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"Oh. That's interesting. Now has anyone read mature fanfiction before." Hayley smirked. 

Kai's jaws dropped. Chen choked on his water. Chanyeol's smile faded. Luhan's eyes widened in shock. Baekhyun dropped his bottle. Suho fell down to his chair. Kris almost choked on his own saliva. Tao spat some of his water by accident. 



This is all fictional. I thought of it because I am bored as hell. I wouldn't rate the story M because it won't be fully mature. Only certain parts. So my young readers can still read it. 


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Chapter 2: nice story i like it so much
parkdobi92 #2
Chapter 1: what will they say next? Gosh, this story is asdfghjkl (I don't know, what I want to say)>//<