Tickets to a Concert


... Well what can I say, it's a ONE-SHOT...

....Twisted in with some weirdness and comedy...

...Plus a hint of drama...


Me and my sister, Tina were winners of 2 backstage passes to see a k-pop group of boys named SHINee, and our mother forced us to go (Mum had a strong belief that Tina and I would marry someone rich -. -*Sighs*) “But mum! I have to study…” Tina said, “And MEH, too, mum!” I followed, but mum simply growled at us saying “Tina if you don’t go, I’ll simply home school you! And (Y/N)! Since when do you study? All you do is sit around listening to ‘Chris Brown- Sweet Love’” and I blushed and retorted “W- What?! No, I DO NOT!” and mum ignored me and chucked some clothes at us.

 Tina was chucked some jeggings (black), a white singlet and a leather jacket (black) with black chucks. But ME! On the other hand, I had white skinnies, a white blouse, and white converse high-tops, and Tina and I screamed “Yah! Mum you have mean as style!”.....


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Chapter 3: OMG :) AMAZING! ^^ Finally! hahah FIGHTING ON YOUR STORY SIS!! It's going good so far ^^ looking forward to the upcoming chapters..hehe ill be patient since i know tht we still have a lot to do in school..damn there's too much assessments! ><