A Part of My Memory


Jin decided to go change his clothes, it was a good thing that he brought with him an extra t-shirt which was supposed to be used for practice. “What happened to you?” Kyungsoo asked as Jin entered their classroom late, good thing the teacher didn’t mind. “Someone bumped into me and it made me spill the cola that I was drinking” Jin replied. “Bad luck for you huh...” Kyungsoo said then he paid attention to the professor once more. Jin released a sigh and he decided to listen to the lecture as well.

Jungkook was having a peaceful lunch by the courtyard when Taehyung approached him, “Kookie-yaah~” he beamed, Jungkook flinched and he almost dropped the bread that he was eating. “Oi…” he said as he felt a little bit annoyed.

“I’ve seen the list, too bad we’re not in the same group though or else I would’ve bullied you” Taehyung said as he playfully messed Jungkook’s hair. Jungkook pushed his hand away and responded “Please, if you were in our group then it would be my first time seeing a quiet V” and Taehyung realized it as well. He released a sigh and said “Good thing I’m not huh and he’s the one that gets to be on the same group as her”. Jungkook stared at him for a while then he asked, “Are you alright with this?” Taehyung turned to him with a confused look but Jungkook just stared at him and he was able to get what Jungkook meant. He looked down and answered “It was supposed to be like this from the beginning…”


Maeri and Bora passed by the courtyard and saw Taehyung and Jungkook together. “Ah, that Taehyung! He’s not only friends with Jin-sunbae but with Jungkook as well” Bora cried. Maeri turned to Taehyung who was laughing with Jungkook, it was also the first time she saw Jungkook laugh like that since he usually puts on a serious face or a bored face during club activities.

“I need to go now since I still have a class to attend to, I’ll see you this Thursday, Jungkook-ah!” Taehyung beamed then he left. Jungkook released a sigh of relief since he felt tired talking to Taehyung, he looked up and thought Thursday

Thursday came by quickly and Maeri was looking forward to meeting Kang Jiyoung. During lunch time, she bumped into Baekhyun who was with Kyungsoo…

“Hello there Maeri” Baekhyun greeted and Maeri greeted the two of them back, “Are you excited about later?” Baekhyun asked and Maeri's eyes sparkled. “I just can’t wait to meet Kang Jiyoung and tell her our ideas, it fires me up!” she beamed “Such an energetic young lady” Kyungsoo chuckled and Maeri felt slightly embarrassed.

“I also happened to pass by Jin and he told me that he was looking forward to later too” said Baekhyun. Maeri suddenly remembered the soda incident with Jin that happened the other day and her smile faded away “Uh? What’s wrong?” Baekhyun asked, “Nothing. Anyway, I’ll see you later sunbae” she said and left.

 “She’s your co-director, right?” Kyungsoo asked and Baekhyun nodded his head, “Why do I feel like I’ve seen her before…” Kyungsoo said to himself then Baekhyun asked Kyungsoo how his relationship with his dad was going and Kyungsoo answered that it was still the same, his father still refuse to accept Kyungsoo’s dream and wants him to inherit the hospital.


It was time for club activities and when Maeri arrived at the club room, she was surprised to see so many people from the drama club. “Maeri!” Baekhyun called, she saw them and grouped with them. The first person that she saw from the drama club was Kang Jiyoung and she was really happy to finally meet her, before Baekhyun could properly introduce them to each other, Maeri beamed “I am so happy that you’re in our group!” the others were surprised and Jiyoung was flustered. Maeri realized what she did and she suddenly felt embarrassed “I’m so sorry” she apologized and she heard Jungkook sigh. Jiyoung laughed though and happily responded “No problem.” Baekhyun did a head-count and noticed that one person was missing, “Who’s not here yet?” he asked them. Suddenly, Taehyung entered the room and apologized to his group members for being late, Jungkook snickered. Moments later, Jin entered the room. Maeri furrowed her eyebrows then she turned her head away, Jin went near his group members “I’m sorry for being late, I had to remind Taehyung about the meeting since he almost forgot” he apologized to them. “That’s okay, we’re still waiting for Kyungsoo and pres” Baekhyun responded. Jin turned to the others and greeted them as well, both Jiyoung and Hayoung seemed happy when Jin greeted them as well as the other girls, they agree with each other that Jin was more handsome close up.

Jin looked around and was looking for someone, he spotted a girl with medium-length dark brown hair and she was talking to one of his group members from the film club. He gulped and decided to talk to her, “Excuse me” he said feeling a little bit nervous. The girl turned to him and when Jin saw her, he turned bright red and didn’t know what to say next.

Maeri decided to discuss with Youngjae the scenes that she had in her mind when someone tapped her “Excuse me” he said, she turned to him and furrowed her brows when she saw him.

Jin stared at her for a while, Maeri was getting impatient since Jin called her attention all of the sudden but he wasn’t saying anything. “What do you want?” she asked, Baekhyun noticed the annoyed tone Maeri had and said “Maeri, be nice. He’s one of our actors” Jin wasn’t aware thought that Maeri was already annoyed, instead he had his own vision of how Maeri looks like and in his eyes, she was smiling at him when she asked him that question. He suddenly felt someone hit his head with a notebook, he went back to his senses “Err… nice to meet you, I’m Kim Seokjin but you can call me Jin” he said as he held out his hand. Maeri looked at his hand then she turned to him, he suddenly felt nervous since she was looking at him but then she turned away and continued to talk to Youngjae.

