Dark Blue

Dark Blue

Chanyeol will never forget it. The day he saw the blue sky was the day he was also able to buy the guitar he always wanted. He remembered how someone accidentally bumped into him and he almost can't breathe when his guitar almost fell on the ground but then, the guy who bumped into him helped him and that's when he saw his face. He saw his face and everything was in full colour around him.

But Chanyeol didn’t pay attention to his surroundings that time, his eyes were focused to the young man standing in front of him. He was pretty. Even though he looks pale and there were bags under his pretty eyes, he knew that this person is very beautiful. Chanyeol didn’t need to look twice. He was sure of this person’s beauty and he will never forget him.


"Sorry." Was the only thing the boy said before running off to somewhere, leaving Chanyeol all alone while staring at an empty space.


That was the time where he started despising hearing apologies.




He had seen him again.

He was at school that time and he was staring out the window like usual when someone familiar caught his attention. The boy he saw before was there, sitting under a tree and he was looking at the sky. He was so beautiful and Chanyeol didn’t think twice before he stood up and ran to where the boy was. He doesn’t know why he feels like this. There was some sort of hidden and unseen connection between them that each time Chanyeol sees him, he would ran after him just to be able to know his name. Knowing his name would be enough than knowing nothing.

He was running when he accidentally bumped into someone. To add more to his luck, the person he bumped into was carrying some sort of drink which was splattered on his white shirt. But he didn’t care. He wanted to run again but the person he bumped into – which he later found out to be someone name Do Kyungsoo – looked so guilty and he was even willing to wash the shirt for Chanyeol. Chanyeol wanted to say no so he could just leave and look for his mystery guy.

But Kyungsoo looked so guilty and persistent. He looks so adorable as well and in the end, Chanyeol didn’t have the will power to say no.


Maybe I’ll see him again next time.




Chanyeol and Kyungsoo became very close.

Park Chanyeol became Park Chanyeol and Do Kyungsoo. They became best of friends and one of them can never be seen without the other. They were always together and Chanyeol almost forgot about his mystery guy until the day he had seen him again unexpectedly.


Chanyeol saw him at a children’s park. He was sitting on a swing and he looks paler than the first time he had seen him. He looks sad but then, he was smiling while watching the kids playing together. Chanyeol stared at him for a long time before the guy finally stood up and left.

Chanyeol cursed himself because he didn’t even approach him and ask his name.




Summer is near. A week from now and the spring will be over. Chanyeol was at home, he was busy in tuning his guitar. He wanted to compose a song for someone. He wanted to be able to express his feelings using music so he sat at one corner of his room, pen in between his lips and a notebook on his lap while he was strumming his guitar.

He was writing the second verse of the song when he felt like his head was being cut in half. He groaned in pain and he dropped everything he was holding when he tried to stand up. He leaned on his wall for support as he stumbled his way towards the living room. He needs to call someone. He needs Kyungsoo.

Each step he takes causes more pain, not just to his head but also to his whole body. It was like something was stabbing him continuously in every part of his body. It was like there were a thousands of open wounds that was being infected by the open air. He felt like dying. His whole body was shaking and his eyes hurt, it hurt to the point that Chanyeol wanted to stab it and take it out of its sockets so he could escape from the pain. He screamed and screamed. It was just too painful. He couldn’t even get near the telephone when he felt he couldn’t breathe anymore. He gasped for air but nothing came. He couldn’t even shout or scream anymore. He couldn’t make any sound. Chanyeol tried reaching his phone but everything turned black before that. He lost his consciousness only to wake up and see the world in black and white again.

Chanyeol wanted to say something. He tried to open his mouth but no words came out. He felt like he lost the ability to speak. That time, he wanted to curse the world for being unfair. How could this happen to him? Why him? What did he ever do to experience this kind of faith? He was never even able to know the name of that person. He never even got the chance to talk to him properly and now, he’s gone. Chanyeol will never see him again.




