Summer Days Spent Studying


Her eyes were skimming the pages of her well thought out plan, and she was also twirling a pencil in between ivory fingers. It had taken her a couple of hours to research what on earth could make people happy again after tragedy, but it had all finally paid off. Sure, this wasn’t exactly how she’d pictured summer, plotting something behind all of her friends’ backs and crammed into some musty place filled with books, but hey, if this was how she had to get things done, so be it. Amber would do anything to help her friends out, and her loyalty was clearly shown in the half empty cups of coffee littering her workspace and the dedication of working for a selfless cause. 

    With her feet propped up on the top of the library desk she was sitting at, and a bunch of scribbles on  slips of crumpled paper that she believed would bring the sunlight back in Sulli’s smile, Amber closed her tired eyes and couldn’t have felt more proud of herself. She had done it, she had come up with a scheme that would bring the old Sulli back. There was still work to be done, of course, getting her friends not to find out being top priority. If Luna or Victoria found out about her master method of getting their buddy back on her feet again, there was no telling what their reactions would be. Amber knew there was also the fine line of getting a certain girl to actually agree to her idea, but she wasn’t too worried about that. Time seemed to be on her side.

    And, from the reading her watch had given her a half hour ago, she still had time left over to - the voices screaming into her ear the next second startled her into falling backwards, hard. Scrambling for a handhold in open air, her back hit the solid wood of the chair with a smacking sound, knocking her breath out of her chest. Along with her, she’d managed to knock off the pages she’d been working on and scattered pencils across the carpeted floor with her feet. “Just what do you think you’re doing!” Victoria and Luna screeched at the same time. Amber banged her head against the chair and groaned, seeing stars dimly dotting her vision, “Dang it.” 

    So maybe it wasn’t such a great idea to go to the public library to do all her thinking, but how was she supposed to know her friends were going to be there? And now that she was being dragged into Victoria’s car by the collar of her shirt, no doubt for some kind of interrogation, she began to wonder why her friends were really there. “It’s really not what you think,” she blabbered, “I wasn’t doing anything!” The tomboyish girl kept a stream of nervous laughter trickling from to try and ease the atmosphere, but it was getting her nowhere but closer to Vic’s car. “Gosh, I can’t get away with doing anything around here!” She muttered underneath her breath, crossing her arms as she was dragged into the vehicle. Luna’s normally bubbly smile had melted into an uncharacteristic icy expression, and Amber felt her stomach tightening in what felt like fear. Her friends were like stone, their indifferent faces were starting to scare her. “Um, guys?” 

    Luna drove them right up to Sulli’s house, not a word was spoken until they pulled into the driveway and the engine was cut. There was eerie silence that lasted several minutes, and Amber felt her anxiety thicken within the air as she breathed. What would they do now that they’d figured out every detail of the plan? Victoria was on Luna’s other side, in the passenger seat, and had been studying the small stack of paper unresponsively for about twenty minutes while Luna peering over her shoulder every so often. There were a few whispers and nods, and Amber felt a creepy sensation crawling up her skin when she saw the eldest of them smile at Luna and turn around to look at her. Both girls had a look of determination playing across their features. “Well,” Luna said with a small grin, “I guess we’re going to have to play along with this little secret, aren’t we?”



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Chapter 4: Wow, 2014, that's a while ago, still as good as ever tho ^^
Chapter 4: I had a feeling the plan involved Krystal and I gotta thank and love Amber for that but omg it was getting good, it ended too soon T.T
yultijjang #3
Chapter 1: Author shii..please update this story too
I like this. I hope you keep writing~
Chapter 4: omg

ssul so cute blushing!~ ♥
Chapter 4: They finally met!
So amber had been planning to make them meet all along?
Did she push krys to sul by any chance? And make her spill the coke? Lol. That would be epic.

Update soon
hhey i see your back again. :D
i'll definitely read before my school starts.
hope you wont let me hanging in her.e ;)
Chapter 3: Ooohhhh... I want to know what they plan so bad...

Is it involving soojung?
I wonder what is the master method amber is talking about?!?


Thx for the update^^
Can't wait for the next one. Keke
Chapter 2: update soon author
Chapter 2: Can't wait for Krystal's appearance on Sulli's life. :)