Chapter four

No More Dream



i walk in the hallway when i see my girlfriend, she spots me and runs to me hug me.

“ Ooooh i miss you wear have you been?” she says.

“i been working” I said.

“ What? you have a job, ahhhh. i’m so happy for you, your mom must be proud” she says kissing me on the cheek. I grinned a little when i grab her arm and pulled her to my locker. i had a present for her that i bought with the money i got from my job.

“ Close your eyes” i said as she covers them. she stood smiling waiting as i was purposely taking forever.

“ what is it babe tell me tell me” she said bouncing like a kid.

“ hold on missy , you have to wait” i said pulling the small little purple box out my locker. it also had a purple sheer ribbon tied around it.

“hold out your hands” i said as she held out her hands waiting. i put the box in her hands and told her to open her eyes.

“what is this?” she said with her eyes wide.

“open it” i said . she opened the box slowly making the purple ribbon fall but i caught it. she open the box and there inside a gold braclette with diamonds on it. it sprakle so bright that you could see the shimmers on her face.

“ omg Kookie , this is beautiful how did you get this” she said.

“i saved up” i said nervously “ i seeen you staring at it and i bought it for you , i just hope you like it”  i said.

“ Like it , I LOVE IT” she said giving me a tight hug. “ put it on for me please” She said as i put it on her little wrist. she looked at with awe and couldnt stop playing with it.

“thank you so much , you really didnt have to buy this for me.” she said.

“ i wanted to , your my girl” i said kissing her on the forehead while giving her a hug.


We were on a nothing mission, this time it was the house of a top selling model by the name of Hoy Kim. For one this was the best bet we could od since this women was never at home. she was either doing a fashion show, doing photoshoots or partying. Our boss before we visit these people homes , always gave us info on them thats how come we knew so much about them. This time we deiceded to all go inside, we raided her house looking in drawers and taking things. Jimin being the hormono boy he was , was looking throw her under clothes. he was having to much fun looking at her linagere, til i had to slap his hand for him to stop.

“dude , she has hella jewels in here” Jun said. he took some and put them in the bag.

all of a sudden we heard the door close down stairs.

“ ugh , i be out in a mintue you guys can wait , ”  says what appears to be a women.

“ omg , is that her...boss said she is never home” Jimin said panicking.

“well lets hide” i said, we rushed to our hiding places.

the women was coming up the stares , she sounded to be drunck.

“ ugh i need to get laid tonight , im so ” the women said as she walked into her room. i hide under the bed , as Jimin and Jun hide in the closet.  the women sat on the bed and started to take her shows off. was she going out again? she already sounded drunk as it is , rich people. she got up and took her shirt off and her pants . til she was only in her under clothes, she was looking at her self in the mirror making faces.  as she was putting her hair up in different ways.

“ um, should i wear it like this, nah , how about this nope ugh just wear like this “ she said shaking her head. she started to take her under clothes off, my heart was beating so fast to see her .

“omg” i heard Jun and Jimin whisper. the women turned her head and narrowed her eyes wondering what was that .

“ is someone here?” she said . she glanced around her room and seen nothing.

“um” she said as she bounced off into the shower.

we stay in tact to make sure she wasnt coming back out. we here her sounding bad in the bathroom as she was singing while she was in the shower. thinking we had enough time to get out the house she comes back out. i got from under the bed and hide just in time behind the door as she was coming back in her room. she took off the towel and walked around while looking for something to wear. i feel my body reacting seeing the sight of her this way. she slipped on a dark sliver mini dress , she looked in the mirror and pulled up her .

“ummm should i wear ummmm….no hahah tabloids vampires will be out. i need more fame anyway have ot keep miss bad girl mentality” she said as she put her hands on her hips. she sits on the bed again and puts her heels on. walks back up to the mirror checking herself out.

“ somethings missing” she said. “ my necklace” she said as she went to go get the necklace that wa not there. i throw it on the floor not wanting ot but we were in deep not being able ot get out.

she came back in and discovered her necklace on the floor and puts it on. she grabs her purse , checks herself out again and walks out. we make sure she was gone , as we here the car speed down the highway. we came from our hiding place , man that was close. we leave the house just hoping nothing like this happens again.

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Your welcome its a lot of brain power put into it thou haha