basketball print xD

Falling in love.. With YOU.


The bell had just gone off and it was, well in your case, time for p.e!

“YAY.. my favourite subject.” You sarcastically said, though you had your arms enthusiastically up.

After getting changed you headed towards your class, they were in a bunch, some were standing and some were sitting down on the floor, your teacher however was neither sitting on the floor or standing up. Of course she was sitting in a chair, waiting for silence to fill the entire gym area and when that finally happened then she began talking

“okay. Today we’re going to get into teams! We’re playing basketball!” She widely smiled

You looked around and sighed, no one would want to be in a team with you, was your biggest thought and fear

“Yah. Get your over here Lee ~~~~.”

Your head sprang up and you saw Ki Mi gesturing you to come to her group. Happily you skipped over there.

You were surprised because not only did they talk to you but L.joe was in the group as well. He didn’t smile or seem at all happy but he didn’t look like he wanted to join any other group. Confused and wanting to know more about him you couldn’t help but stare.

“Team game rule. Don’t pass the ball to me got it?” Ki Mi said to the rest of the team

In a daze you hadn’t heard what was said and kept staring at L.joe... That is until he himself noticed what you were doing.

“Your drooling.” He told you as he walked away to get some sashes

Embarrassed you quickly wiped your mouth and looked at Ki Mi who was eyeing you suspiciously

“what?” You shrugged casually

She evil eyed you “yah! Pass the ball to me and your dead!!” She stormed off trying to get the emptiest part of the court.

“GAME START!!” Your teacher yelled and blowed the whistle

“Do i seriously have to run?” You asked yourself doing last minute stretches as the two people in the centre jumped to hit the ball
and the game went like that.. going up and down up and down the court.. No one really getting anywhere near the ends to score. Tired and not being able to keep up you stopped running and stood at the end of the court where your team would be scoring.


You turned around and saw Ki Mi standing next to the hoop, kind of hugging the pole

You smiled and walked towards her.

“~~~~-ah!!!!” She yelled pointing behind you

You tilted your head confused

“BEHIND YOU!!!” She suddenly screamed

Last minute you turned around and you kind of regretted doing it.

“Time out!” Your teacher yelled as she ran towards you

“Ouch..” You whined as tears threatened to fall

“who threw the ball?” Your teacher asked

L.joe who hadn’t done it was laughing in the background.. I mean who wouldn’t?

*Oh my god.. she’s such an idiot!* He thought to himself as he began to laugh louder

“LEE BYUNGHUN!!” The teacher yelled pointing at him

L.joe suddenly stopped laughing and pointed at himself


She nodded “yes you! Bring ~~~~-ah to the infirmary!!” She yelled pushing you towards him

He scowled and puffed out a sigh, making his long fringe go up then back down

“fine. Come on ~~~~-ah.”


“But did you see how stupid you were?!” He laughed for the nth time as he waited for the school nurse to ‘fix’ you.

You pouted “yah. If it wasn’t for that person then this wouldn’t have happened!” You pointed to your basketball printed face.

He started laughing again “You know. I think the basketball print actually suits you.”

You made a face and threw some tissue containing your blood on it at him and he dodged..  Well he didn’t really need to because the tissue didn’t even fly that far.. But still he did.

“You take it like a man, but you throw like a girl.” He chuckled leaving the office

“y-yah!!” You yelled after him

*Leave me here by myself why don’t he?!*

*.. Should i have left?* he thought looking back. Something inside him really wanted to stay.. But just as he was about to go back the bell for lunch rang.


“And then her face was printed like a basketball!!” L.joe laughed

Chunji raised a brow in question about how that was funny and everyone else just winced at the thought.. It must have really hurt.

“Hyung.. She’s a girl.” Changjo said making a that-must-have-really-hurt face

L.joe thought that too but he had to keep his cool, especially in front of his friends.

“So? She didn’t cry! She’s such a man. You know i was at the park right and i was trying to sleep, like i usually do. Then SHE comes along and decides to trip on my legs! I bet she ways tons because it even hurt me!!” He said trying to get his friends to agree that this new girl was something that they shouldn’t associate with.

Instead they all looked at each other and frowned.. They were all thinking the same thing, but L.joe had no idea what.. That is until Chunji decided to tell him.

“L.joe i think you’re in love with this girl.”

L.joe couldn’t believe that his best friend had just said that and began to laugh

“are you crazy Lee Chanhee? You’re my best friend! You know me better then that!”

Chunji sighed and patted him on the back

“I’m your best friend that’s how i know.”

“Yeah Hyung since when have you talked about a girl like that.. Since when have you ever talked about a girl?” Ricky asked

Chunji nodded “I’m actually happy that there’s someone your in love with. Atleast i don’t have to be scared that your gay right?”

L.joe rolled his eyes “First.. I’m not gay and secondly I’M NOT IN LOVE WITH THAT GREMLIN!”

“Hyung your in denial.” Changjo said then ran away before L.joe could throw or even strangle him

HEY HEY!! XDDD How you liking tha update? xDD
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kpop4u #1
Chapter 11: LOLOLOLOL
ailisu #2
lol L.Joe pabo haha :p
@katmeowmeow that's why i said i guess HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH oh gash. sorry guise. i'll be a better author -bows- miahne.
-kitkat- #5
monytigerxx #6
really love this xD <br />
please update soon!!!! :D
Please update soon~~~! :D
ha ha ljoe is going to stalk her for that XP now this has got to be interesting XP ^^ at least he didn't get mad about her being there ^^ i thought it was cute that he didn't want her to be around myungsoo.. i wonder who is plotting around her though? >.>
_khaycee_ #9
Who were those two that was watching earlier??? And eiiiii l.joe stalking for ~~~~~~'s own good?? ;)
omo L.Joe's following them :p will he be discovered?? please update soon ^^