Last Terms

Correct Usage of Korean Terms

So, this is going to be the final chapter^^ Thanks to everyone who gave their support~ If you have questions about any other terms, I'll be happy to answer them to the best of my abilities^^ See ya~ (P.S.- I made some changes to the honorifics today, so please check it out~)


4) Omo  (어머)

I saw that many fanfic had this word in them, but didn't use them correctly. This term is actually a sound made by females when they are suprised. Most of the time, if not all, guys do not use this.


5) Aigo or Aigoo (아이고)

This is a weird term that's used to express a feeling. The reason why it is weird is because it can express all kind of feelings. It can be used to express sadness, frustration, happiness, a form mocking, etc. Therefore, when this term is used, you have to pay attention to the situation and the tone it is used with. Although the different tone is hard to express in writing, it would be a good idea to think about the situation.


Example:     Aigoo, why did you die? (Sadness)

                  Aigoo, did you made this mess?     Aigoo, he got a zero on his test again.   (Frustration)

                  Aigoo, you didn't have to buy this for me.         (Happiness)

                  Aigoo, you must be so tired from lifting that book.   (Mocking)




I hope everyone has enjoyed these few chapters and that they've been helpful to you^^

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turyka #1
Chapter 5: Thxs, is really useful not only for writers but also for all the readers that want to learn a little bit more and specially commenters.
Thx u again ⌒.⌒
sunggyustummy #2
Wonderful story :D
Chapter 5: Thank you .
Chapter 2: Thank you so much for this :) I've been learning Korean for quite some time now and I have a little observation regarding the usage "-ah" and "-yah." Whenever a Korean name ends with a consonant when romanized, I use "-ah"; when it ends in a vowel, "-yah" is used. Correct me if I'm wrong/doing it wrong. ^^
glad i found this :D kamsa soo much
MinSeung_Ra #6
please update soon!!! i'm curious