When Kyungsoo found out the truth, he cried. Chanyeol wanted to comfort him, to tell him that it’s okay for him. That he’s not feeling bad. But he would be lying if he does that because it hurts. It hurts like hell to lose someone you don’t know and yet you know he’s the one for you. Chanyeol never knew his soulmate but he would never forget him.




That summer when Kyungsoo met Jongin, he should admit he felt a little jealous. Kyungsoo finally found his true love while Chanyeol was suffering. But he could never do anything that might hurt his best friend. He would never let Kyungsoo feel the misery he was feeling right now. Kyungsoo became his family and Chanyeol loved him like a real brother and causing him harm was something Chanyeol couldn’t get himself to do.


So Chanyeol swore that he’ll protect Kim Jongin no matter what.




Chanyeol screamed and screamed. He called both Kyungsoo and Jongin’s name but he received no answer. The whole building was on fire and even though he couldn’t see its color, he knows the fire was flaming red and it’s slowly consuming the building. He felt the extreme heat even in the cold winter breeze. He wanted to run and enter the building like what Jongin did but the firemen became extra careful. They held Chanyeol’s arm, completely trapping him and stopping him from escaping.

But then two familiar figures come into his view. The moment was breath-taking. He would never forget how he ran towards Kyungsoo who was carrying Jongin’s unconscious body with him. He will be forever haunted by the thought that Kyungsoo slowly lost his life while telling him to look after Jongin and always protect him. He would always remember how Kyungsoo looked up to the sky, smiled and wished that Jongin would not remember him once he wake up to lessen the younger’s pain.

The moment Kyungsoo died, Chanyeol cried. He didn’t fight back the tears, instead he let them flow freely. He couldn’t help but laugh at his misfortune. First, his soulmate died without him getting the chance to meet him and then now, the best friend he loved was now dead in his arms.

But Chanyeol vowed to keep his promise to Kyungsoo. He would look after Jongin and he will be ready to tell him the whole story of how Kyungsoo saved him even if it costs his life.



But then Jongin woke up not knowing a single thing about Kyungsoo. His memories with Kyungsoo were replaced by events that never happened. Jongin didn’t even remember that he once saw the world in color. It was like Kyungsoo never existed in Jongin’s present world. Kyungsoo’s wish came true. Chanyeol knows it was a selfish request but then it was granted and Chanyeol’s burden was lessened and Jongin didn’t feel any pain about Kyungsoo’s death.


Because really, why would you cry over someone’s death when you don’t even know that person existed?




3 years later; Spring


“Jonginnie! I want some chocolate cake! Buy me some, please~” Zitao whined like a child from the living room. Chanyeol was in the kitchen, trying to make them something to eat because he knows if he doesn’t make a move, they will be eating nothing but instant noodles for dinner again.


“Shut up! I’m playing. Ask Jongdae hyung if you want but I won’t drop this console.” Chanyeol heard Jongin answer, “And stop calling me Jonginnie! It’s disturbing.”

Chanyeol left the kitchen to check them only to see Zitao frown but Jongin didn’t even look at him. “Brat.” Zitao shouted back to Jongin but the younger only snorted. Chanyeol shook his head in disapproval and he approached Jongdae who was busy reading some magazine.


“Hyung, do you even plan on stopping those two?” Chanyeol asked while pointing at both Jongin and Sehun who was playing since this morning, only taking breaks when they need to pee or when it’s time to eat. “They might get sick if this continues.”


Jongdae looked up and stared at the younger boys playing. He looked at Chanyeol with a serious face which made him feel a little uncomfortable, “Jongin doesn’t know why he’s feeling a little different each spring since two years ago and a lot of people mentions Kyungsoo to him and he doesn’t even know Kyungsoo. Sehun had another fight with Luhan and he’s been crying for days, he only stopped this morning when Jongin asked him to play a game with him.” Chanyeol was speechless. Jongdae was only smiling at him but then, “CHANYEOL HYUNG! THE KITCHEN!” That made him ran back to the kitchen and his mind was temporarily freed from his personal problems, instead what bothered him was that the food he was cooking got burnt.




