Is life fair?


Hello everyone this is my first time writing a fanfic, I’m a very lazy person who does not like to do this kind of stuff.. well….. because I’m lazy anyways I hope you’ll like this one-shot and if you like it, so yeah, enjoy :)



Baekhyun Byun, a very well know boy one of the most wanted guys in Korea. why? well becasue he has everything a person could wish for he has money, good looks, tons of friends, popularity, etc. And he knows it, he is the kind of guy who doesn't care about anything or anyone as a matter of fact. He thinks he doesn't need anything else in his life, but what will happen when a stranger comes along? will this person change his life? we'll see. 

 " Im home!'' Baekhyun said and carelessly threw his backpack onto the floor ''oh? my beautiful son is home'' his mom said hugging him tightly ''mom stop this already, its annoying" Bekhyun let out a sigh slipping away fom his mom's arms to the kitchen ''the food is ready'' one of the maids came up to him just to get ignored by Baekhyun he stopped on his way turned around and said ''Mr. baekhyun for you, you useless girl'' he smirked and went to the kitchen grabbing his plate reciving grettings from all the chefs and maids, but as always he ignored them and oppened his mouth just to say ''tell my parents I'll eat in my room'' and walked away locking himself uo inside his room to play video games, he was at the middle of his game when his fiend called him he placed the contollers aside and picked up his phone ''who's this'' he said ''wow, we just saw each other an hour ago and you don't remember me? you sir are a little brat'' Baekhyun smiled at the comment as soon as he realized it was his good friend Chen. ''shut up, why did you call me for? I was in the middle of a very important mission did you know?'' he said in a sacarstically tonemaking his his friend laugh ''sure, whatever, I just wanted to tell you that tonight Lay is throwing a party and you how awesome Lay's parties are, so you have to come with me'' Chen said ''hmm tonight? I was supposed to do my homework but what the heck Im going to tell Luhan to do it fo me. At what time is this party?'' baekhyun asked while turning his tv off walking to his dresser to start choosing his outfit ''at 8 pm. be there see ya" Chen hung up to let Baek get ready Baekhyun dropped his phone and after taking a bath he started to dress up for the party and once he was ready flew out of his house to his car, fixing his hair on the mirror before driving ''tonight is going to be a great night'' he said smiking. 


Once he go to the very crowded party he called Chen, who didn't answer the phone Bekhyun tried to call him several times but nothing ''ugh whats up with him? why isn't him answer me?'' he said annoyingly he was just about to curse the world, because he knew his fiend wasn't going to show up, but he felt a slight tap on his back he turned with his mad face that became a surprised one to see this person... who was this person who caught our bad boy completely attention and made his anger go away? ..... to be countinued.




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