Jin and the others were surprised, “Awkward…” Jungkook murmured. Jin turned to him and gave him a death glare, “Sorry about that sunbae, Maeri can be a little… well cold at first but I tell you, she’s a great director and you’ll be able to get along with her” Baekhyun said to Jin but then Maeri added “Sorry sunbae, but I don’t think I’ll be able to get along with someone who doesn’t even listen to others when they apologize” and after that, she decided to go near Minhyuk and ask him some questions. Jin's mouth formed an ‘O’ shape as he couldn’t believe what happened, Jungkook patted him and said “Poor you” and after that, he went near Namjoo and Youngjae.


During the whole meeting, the groups were now complete and so the leaders wanted to discuss their whole work schedule. “Starting this weekend we will have a small team building activity so that we can get to know more about each other since…” Baekhyun said as he looked at the huge distance between Jin, who seemed depressed and Maeri, who was normal as always “…since there are some who still need to get along” he continued. Jungkook couldn’t help but silently laugh at Jin, Baekhyun also explained to the others what their current script was all about which made Jungkook stop laughing and focus.

After the club meeting, Maeri went ahead with Baekhyun while Taehyung went near Jungkook and Jin as the others were cleaning up…

“So, how did it go? I’m quite jealous that the two of you are in the same group” Taehyung said as he approached them, Jungkook grinned and responded “Hyung got dumped” and he started snickering. “I did not!” Jin opposed, Taehyung asked them what happened and Jungkook told him the whole story after that, Taehyung laughed.

“I can’t believe this, aren’t you being hated already?” he asked

“Shut up. I’m not and besides, I didn’t get what she meant by-” Jin suddenly remembered the time when his shirt got stained by the cola and finally realized that it was Maeri whom he bumped into “Aish, you stupid idiot!” he continued as he punched himself.


Jin wanted to apologize the next day but he couldn’t find Maeri anywhere, weekend came and as agreed, they were going to have a short team building. They decided to have it at school since it wasn’t a big event, Maeri arrived earlier then everyone else so she decided to wait at the courtyard. Moments later, Jin arrived and he sat next to her “Good morning” he greeted. Maeri flinched and she glared at him, she released a sigh and greeted back but she did not look at him. “Listen, I now know why you’re like that to me, I’m sorry for leaving all of the sudden that time and it was rude of me. I’m sorry” Jin immediately apologized. Maeri turned to him then she smiled and patted his head “As long as you know you were sorry, then that’s good. Let’s get along, sunbae” she said. Jin turned bright red again, “I can’t take this” he said to himself as he turned away to hide his flustered face; moments later the others arrived and they began their team building.  

Since there were 12 of them, Baekhyun decided to split the teams into two. Team A, which was led by him, is composed of: Namjoo, Youngjae, Dongho, Hayoung and Byunghun. Team B is composed of: Maeri (team Leader), Jungkook, Haerin, Sungjae, Jiyoung and Jin. Baekhyun explained to them that in each group, they should pick someone from the opposite to pair up with but they were also allowed to switch pairs “Then why pair up in the first place?” Maeri thought and she sighed. Jin thought that it was the perfect chance to pair up with Maeri but before he could ask her, Jungkook told Maeri that he wanted to pair up with her.

“Jeon Jungkook…” Jin silently cussed then Jiyoung grabbed his arm and cutely said “Pair up with me sunbae” “Uh, sure” he responded since he didn’t have any other choice. And so, their team building slash treasure hunt –as said by Baekhyun, began.

Baekhyun assigned them to the other side of the building and he gave them the map for the first location, he also said that the first team to finish wins and the losing team has to treat them to dinner, “Hold up… you didn’t say anything about that and it’s unfair since you know all of the locations” Maeri complained but Baekhyun responded “Don’t worry about that, Kyungsoo is here as our referee and he was also the one who hid the instructions in each location.” “Hmm, if it’s like that then okay” said Maeri. Each team split up and started to look for the first location…

Team B had a head start since the first location was just nearby, their first challenge was that a pair has to carry the girl on the boy’s back while doing the jump rope 10 times. “Oh, Jin-sunbae should do it since he’s the one with broad shoulders” Sungjae suggested, “Then shall I get on his back?” Jiyoung happily asked as she was about to but then Sungjae pulled her away “No way, you’re heavy. Let Maeri do it” he said, “Eh?” the others wondered. Compared to the other two, Maeri had a thin figure and she was lighter. “Alright get one” Jin said as he crouched down without any hesitation, right now he was focused in reaching first place since he didn’t want to treat the other team. Maeri quickly got on and they started the first challenge, Jiyoung seemed a little bit upset but she didn’t have any other choice since they’re team wanted to win. Jin successfully finished the task and when he let Maeri down, it was then that he realized that they were close to each other and he turned red.