Chanyeol sat on the edge of his bed, guitar in his arms, notebook and pen on his lap and he was strumming it while trying compose something. The notebook was opened to a page where a first of a song was written. It was the song he started three years ago. He never finished it. But now, he opened the notebook to this page again hoping that this time, he might be able to add some to the song he’s composing.


“CHANYEOL HYUNG! JONGIN WANTS SOME CHOCOLATE CAKE!” He closed his eyes and groaned, trying his best to control his annoyance over his younger friends. But then he opened them after he realized what Sehun had just said. Jongin? Chocolate cake? He though Jongin doesn’t want to eat that anymore? He even remembers how Jongin screamed at Jongdae after the elder tried to make him eat a slice of cake. It was a weird behavior to be shown over just a cake but Chanyeol knows better. Jongin’s odd behavior has something to do with Kyungsoo. Even though Jongin doesn’t know Kyungsoo, it was still connected with the way Jongin behaves when eating a chocolate cake, because it was because of that that both of them left Kyungsoo alone that Christmas Eve.


“What on Earth happened that I do not know that made Jongin want a chocolate cake?” Chanyeol went out of his room, just in time to see Jongdae gaping at Jongin’s frowning face.


“Yah Kim Jongin, are you sure you want some chocolate cake?” Chanyeol asked him, the surprised cannot be hidden from his tone. Jongin sighed and pouted at his hyungs.


“Yes. I’m sure I want some. Don’t worry I won’t go crazy like the last time. I just feel like eating some today. I don’t know why.” Jongin was still pouting and Chanyeol was sure he saw Sehun making puking faces at Zitao who was giggling.


“Okay fine. I’ll go buy some for everyone.” Chanyeol said after a while, making everyone shut up. Sehun smiled widely and Zitao clapped his hands while Jongdae asked Chanyeol to buy some ice cream for him as well. Chanyeol could only sigh and give in to his friends’ request. Since the five of them started living together, life became dynamic but silence was never found.


But Chanyeol didn’t regret anything. He enjoyed everyone’s company and they became family without realizing it.




On the other hand, someone was looking at the world the same way as Chanyeol. He never experienced silence ever since he was checked out of the hospital. He loved the noise because all he ever heard was nothing but silence for five years until thankfully, three years ago he was finally able to go home after a successful heart transplant. All he knows about his donor was he was Chinese and he was named Baixian.


“Yah. Byun Baekhyun! When are you planning to go home? You’ve been playing in this playground for hours. Aren’t you tired?” Junmyeon sighed as he sat down on the ground, not caring if his clothes get dirty.


“Hmm. Not yet. I want to play more, hyung. I need a lot of catching up to do.” Baekhyun grinned at his cousin before running around like a five-year-old kid.


“You’ve been saying that for three years!”


“Because I haven’t caught up anything even after three years. I want to enjoy my life more.” Baekhyun danced around and sat on a fountain. There were a lot of kids playing around him and Junmyeon was about to approach him when Baekhyun started singing. The children around him stopped and turned to look at him. Junmyeon smiled knowing many of them liked Baekhyun’s voice.




Two boxes of chocolate cake and a bunch of ice creams in hand, Park Chanyeol walked home with a bored expression on his face. He had spent a lot of money for his friends’ food and he knows no one will pay him back. That’s just how life works anyway.



“Baekhyun! Come back here!” He heard someone shouting from afar but he didn’t care. He was thinking too much of how much money was gone from his pocket but then someone – someone he doesn’t know – embraced him and buried his face on the crook of his neck. Chanyeol almost dropped what he was holding, thankfully, he didn’t or else, he might be poor before the month ends.


