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Believe In Me
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Two days pass since Jackson and Mark has seen each other after their meal together at the restaurant. Mark would occasionally watch Jackson from his balcony as he left to his schedules and to see all his fans devour his car, taking at least 20 minutes for him to finally escape the fans’ clutches. Jackson finally got caught up in his schedules and was almost never at the hotel, which left Mark alone on the top floor. But Mark would sometimes catch Jackson on the balcony and they would talk until one of them had to leave. They would even play on the stairs shooting rock, paper, or scissors to see who’ll reach their room first.




“Jackson? Are you awake yet? Hello…….” Jackson could feel tiny fingers gently tap at his shoulder and lets out a groan. “Youngjae, it’s too early to leave for my shoot. Leave me alone to sleep some more.” But the tapping continued and a small giggle whispered behind Jackson’s shoulder making him spin around to see who it really was. Mark was kneeling on the bed with a hand covering his mouth to stop himself from laughing any louder. “Mark? How….How did you get in my room?” Jackson was pulling the sheets to cover his bare chest. Mark gets off the bed so Jackson can pull the sheets, “I was knocking at your door and I rang the bell but you didn’t come to the door. So I went to your manager’s room and asked him to unlock your door for me. Luckily he was awake.” Mark finished his explanation with a crooked innocent smile across his cheeks.

“And Park Manager didn’t refuse to help you?” Jackson said as he sat up from his bed with suspicion. “Of course not. I’m the younger brother of Dr. Jaebum,” Mark laughed.

“Ugh that idiot….” Jackson walks towards the bathroom and gestures Mark to wait in the living room, “It’s five in the morning. My photo shoot isn’t until nine.”

Mark looks away from Jackson and almost whispers his response, “I thought we could leave early so I wouldn’t have to hear hyung complain.” Jackson laughs, “We can leave after I finish my shower then.”



Jackson and Mark were able to depart for the photo shoot after finally being able to pass through the army of fans that surrounded the car. They both fall asleep on the way to the shoot but arrive soon enough before they even know it. The two friends had a lot of time to spare so Jackson let Mark try on the clothes and accessories for his shoot and even took a few playful shots with their phones.

“Jackson. Let’s go,” one of the directors called as Mark and Jackson were still playing around with the props. Jackson responds with a nod and the director leaves the two alone again. “Okay Mark, time for me to get to work,” Jackson said while grabbing Mark by the arm.

Mark watched Jackson as everyone took careful care of him. There were dozens of different people in charge of his makeup, clothing, and accessories. It seemed like the entire sight was at the brink of chaos until Jackson was ready for the first set of modeling. Jackson was dressed in his fencing suit but the suit shined gold instead of the original milky white. Mark sat in his seat anticipating which poses Jackson would first strut out but the chatter between the crewmembers got louder. Soon chaos really did break out between them. Shouts flew across the room and people were sprinting back and forth. The skinny doctor shriveled into his seat as he brought his posture into a fetus position and wrapped his arms around his legs to bring them in closer so he wouldn’t accidently trip anyone who ran by him. His eyes caught Jackson running towards him, “Sorry Mark but it seems the other model that’s supposed to be here didn’t show up. He got caught in a delayed flight so they’re going to postpone the shoot for next week.”

Mark slowly rose from the chair, “So we’re just going back to the hotel then?” Jackson could hear the disappointed from his voice but could only nod his head in return. Mark looks back at the crewmembers that were still yelling at each other and still running around the sight and drops his gaze to the ground, “I’ll wait in the car for you then.” Mark pulls off the jacket he borrowed from Jackson’s dressing room and drops it down to the seat. Mark started walking through the chaotic production crew and Jackson picked up the jacket from the seat and looked back at Mark as Taecyeon carefully protected him from being bumped into. Jackson looks back at the jacket and his eyes shoot back to Mark as the most obvious idea pops into his head.

Before Jackson could lose sight of Mark, he sprinted to grab his friend’s shoulder, “Mark wait! You can just fill in to model instead!” Jackson holds up the jacket, “You even fit in his clothes.” Mark’s disappointed expression didn’t fade though, “You’re not serious are you? I’ve never modeled before and besides, if my brother finds out about this, he’ll kill me. I don’t want to boast but I’m a pretty big icon myself you know.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll give you angles where your face won’t reveal your identity,” Jackson pleaded hopefully. Mark looks to his bodyguard that was hovering him to block people from knocking into him and turns back to Jackson, grabbing the jacket from his hand, “Why am I always risking my life for you.” Jackson smiles in relief and they head to the dressing room.


The photo shoot finishes in success and they head back to the hotel. Jackson walks into the car first and Mark follows behind him. Jackson stretches his arms out behind his head, “Ahhhh! I’m so glad we were able to actually finish the shoot.” Mark groans and drops his head back onto the car’s cushion that supports the neck, “Who knew modeling would be so tiring.” Taecyeon started the engine and drives back to the hotel. Jackson finds himself staring at Mark sleep next to him and softly whispers, “Thanks Mark.” The tired doctor simply smiles back but before he could fall into a deep sleep Youngjae’s voice makes Mark open his eyes.

“Jackson we’ll have to fly back to Korea tonight. You’re next interview was pushed to the day after tomorrow,” Youngjae didn’t look up from his tablet as he was busily working through his client’s schedule. Jackson and Mark look at each other, neither seemed to be able to find words to say to each other.


Not a sin

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So I'm going to be busy with school since I'll be returning next week. So I'll try my very best to update on a daily basis. Alright, until then! :D


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Chapter 18: I hate you Park ing Jinyoung!!!
Chapter 10: Jinyoung I like you but.......I cannot let anyone come between my Markson.
Chapter 7: This is so wrong Jaebum! Not fair!
Oh my gosh Mark. It's okay. Jackson is there for you.
dandelion96 #4
Chapter 19: Please updaaaaaaaaate
petshopxoxoxo #5
Chapter 19: Author-nim, u have to know that I'm so happy when I see ur update.
Poor little Gyeomie... If it was not for his blood, Mark would not make it through...
Now that why JB is so protective. He lost all, he had only Mark now...
I hope Markson would be ok soon.
I'm not blaming Jinyoungie tho... His health condition is too bad & he wants Mark... But ending Jackson's fencing career...
Hope to see ur next chapter soon. I really love this story.
soleybjork #6
Chapter 1: Wow sounds interesting ~~
cascade7 #8
Chapter 18: oh please please please please please continue the story.... please!
Chapter 14:
Chapter 18: This story is so intense and amazing, I'm hooked. I feel selfish for wanting markson together... but poor jinyoung....