Not enough

Complicated Matters

Jinki groggily enters the dining room to have breakfast with Taemin. Taemin is already seated and eating. For the past few weeks Taemin has become quieter and bigger. The pregnancy has him eating like a farmer’s horse.

“Good morning.”

“Good morning, Jinki.”

Jinki takes a seat and digs in.

“When did it start?”


“The cheating.” And Jinki drops his fork and freezes. “Last week? 3 weeks ago? On our honeymoon?”

Jinki’s mouth is dry all of sudden, his heart is hammering against his ribcage and he’s wishing for the Earth to swallow him whole.

“Huh? Answer me dammit!” Taemin slams his fists on the table, frightening Jinki.

“Taemin.” He begins calmly because he’s never seen Taemin so enraged before. “Calm down.”

“Bull!” Taemin spits.

“This is not good for our baby.”

“My baby.” Taemin sneers which triggers Jinki’s outburst.

“Our baby!” Jinki shouts. “I’m a parent of this baby as much as you are. Now, the child has nothing to do with my infidelity. Nothing. There is nothing, nothing that I can say to justify what I’ve done.”

“Then wny?” Taemin becomes teary eyed. “Don’t you find me attractive anymore?

“Taemin it’s not that-”

“Was it because I lost my job?” Jinki doesn’t answer. “It’s because of that, right?”

Taemin covers his face and sobs into his palms. The sight breaks Jinki’s heart.

“Don’t touch me! Don’t you dare touch me!” Taemin screams but Jinki holds him anyway.


Kibum opens his apartment door to find a crying Jinki.

“He knows.” Jinki says and Key doesn’t need to ask who or what.

“He knows.” Jinki cries. He knows. He knows. He knows. He knows and its killing him.” Kibum comforts him and guides him inside.

“He left this afternoon. He’s going to spend some time with his parents.” Jinki explains. “He didn’t say when he’ll be back, if he’s coming back.”

“I’m sorry, Jinki.” Kibum says.

“Let me stay the night. I don’t want to sleep alone.”

“Of course! Of course you can stay.” Kibum kisses him.

Taemin is away for three weeks  before he tries to call Jinki but is forwarded to voicemail. Even though Jinki cheated he still loves him because love  is not an emotion you can switch on or off. He still loves him and the baby inside him. Taemin thinks it’s safe to say that he’s forgiven Jinki and he desperately wants to see him again. Also, he’s puzzled as to why Jinki hasn’t made an effort to contact him since. He’s hurt by that.

When Taemin returns home he doesn’t expect to see Kibum searching through his fridge.

“Kibum?” He asks, bewildered and the latter freezes. “What are you doing  here?”

“Umm..” Kibum hesitates. What can he say? He’s caught off guard.

“Kibum I can’t seem to find…Taemin.” Jinki says when he sees Taemin. Taemin glare flitters from Jinki to Kibum then back to Jinki again. Kibum notices the tension and quickly excuses himself, not wanting to linger for another second. Taemin hears Key’s car drive away. He closes the door and glares at Jinki once more.

“Taemin.”  Jinki begins hesitantly. “You look..great. How’s the baby?”

Taemin doesn’t answer.

“Is it him?” Taemin finally asks and Jinki plays the idiot.

“Hm? Kibum?”

“Don’t play with me anymore. I’m not your toy!” Taemin sneers and his eyes are wet. “I’ve been gone for a month. You make no effort to contact me and when I think I’ve forgiven you, I come home to see another man searching through our fridge, in our house!”

“Yes.” Jinki gives in and the tears cascade down Taemin’s flushes, inflated cheeks.

“Why?” Taemin gasps. “He’s a friend of mine. How could you?”

“I’ve known Kibum since high school, many many years ago. I only found out about your friendship with him a few weeks back.” Taemin takes it all in and he feels like he’s falling apart. The man whom he loves very much has done him so very, very wrong.

“You don’t love me.” Taemin wipes his eyes.

“That’s not true!”

“Yes, it is!”

“No, it’s not.” Jinki moves over to calm his husband down. “You can’t be stressing out yourself like this…the baby.” He places both hands on Taemin’s swollen stomach. Taemin adheres to his advice and calms down.

“I’ sorry Taemin for all I’ve done to you, I’m really sorry and if you’ve had enough and you want a divorce..”

“Divorce is not an option…yet.”

Jinki smiles a little and embraces him.

“Uh!” Taemin gasps.

“What? What is it? Jinki asks, panicky.

“He’s moving.” Taemin grins , grabs Jinki’s hand and places it on top of his belly.

“He’s moving.” Jinki laughs. “H-He?”

“Yes. We’re having a boy.”

Jinki hugs Taemin once more.

“I’m glad we’re having this baby because it’s been awfully lonely around here with you gone all the time and it’s about time we start a family but if you’ll continue to hurt me. I won’t be here any longer.”

“I understand.”


Jinki stands aside so that he’s out of Jonghyun’s and Kibum’s view. He sees them laughing and talking about something and it looks quite interesting and intimate. His jealousy flares up again and he’s trying really hard to not march over punch Jonghyun in the face. A sigh escapes his lips and he returns to his office and let his thoughts overwhelm him.

He doesn’t know where he stands with Kibum right now. The love is still there and still as strong as ever. Taemin’s ultimatum is on replay in his head, leaving no space for him to concentrate on the files on his desks which he gently pushes aside.