“Baek!” Someone was still calling whoever that was and Chanyeol felt the guy’s embrace on him became much tighter. “No no no, please no. Don’t let him see me.” He heard him whispering and Chanyeol swore his voice was pleasant to his ears.

But it seemed to him that this guy was probably Baekhyun and he’s hiding from someone so Chanyeol did something that he didn’t think he himself would do.

Chanyeol embraced the boy tightly but he made sure the food was still safely in his hands and he pulled him somewhere away from the park.



Chanyeol stopped in front of a familiar pastry shop. Oh, Yixing owns this place, he thought. He turned to look at the boy with him and he saw him looking down, his hair was covering the other half of his face and his lips were pursed. 


“Uhm, do you want to come in with me?” Chanyeol asked, the boy slowly raised his head, looked at Chanyeol and smiled while nodding. Chanyeol extended his hand to the boy but before he could reach it, Chanyeol pulled it back and placed in on his head.


His brain hurts… It ing hurts. The pain was familiar and he hated it in an instant.



Chanyeol could only remember the pain he felt before passing out.




Baekhyun bit his lip as he stare at the tall man in front of him who lay unconscious on a small bed. He doesn’t know his name but Baekhyun trusts him. Baekhyun let him pull him into some shop because he knows this giant won’t hurt him. How could Baekhyun say that? He doesn’t know. But then when they stopped in front of a pastry shop, Baekhyun understood why. When the giant extended his arm, Baekhyun saw the blue sky, he had seen the green leaves whistling with the wind, he saw everything in color. He didn’t know why it took that long for him to react but he didn’t mind.



“Ughh.” Baekhyun shifted in his position when he heard the giant groan. Yixing – the owner of the shop, who was also the friend of this giant – approached him. “Chanyeol-ah? Can you hear me?” Oh, so his name’s Chanyeol.


“Hrmm.” Yixing held Chanyeol’s hand and sat closer to him.


“I called Jongin and the others. They’re on their way here.” At that time, Baekhyun felt out of place. He felt like he doesn’t belong here. He was about to stand up and leave when Chanyeol bolted into a sitting position with a surprised expression on his face.


“Yixing hyung…” His voice was deep and a hint of shock was noticeable as well.


“Yes? What’s wrong? Are you hurt somewhere?”


“No… It’s not that.”


Baekhyun watched as Chanyeol scan the whole room as if he was looking for something. He looks cute, like a puppy, Baekhyun thought, a smile plastered on his face. But when Chanyeol’s gaze landed on him, it was like a sudden wave of realization washed over him. His eyes widened and he pointed at Baekhyun accusingly.



“It’s because of you! That’s why I’m seeing everything in color, it’s because of you!” Chanyeol said, just as the door opened and surprised faces of his four friends was seen. Yixing was also stunned. He knows Chanyeol very well. He knows that Chanyeol’s vision was supposed to be black and white forever. His soulmate died years ago and it’s not supposed to change again.


But then, miracles do happen. Maybe this was one of them?




Junmyeon came to pick Baekhyun up half an hour later. Yixing called him after asking Baekhyun his guardian’s contact number. When Junmyeon arrived, Yixing was out to buy some cake and ice cream for everyone – because what Chanyeol bought fell to ground when he fainted – and Junmyeon immediately scolded his cousin and lectured him for a long time but Baekhyun only pouted and apologized and poof, the other forgave him that easy.


“You should never run away like that ever again. You even involved these people in your little trick. You should say sorry.” Junmyeon said looking very serious causing Baekhyun to pout and then bite his lip and he bowed to the five people standing just in front of him, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cause trouble to any of you… especially to you, Chanyeol-ssi.” Chanyeol flinched when his name came out of Baekhyun’s lips perfectly, “If there’s anything I could do, please do tell.” The Baekhyun flashed his perfect smile.


“It’s alright. It’s not much of a trouble and actually, I think we’re the ones who should thank you.” Jongin smiled back at Baekhyun, but his was a bit more sly and mysterious.


