New Student

Boy In Luv

Another day has begun and it's time for my routine again. I did all the necessary and I was off for school. Trying to be positive,I told myself today is going to be a better day than yesterday. And so,I went to school bravely-well,I tried.

As if it was planned,all the other students started doing their talking about me and walking away from me again,like I was some supermodel who was going to walk down the red carpet. Sigh. It's normal for me anyways. 

I went into class and took my usual seat,a loner at the back. The only one in class who does not have a desk partner or buddy. I'm used to it anyways since I've always been sitting alone for 3 years. I took out my books and reading materials to start studying before my teacher came into class and started the lesson. I was halfway through a passage when my teacher came in to conduct her lesson.

'Okay class! Quieten down everyone. We've got a new student who would be joining us from today onwards.' my teacher stated. Everyone got really hyper and started sharing their excitement with their friends when they heard that the student was a boy. On the other hand,I just stared out of the window and got lost in my own world.

When I came back to my senses because of the noise,I looked up and was star-strucked. The new student was absolutely handsome. He was tall about 180cm,had black hair which looked so soft and shiny and his smile was just amazing. He then bowed and introduced himself 'Hello everyone. I'm Jungkook,and I transferred to this school because I shifted house and all. Please take good care of me. Thank You!' Every girl started fangirling over him even me,the nerd and the loner. How can this be?

'Oppa!' every girl tried to catch his attention with their squeaky voice. 'Eww,there are all so fake.',was all that I thought.

'Okay class,please take care of Jungkook well and make him feel welcome.' my teacher told the class and then turn her attention to him again while saying 'Okay,you shall sit at the back with Song Jae Hwa,the only empty seat in the class.'

The minute my teacher said it,everyone was whispering and gossiping about me.

'Ohmygod,he's sitting with the nerd.'

'Yucks. Eww. Disgusting loner.'

'Who would want to sit with her?'

'A handsome guy sitting with an ugly girl. This is ridiculous.'

I immediately looked down at my desk,silently hoping that I could dig a hole right now and bury myself in it. This is so embarrassing,getting humiliated infront of a hot guy who is going to be my desk partner from now on.

I then felt a presence beside me and he sat down at his destinated seat. I took a quick peek at him and looked away again.

'Hi,I'm Jungkook! You're Jae Hwa,right?' he asked me while introducing himself. I just nodded my head without meeting his eyes. 'Well,nice to meet you Jae Hwa!' he held out his hand for me to shake. I slowly yet carefully brought my hand to meet his. The moment our hands made contact,an electric shot down my body and I blushed.

Everyone was watching and they cursed under their breaths,feeling super jealous of me.

I,on the other hand,felt like the luckiest girl in the world.

I'm done with the second chapter guys! Hope you all like it!

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