleep?" "ani i was was waiting for your call are you ready?" she say in exitement "ne i am ready so the ticket is it ready? " i say as i pack my bags " yes it is i will meet you at the airport jalgayo" dae " i quickly took out a piece of paper and write to my parents saying "I am really sorry i am doing this but i have no choice don't be sad and dont look for me because i am fine and i will just stay here for a couple of months dont worry i will call you once i reach there and i prepared a cake and i blew out the candle so happy birthday to me haha " i put the note inside my bedroom and i quickly shut the door and i took the taxi to the the airport and i met my bestfriend there

ok sorry for the delayed but here you go ssorry if it is not to the point of "running away" hehe stay tuned for the next chapter!! comment please!!

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read it it is call She is not the same girl ;)


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Baekchenn #1
aww thanks for the wish and sorry for the late reply and Selamat Hari Raya to you too
syahirahakashah #2
Chapter 13: Selamat hari raya to u too omg.. 2more days then the fasting month is over. :'(
Baekchenn #3
haha hope you love it
Baekchenn #4
aww thanks will do
Nurbatrisyia #5
Chapter 8: Daebak please update soon..and i love to read you fanfic..
Baekchenn #6
haha will do later, but give me an idea thanks @Lovexo_
Lovexo_ #7
Chapter 8: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Another update :b
Baekchenn #8
hey thanks for reading it, i appreciate it give me more feedbacks. i will update soon either today or tomorrow so i hope i get ideas hehe ..*girl power*