Chapter Six

No More Dream


            We sit at the dinner table as mom puts our plates of food down in front of us, Namjoon kept staring at me as i was becoming intimidated and look down eating my food. i had never felt so scared in my life but know what i was doing and if Mom and Dad ever find out i will go to jail so fast that i wont even had a say. Even though my Dad was a whole lot more understanding than my mom , he tended to judge people.He thinks that all criminals are bad and that they should stay in jail forever and never come out. He always says that criminal is a criminal and they wont change. So if he found out that i was doing this he will never look at me the same again and probably kick me out. i look over to the empty seat that my Dad was suppose to be but since he was always on business trips he was rarely home. Mom notice what i was looking at , patted my shoulder.

“ your dad will be back” she said as she sat forcing a smile on her face.

“ boys eat , please” she said. i knew it really hurted her to see that Dad was always away, she missed him and we did to.

i went to my room to and laid on my bed , i began to have thoughts . thoughts of regretting but i rised up and shock my head, it was to late to regret now i was in deep and there was no way i was turning back. i laid back down as my mom poke her head in the door.

“ hey honey” she said. i rised up and was sitting on my bed, she came and sat next to me.

“i hope your not unhappy about your father not being home” she said rubbing her hand along my face.

“what no, never” i laid as i switch my body nervously.

“oh , well you see” she grabbed my hands “ your Dad is trying to make a comfortable living for us , he wants us to be stable. i know i dont know how to live on my own without your Dad, cause i would just go back home to Mommy and Daddy as always .” she said as her voice cracked, she let go of my hands and tried to turn away not revealing her face. i put my arm around  her shoulder , laying my head on it.

“ mom its okay , i can help” i said.

“ i know you can son , but being as your mother i need to take care of you guys , i have to step up and take charge cause if your Dad is away , he not always comeback” she said .

“ Mom dont say that , its going to be okay and you take care of us well. if it were for you we be on the street mom. Your a strong mom.” i said. she looked at me and slyly smiled we gave each other a hug she kissed my cheek.

“Goodnight” she whispered.

“ Goodnight mom” i softly said.

    It was the weekend Jimin and Jun came over, we were outside at our home pool. Jimin and Jun were inside the pool, as i sat on the side.

“My parents know not a thing neither do they sense it , i could do anything and my parents will never find out” Jun said.

“ of course Jun your always good so if you do anything bad they would never thing of it” Jimin said.

“ i wish i had your parents , they never really pay attention to what you do , do they?” i asked. Jun stopped and looked at the both of us.

“ they do , they just dont expect from me” Jun snapped.

“ woooo chill Mr. we just asked” Jimin said.

“ im sorry” Jun said.

“ its okay” i said feeling like something else was going on. Mom came out with cold cut sandwiches and drinks for us.

“ are you boys hungry please enjoy yourselves” she said putting the plates on the table with the drinks. all three of us rushed to the table as we ate like we never at before, mom just looked at us before going back iniside.

we were almost done as mom came back to take are dirty dishes.

“ excuse me miss may i help you wiht the dishes” Jimin asked , my surprised at his words accepted his ask. he help her with the plates as she brought the cups inside, Jun and I were alone. Jun wouldnt even look at me which made me think it had something to do with the incident earlier.

“ Jun , you okay you can talk to me , i know how you feel my Dad is never home which my mom as so much to do she barely has time to pay attention to us” i said putting my hand on his shoulder. he moved his shoulder making my hand slip off as he just looked at me with a unappeicaited face.

“ what are you talking about?” he said.

“ your parents , they dont really pay attention to you” i said.

“ dont say that , its not even like that” he said.

“ its okay your secert his safe with me” i said.

“ there is no secert , cause its nothing there. My parents pay attention to all the time i just do my own thing. they consider me independent.” he said. i decided to let it rest as mom and Jimin came out with ice cream splits in bowls. mom seen the stain on my shirt and started to try me like a child.

“ ow babe , your shirt it has a stain” she says trying ot wipe it off.

“ ah, mom stop please” i said feeling embarrass.

“ take your shirt off so i can wash it” she said as i took it of.

as she went back inside we began to talk , Jun wasnt saying much though.

“ so who the next house we be going to” Jimin said.

“ idk we have to check with boss to see” i said. i glanced at Jun who was still stairing the other way.

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Your welcome its a lot of brain power put into it thou haha