“Yep. I never thought Chanyeol hyung could ever comment on how dull the colors around him looks.” Jongdae said, a knowing smile slowly creeping on his face.


“I want to thank you for giving Chanyeol hyung a new life.” Zitao said, bowing his head to Baekhyun and Junmyeon. Junmyeon looked at Baekhyun who was looking down while tapping the point of his shoe.


“Baekhyun, can you please explain me why they’re acting like this?” Junmyeon seemed confused. His eyebrows were already meeting and he reminded Chanyeol of Kyungsoo at how wide his eyes suddenly became when he slowly realized everything.


“Holy Byun Baekhyun! Can you? Can you really see colors now?”


Junmyeon almost fainted when Baekhyun nodded. Everyone else smiled but Chanyeol only wondered why this was happening.




Three days later, Chanyeol was sitting on the couch next to Jongin and they were playing some racing game when Sehun came panting like he joined a marathon before coming home.


“CHANYEOL HYUNG! I found out something really really important and maybe you’ll be interested.” The younger said while trying to regain his breath. “Why would I be?” Chanyeol asked, his eyes not leaving the screen.


“Because it involves Byun Baekhyun.” With the mention of Baekhyun’s name, Chanyeol paused their game causing Jongin to protest and whine but Jongdae threw a pillow at him. He also seemed interested at whatever Sehun was about to say.


“Luhan hyung told me that his friend who escaped the hospital three years ago was named Baixian. He have some brain cancer and he died at the last week of spring the same year he escaped.” Sehun stopped for a moment, looking at his everyone’s reaction.


“Why is Baekhyun involved in that issue with Luhan hyung’s friend?” Zitao asked while munching a sandwich he made a while ago.


“Baixian’s heart was donated to Byun Baekhyun. Baekhyun was confined in a hospital for five years because of his weak heart but then he had a heart transplant three years ago and he was allowed to go home.”


“So, that’s why Baekhyun was acting like a child. He never got to enjoy his childhood.” Jongin said, he was sitting on the couch next to Chanyeol who looked like stone statue. He wasn’t even blinking. He was frozen as ice.


“Sehun-ah…” Chanyeol finally opened his mouth after minutes of silence. He looks pale and no one knows why. “Yes hyung?” Sehun looked at Chanyeol with concern. This was a new sight for everyone. Chanyeol was always bubbly or at least he try to be since Kyungsoo died.


“Do you have a picture of that Baixian you’re talking about?”


“Uhh yes. I asked Luhan hyung a picture and he gave me this.” Sehun said as he was tapping on his phone. A few second later he stopped and he turned his phone to face it to Chanyeol and everyone else.

In the picture, Luhan was smiling widely next to another guy. He has the same height as Luhan and everyone noticed how pretty his eyes were. It looked like it was twinkling and the way he smiled was also noticeable. Both of them looked happy but Chanyeol became even paler at the sight.


“It’s him. He looked healthier in the picture but I’m sure it is him.” Chanyeol felt his mouth had gone dry. He could get any more words out. He tried opening his mouth but nothing came out. He felt mute.


“Him? What’s with him, Chanyeol?” Jongdae asked. He cocked his head to one side as he eyes the younger.


“The first person who changed my vision was Baixian. Maybe that’s why Baekhyun changed it again because he have some part of Baixian in him.” It was hard but Chanyeol managed to let the few words out of him mouth. His voice was hoarse but it was audible enough to make the others gasp in surprise.




“Baekhyun, I know you found Chanyeol after many years but you can’t back out now. The Wu family were the ones who paid for your hospital bills and you know what they want in return. They gave you three years and now it’s over so—”


“Yes. I know that, Junmyeon hyung. But you know even after just a short time, I already liked Chanyeol. Weird, right? Yet here am I. Standing in a shop to pick my suit for the wedding I never wanted to be in.” Baekhyun sighed and sat down on a chair while people around him are fussing over what suit would fit him well for the wedding next month.