He keeps it professional that day. There is no hidden glances, secret touches and office kisses. Not that he has a chance to entertain those things because Kibum doesn’t give him the time of day.

He returns home early to Taemin who happily greets him by the door.


Jinki hasn’t spoken to Kibum since the incident and it’s been a week. As much as he’s trying to maintain the professional facade he can’t bare it any longer.

“What’s going on?” He demands when he enters Kibum’s office and closes the door not so gently.

Kibum doesn’t remove his concentration from the slides before him and continues working. “Nothing, Sir.”

Jinki bites his tongue and clenches his fists.


“Excuse me?” The word garners Kibum’s full attention. “Last time I checked, I wasn’t the one cheating on my pregnant husband and running around like the world was perfect.”

“Listen.” Jinki breathes and paces the length of the office. “I want to be civil. I hate seeing you with Jonghyun. It burns my eyes. I know I have Taemin and the whole ordeal. I know . I know. I’m a mess but I’m not sure I’m ready to let you go. This past week has been torture. Not once did you look at me. I feel so uncomfortable within my own skin. Something’s wrong and I can feel it.”

Silence floods the room and Kibum fiddles with his fingers now avoiding Jinki’s eyes.

“I’ve..” He begins, his voice small and barely above a whisper. “I’ve been feeling off lately.”

“And?” Jinki urges him off because that sentence is too abrupt to be a proper explanation for anything at the moment.

“I think..I might be pregnant.” As the last word excapes the younger’s lips he begins sobbing and Jinki rushes over to console him. Jinki doesn’t know how or what to feel. His life is spiraling out of his control by the minute and he’s the reason why.

“If you are, I’ll be by your side all the way.” Kibum sobs even louder.

Jinki feels him pull away. “I don’t want it to be yours.” Kibum says.

Jinki feels like he’s been socked in the face with a baseball bat. “I don’t want another misfortune to befall me. I don’t want a repeat of the last time I was pregnant. I don’t want that again.” He takes a moment to ipe the snot from his nose. “Jonghyun’s wonderful. He’s nice, pleasant, caring ans single. He doesn’t hurt me.” Kibum spears Jinki a glance. “He doesn’t hurt me like you do. Even though it’s not intentional, just being with you hurts because your heart’s conflicted and so is mine.”

“Kibum.” Jinki tries, his voice breaking. “I love you.”

The tears stream down Kibum’s face unperturbed. “I don’t think that’s enough.”








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Chapter 14: Maybe a sequel will be better... what do you think? I know I'm not the only one who's expecting for a continuation... would you mind, authornim?
Chapter 14: Ugh why you end this here ?? kibum is pregnant too eoh ??

Nice fic,, but I want more ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 14: Another surprise ending :D Way to make Taemin feel like he's less than Key, Jinki.
Chapter 14: I just feel like Taemin will always just feel insecure now, and Jinki will be like all miserable about what he could of had with Kibum. Hopefully they get it together for the baby.

...Kibum, come live with me.

Great fic nevertheless, I enjoyed reading all the way through!

Chapter 14: boooooo.. poor key
Silentsparkle #6
Chapter 14: I didn't expect the fic to end this soon! In this fic I really wanted Onew to end up alone since I felt it was really unfair for both Taemin and Key to end up with someone who is not totally committed to them... And poor Taemin I can't fathom why he still remains in this relationship despite knowing that Kibum holds an irrefutable place in Jinki's heart, I guess his trust in the institution of marriage must be really strong... As for Kibum I just feel really bad for him, having rekindled his relationship with Jinki but having it taken away just because he's already married... And if I didn't interpret wrongly, he got pregnant in the end but didn't tell Jinki and simply went away? Really admire his courage to do so. I enjoyed reading this fic and the emotions were really well portrayed for all characters! Hope to read more of your fics soon! :) Thank you for writing this!
max2min #7
Chapter 13: I like it onkey, but it seems onew doesnt deserves anyone, omgg why did you do to my onew sobs
Chapter 13: can you just make jinki choose whoever he really love.. i dont care if its taemin or key. just, dont make him like a stupid guy because he love two person and cant choose..
Chapter 13: Oh my gosh Onew, who's next Minho? Or maybe to stop Key being with Jong (you jealous little banana), you'll be with him next as well? Huh? Huh? Keep the dubulge away! XD
Nah, but seriously. He needs to sort out his relationship issues, and a quote from Johnny Depp. "If you love two people at the same time, choose the second. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second." Well in this case, Onew did love Kibum, but then he fell in love with Taemin, then rekindled the love with Kibum again. So in my opinion, it's Taemin he should be with, but that's going to be hard for our little Jinki. Tut tut.
You got yourself into this my friend. XD It's all up to you now! I present you with these running trainers for when they all decided to axe you down.
Chapter 13: this is so hard for taemin, jinki and kibum, taemin was willing to forgive jinki for his love and for the baby, I think jinki loves taemin but is not the same anymore, his love with kibum is so intense, full of passion and now with the baby. When taemin left he was crying but then kibum was at their house like nothing, if kibum left I wonder how he would react, he can't with jjong's presence, I can't imagine if they start something with kibum being pregnant.

Jinki didn't take a decision earlier, and hurt both of his lovers, as much as I love Onew xD here he doesn't deserve anyone, he hurt his husband and kibum, now with the babies will be more complicated.