The person assigned to the station gave them the next clue, Jungkook quickly gave a guess and they headed there. Half an hour passed and Team B was already at their second to the last station while Team A was still on their way to their second to the last. The task that was assigned was that a pair should cross dress and take three selcas then post it on twitter with the hashtag #KFCGroupBTeamBuilding. Sungjae and Haerin quickly put on some costumes and the others helped them, Jiyoung was quick to put on some make-up on Sungjae and after that, they took a selca and posted in on twitter.

“This is fun” Jungkook snickered and Maeri nodded in agreement. After that they headed to the last station and they were able to finish first. Baekhyun couldn’t believe that they lost but they had to accept it and that they will be treating dinner. They decided to have lunch before proceeding to their next activity wherein they gather in the clubroom and talk about themselves, it was a ‘get-to-know-each-other’ section. During lunch, the girls gathered in a small circle and were already starting to get to know each other. Namjoo, Hayoung and Haerin were first years while Jiyoung and Maeri were second years.

“Hey, don’t you think that we’re lucky to have Jin-sunbae on our group?” Jiyoung asked, the other girls could tell that Jiyoung really has a crush on Jin since from the beginning, she had her eyes on him. “Yeah but I’m more into Dongho-sunbae’s face” said Namjoo and Hayoung agreed while Haerin preferred Youngjae. The other girls then started to since it seemed that she had a crush on him ever since she started club, Maeri on the other hand was having fun listening to the girls talk about boys and crushes. She asked herself if she ever did that during high school and she felt a little bit bad for not remembering if she did have a boy that she liked. Jiyoung turned to Maeri and asked “How about you Maeri? Who among the boys do you think that’s handsome?” “Eh?” Maeri wondered, she turned to the guys who seemed to be busy talking about guy stuff. “Well, maybe Baekhyun-sunbae” she answered and the girls silently squealed. “We always thought that you and Baekhyun-sunbae would look good together and not to mention that the two of you are directors” said Namjoo, “Wait, I don’t like him or anything alright. I just think that his face is handsome compared to the others… that’s my opinion though” Maeri said to clear things up since she didn’t want the girls to misunderstand.

“Speaking of, Baekhyun-sunbae and Taehyung looks a little bit alike don’t you think?” Jiyoung asked and the other girls agreed. Maeri recalled the time when Taehyung turned away from her and she said “No way” then continued eating.

After having lunch, they dragged the chairs and formed a huge circle for their ‘get-to-know-each-other’ session. The arrangement was boy-girl-boy-girl and Maeri was in-between Baekhyun and Jungkook while Jin sat across her and next to him was Jiyoung.

“So, who wants to go first?” Baekhyun asked but no one in the group answered and so he volunteered himself, “If the person is done speaking then he gets to pick who will talk about himself/herself next. All of you be prepared” he said and so he started talking about himself. The next person he called was Haerin and she also started talking about herself. Maeri was having fun listening to the others talk about themselves and most of them mentioned all their high school experiences; she then realized that she couldn’t remember any and started thinking about some other things when she heard Jin call her “Maeri-ssi” he said. “Huh?” Maeri wondered, she noticed that all eyes were on her. She was being careful about saying the right words since she didn’t want the others to find out what happened to her

“Umm well I graduated at M high school, I like to read manga, I also like to draw, and my dream when I was still a kid is to become a fashion designer” she said. There was a moment of silence for a while then “That’s it? That’s all you have to say for yourself?” Jiyoung asked as she found Maeri's part boring. “Well… I really don’t know what to say” Maeri responded “Since I can’t remember anything interesting” she thought. “Ah, you said that you went to M high school right? Didn’t Jungkook and Jin-sunbae graduate from there?” Baekhyun asked. Maeri's eyes widened and she turned to Jungkook and Jin. The two guys were looking at each other with a tense look then “Ah, I was already a graduating student when I came so I don’t really remember her” Jin said “What a coincidence though, we’re attending the same school again” he added with a smile. “I also don’t remember any other people except from my classmates” Jungkook added. “I see… that’s too bad” said Baekhyun and Maeri let out a forced smile.

“How about a person you like?” Jiyoung asked, Maeri didn’t know why but she got the feeling that Jiyoung was purposely asking her those questions and not with good intentions.

“I didn’t have time for those” Maeri answered.

“Really? I think you had a boring high school life. Isn’t there anything else?” Jiyoung asked again. Maeri didn’t want the others to feel bored but she really had no idea what to say next

“Should I tell them? Should I tell them that I lost my high school memories?” she asked herself.

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winapit #1
Yoo~ The storyline is so purr-fect!!
naadzx #2
Chapter 10: when you'll update the next chapter author-nim? hope it'll as soon as possible
FallenDemon #3
Chapter 2: How come I have a bad feelin with jiyoung?? =_='
Omg love triangle? Love square? Love dodecahedron?? Haha I've been looking for a good Jin fic
HarukaLee1998 #5
안녕하새요! Your story is very nice, will you update it please.
I wished Jungkook and taehyung will start to like mirae and mirae would be really close to jungkook and both taehyung and jin will get jealous....kyaah~ :)
That was only an opinion though. :)