“We don’t have choice. It’s been decided and if I could help, I’ll do something, but sadly, I couldn’t.” Junmyeon looked really sad and guilty but Baekhyun knows it isn’t his fault. If it were their choice, they wouldn’t let this happen. No one wanted this to happen in the first place.


“But I could.” At the sound of a familiar voice, both Junmyeon and Baekhyun turned their heads to see a very tall man, leaning on the door of the shop with a grin plastered on his beautiful face.


“Oh. Yifan.” The said male strode his way toward the other two. He sat across them, his wide smile not leaving his face.


“I could do something to stop this marriage.” Both Junmyeon and Baekhyun looked at each other, they were obviously confused about what Yifan was saying. How could Yifan stop his own sister’s wedding? Wouldn’t his father get mad at him for doing so?


“We know you could but we also know you wouldn’t.” Junmyeon said, looking at Yifan straight in the eye. They’ve known each other since childhood so it wasn’t really surprising how Junmyeon talked to Yifan.


“Who said I wouldn’t. You know me, Junmyeon. I wouldn’t want anyone to experience what I did.” There was a hint of sorrow in Yifan’s tone and Baekhyun heard it completely. He stared at his cousin as if asking a question but Junmyeon wasn’t looking at him. He was looking at Yifan’s eyes before he sighed.


“Okay fine. But what will you do anyway? Are you even willing to face your younger sister’s wrath?” Baekhyun was clueless about what Junmyeon and Yifan was talking about so he just shut his mouth and listened carefully, no wanting to disrupt anything.


“Yeah. I can handle her very well. She doesn’t really approve of this so it wouldn’t be a big problem if I tell her to not attend the wedding.” Yifan’s expression remained blank this time. He was being extra careful about how people see his expressions. He shouldn’t show any weak spots.


“But your mother…” It was the first time Baekhyun spoke since Yifan came. He sounded confused but he knows he should involve himself here because it was him getting married in the first place.


“Aish. Don’t worry about it too much, Byun. I just don’t want both you and my sister to be married with someone you know isn’t your soulmate. I want the two of you to be happy.” When Yifan smiled at him, Baekhyun was assured that he would be safe. Yifan’s smile had a warmth that made him trust the elder male. He smiled back knowing that everything will be alright soon.




“Junmyeon hyung, what happened with Yifan? Why does he seem so sad?” Baekhyun asked his cousin as he place his medicine on the side table. He was about to sleep and Junmyeon juts handed him his pills but there was still a different look in Junmyeon’s eyes that bothers him.


“Hmm? What do you mean?”


“Yifan hyung looked sad while talking about stopping the wedding.”


“Oh. He had a very sad past so it’s natural. I’ve seen him in a much worse state. I’m his best friend after all.”


“Really? I know you’re friends but I didn’t know you were that close.” Baekhyun looked amazed at the information but Junmyeon only smiled at him. But his smile doesn’t reach his eyes.


“Yeah. I get that a lot. People question why we get along very well when he have almost nothing in common.”


“But…why does he look like that? What happened?”


“I don’t really know the whole story because he won’t tell me but I know some of it. I know that four years ago, his mother made him marry a girl. He was just twenty that time so he wasn’t able to say no. They became close so their relationship was good but they just both knew they weren’t meant for each other. And then during the first year of his marriage, his wife met her true soulmate and he told Yifan about it. Yifan wanted to help her by having a divorce but when her mother found out, she was furious and she never let her go out of their house. Yifan’s wife was so depressed that…that she committed suicide a month later. Yifan was very sad because she was not just his wife, she’s also his friend after all.” Junmyeon looked so sad and Baekhyun doesn’t know what to say. He wanted to embrace his cousin and Yifan to comfort the both of them but he doesn’t know if that would even help them. So he just nodded and bit his lip as he watch Junmyeon leave with a sad smile on his face.




“Baekhyun’s getting married.”


