120 Hours


Life and death aren't so different. Your soul remains untouched whether you are alive or not. The only differnece is, when you die, there's no morning after in which you can greet your loved ones or go on about your daily routine. So how is it possible to love someone when you only have ears to listen and eyes to watch. It doesn't matter, because it all hurts the same.


Dying. An inescapable fate. The moment we are born, we become available to death. Every breath we take, we exhale a little bit of our soul. Until one day, there's nothing left except the remains of our body. So what happens next? I don't know whether there is a hell or a heaven, but what I do know is that there's a middle grounding where the dead lies, getting a second chance at life. 

The pain of glass scraping against my skin and the sound of ambulence sirens ringing will never leave me. It's embedded into my thick skull like words on a bookpage. One moment I was driving down 1st street and the next I was skidding against the hardened pavement with the stirring wheel pressed against my face. The drunken driver who hit me survived, but before I could reach the hospital, my soul was already long gone. As my eyes opened, I was relieved to see the white ceiling of the hospital room I was assigned to. However, something was undeniably wrong. Words were spilling out of my mouth as I tried to speak, but there were no replies. No matter how loud I screamed, there were no answers. At that point, I was convinced everyone was deaf. Frantically, I reached for the nurse but once I saw my hand go straight through her body, I knew I was dead.

I never believed in the afterlife. To me, it was all a bunch of hocus pocus, but this was no make believe. What am I if I'm no longer living? Where do I go from here? Am I a ghost? These were questions I needed to find the answer to. 

A note had appeared on the bed where my body laid and it read: Zhang Yixing, time of death: 12:35 AM, cause of death: car crash. Welcome to the Black Pearl, where the dead is given another chance to live. You are now a shadower, one who can occupy a human's body for exactly 5 days. Fate gives you a chance to settle any unfinished business or mend old wounds before you are forced to cross over. Choose your subject carefully and spend your time wisely. Good luck.

This small printed note was the only thing I had to help me answer my questions. But the most important thing was, do I have any unfinished business? Then it hit me, just as hard as the impact of the car, I had abandoned Luhan. We were about to have our 2 year anniversary next week and he's about to wake up with the news of a dead boyfriend


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