End Station: Dandelion



Baekhyun is lost in the moments, and Chanyeol is the only person who can bring him back to reality.

Chanyeol is stuck in reality, wanting nothing more than to stay in the moments.

This is a story about connecting worlds, hearts, minds, and whishes.





Title: End station: Dandelion
Pairing: Baekyeol
Rating: PG
Genre: romance, angst, fantasy, au
Length: Chaptered
Warning(s): very dumb, sorta cliché, kinda fail romance, mighty confusing(?), maybe sad


many impressive that description
much good
such lame

(excuse me, my dumb is showing)


I've been listening to John Mayer quite a lot these days, so naturally, I become obsessed with his songs and can't stop replaying them for hours and hours on end. One song in particular, has been an all time favourite of mine, namely "Stop this train". So, I guess this fic is inspired by that song? 

Or rather, it's my own take and interpretation of the song with Baekyeol in mind. 

If you haven't heard "Stop this train" by John Mayer, then here, lemme help you with that (~oo)~


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I can't wait to read the story ^^