The whole room fell into silence. A moment ago, everything and everyone was busy and noisy but when Zitao came carrying a newspaper with him with the only daughter of the Wu family being married to Byun Baekhyun as a headline, all eyes turned to Chanyeol who looked like he was slapped several times. The game console was still in his hands but his focus wasn’t on the game anymore.


“I need to see him.” Chanyeol said a few minutes later as he put the game console on the couch.


“I could ask Yixing hyung to contact Baekhyun’s cousin again so the two of you could meet.” Jongdae said, looking at the soulless Chanyeol standing in front of them.


“Please do. I’ll be inside my room for a while.” The others just stared at Chanyeol’s back as he made his way towards his room. All of them knows how much pain Chanyeol must be feeling right now. Everything was just against him. It was like destiny itself was against him and it wants him to suffer. Chanyeol lost many important people in his life and if ever Baekhyun gets married to another, then they don’t know if Chanyeol could still handle another loss.




“Junmyeon hyung said you wanted to see me?” They were inside a restaurant and Chanyeol was just sitting across him. Baekhyun was playing with his fingers trying to hide how nervous he really is in meeting Chanyeol again. He doesn’t know if he was imagining it or the other did really became much taller than before. Baekhyun couldn’t help but stare at the man in front of him. He looks like a male god and everything about him was just perfect for Baekhyun.


“Is it true? Are you really getting married?” Chanyeol isn’t looking at him. He was looking at his food while stabbing it continuously. Baekhyun kind of felt pity for the meat.


“How did you know?” He was sure he didn’t tell Chanyeol anything about that anyway.


“Who wouldn’t when the news was everywhere?” Baekhyun might just have been imagining it because Chanyeol wouldn’t roll his eyes like some kind of y teenage girl.


“Oh right. I forgot about that. Is that the reason why you want to meet me?” Chanyeol sighed, placed down his fork and looked at Baekhyun straight in the eye. He opened his mouth wanting to say something but nothing really came out. Baekhyun tilted his head and he looked so adorable that Chanyeol couldn’t help but feel a little pain in his heart with the thought of letting another person have him.


“Baekhyun, I… I know I might sound selfish but I don’t want you to marry that girl.” Chanyeol looked so serious and Baekhyun felt his heart race. He couldn’t believe what Chanyeol had said.


“I know that maybe you want to but I’m very being selfish right now. I’ve lost enough people in my life and I couldn’t handle another. So please don’t marry that girl and just… just wait for me instead. I mean, I don’t love you yet, yes, I like you and I don’t know if you do feel the same but I—”


“Chanyeol. Stop.” There was a grin on Baekhyun’s face and he couldn’t hide it. Chanyeol looked so cute with his face so red and Baekhyun wanted to pinch his cheeks.


“Baekhyun I know I’m selfish but please. Don’t marry her. I’m willing to fight for you and I can’t believe I’m saying this but I’m begging you to stay with me and be my—“ But whatever Chanyeol was about to say was cut off when a pair of lips was suddenly over his. He didn’t fight back of course and Baekhyun couldn’t help but smile in their kiss. He really really really likes Chanyeol and he’s glad the other feels the same way.




One year later; Autumn


Chanyeol ran as fast as he could hoping to make it in time for Baekhyun’s performance. He just finished submitting his new song composition to his company and as usual, it was accepted. He needs to watch Baekhyun’s first ever performance on stage or else, his boyfriend will sure lecture him later at night. Baekhyun have always wanted to be a singer and now, his dream is about to come true and Chanyeol wouldn’t want to miss it for the world.


The moment he reached the showcase venue, he showed his ticket and the guard made him enter. The inside of the venue was dark and the spotlight was directed on the man standing on the middle of the stage. Without even having a second look, he knows its Baekhyun.

He quickly found his way in the front row just in time as the music started playing and Chanyeol heard the most angelic voice he had ever heard in his whole life.





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sunggyustummy #1
Wonderful story :D