Maybe Darkness Brings Good Things Too

Maybe Darkness Brings Good Things Too

A/N  I apologize for slopiness and spelling/grammar errors and this story in general. do not expect much please. 


Lu Han places a Hershey kiss on his past lover's grave, just like he does every week.

"Do you know what today is?" Lu Han asks the the grave. He knows he won't get a response, but perhaps one day he'll get one. Or so Lu Han hopes. 

"It's the 21st of April, my birthday," Lu Han chuckles, "Do you remember the last birthday we spent together? It was about two years ago. You surprised me with tickets to the zoo, somewhere I've always wanted to go but was too busy to make time for. Anyway, we drove all the way to the zoo, stepped out of the car and it started to pour!" Lu Han lets out a small giggle at the memory. "You were more disappointed than I was! Ah, well, my dear Minseok, I still thought it was the best birthday ever. Who cares about the rain? I got to spend so much more time with you because we got stuck in traffic on the way back."


It's late in the afternoon by the time Lu Han's done talking to Minseok. The entire time Lu Han talks, not once does Minseok reply back. Not that Lu Han expects him to; but he knows Minseok's listening. Lu Han can tell because every time he comes back to visit again the Hershey Kiss he places on the grave disappears. Lu Han knows Minseok is dead, but Lu Han also knows that somewhere out there Minseok hears Lu Han talk to him, and that's enough for Lu Han.


It's about 7 o'clock in the afternoon when Sehun finally decides to show up for work. He was supposed to go around four or five, but Sehun thinks that's way too early to start his duties. Sehun works for the local church's graveyard. It's a small graveyard, only about two or three acres, but it takes Sehun about a whole night's worth of work to survey and clean all the gravestones. Sehun doesn't mind though, since he gets paid overtime for it. Sehun especially likes the Hershey kisses that are left on a certain tombstone of a "Kim Minseok." Someone's been leaving them on Mr. Kim's grave for the past two years and Sehun can't help but think they're for him. 

Who else would they be for? Sehun thinks, considering everyone else who works at the graveyard never takes it. So they must be for me. And besides, I've been taking them for the past two years. If they weren't for me wouldn't the person they were intended for say something?

Sehun doesn't think too much about the subject as he plops the Hershey kiss in his mouth. The rich dark chocolate melts in his mouth. He's always been a fan of dark chocolate, but never one of milk. Too sweet for his taste, which was why the Hershey kisses must be for him. They're especially garnered towards his tastes.

Scrubbing his wash cloth over an especially dirty gravestone, Sehun sighs, he really does not get paid enough for this. Half an hour gone, only nine hours and 30 minutes to go. Sehun has a feeling this was going to be a very long night, although every night was a long one, especially one working the night shift alone.


It's 5 o'clock when Lu Han finally gets off work. "I'm late," Lu Han mutters to himself as he hurries into his car. Today his school had a teacher meeting that had gone a lot longer than Lu Han had anticipated, "It's going to be nearly dark by the time I get there." 

It's not that Lu Han was scared of the dark, it was just that he simply disliked it, or more appropriately, hated it. Lu Han supposes it is because whenever it is dark out nothing good happens. For instance, it was dark when he was five years old and broke his arm falling out of his friend's treehouse, It was dark when he was 13 accidently kissed a random boy when he meant to kiss his crush, a girl named Kyuri. And of course it was dark the night his beloved Minseok had died. It was stupid really, the way he had died could have been solved so easily. If only they hadn't...hadn't fought that night. It was over something silly. Lu Han had asked Minseok about his whereabouts because recently Minseok had been distant. It would only be later that Lu Han would find out why Minseok had seemed so distant. Minseok had been planning to propose. Minseok had been searching for the perfect ring, and had gone around talking to Lu Han's friends and family, asking them what they thought and if they'd help with the proposal. Lu Han had been worried for nothing, and it had brought him this, loneliness.

It was a quarter to six when Lu Han reached the cemetery. Lu Han grabbed the usual things he brought: flowers, and of course some Hershey kisses.

"How are you today Minseok?" Lu Han asked setting the flowers down. "Sorry I'm late. The school had a teacher meeting that went a couple hours longer than expected. I know, I know, you're probably wondering what a preschool could really spend that much time talking about. I don't quite know myself either. The principal was a tad late though, which then got the board members angry, along with a few teachers. So I guess half of the meeting was spent waiting and arguing. It wasn't the most productive meeting we've ever had, but it sure wasn't the least either."

Lu Han again receives no response, but again he wasn't expecting one. Lu Han reached out his hand and brushed a bit of dirt off the tombstone. "I'm also sorry to inform that I might have to cut this meeting a bit short," Lu Han says sadly, "But it's going to be dark soon...and well you know how I get when it turns dark. Sorry, I'll see you tomorrow." With that Lu Han stands, dusts himself off and places a Hershey kiss on the gravestone, plus a couple more as an apology for being late. 

It's only when Lu Han reaches the car does he realize that he didn't have his keys. "Crap, I must've dropped them on the way to Minseok's grave." Lu Han mumbles as he retraces his steps back to try and find his keys, never once noticing the silver bicycle parked on the wall of the cemetery.

Sehun's too busy smiling at his luck when he sees the extra Hershey kisses on the grave to hear the soft sound of feet behind him. Sehun picks one up, unwraps it and plops it into his mouth. It tastes sweet, too sweet. Sehun unwraps the second one and inspects it. "Milk chocolate," Sehun mutters dropping the Hershey kiss back on the gravestone. "Yuck. I hate milk chocolate."

"Uh, excuse me mister!" A shrill sounding voice sounds from behind him. Sehun spins around, coming face to face with a shorter male, with fluffy looking hair, peach pink lips, and pale white skin. To say the least Sehun thinks the shorter male is absolutely stunning. 

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" The male shouts, giving Sehun a shove that was meant to make him stumble, but Sehun was too strong for that.

"Uh well," Sehun starts rubbing the back of his neck. "I suppose I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing."

"And does that job include eating the chocolates I've given to my late boyfriend Minseok?" Lu Han asks angrily, giving Sehun a glare. "How could someone be so inconsiderate? Now Minseok only has three left!"

Sehun, although finding the other male attractive, pushes him away, "I don't see what the big deal is," Sehun starts, "I've been eating these chocolates for the past two years and no one's ever had a problem since today," Sehun sees Lu Han's mouth drop into the biggest scowl. The shorter boy looks like he's about to say something but before he can Sehun continues, "Besides didn't you say late boyfriend? Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure that means your boyfriend is dead. It's not like he's got any use for them-"

"You jerk!" Lu Han yells, pounding his fists repeatedly against Sehun's chest. "Have you really been eating them for the past two years? Has...has Minseok not gotten them? Has he not heard me all this while?" The punching slows, and the the yelling turns to soft crying.

Sehun stands there not quite getting what he should do. "Um, sorry I thought it wasn't a big deal. Weren't they for me?"

"No you big baffoon!" Lu Han yells, tears falling down his cheeks. "They were for Minseok!" And with that Lu Han starts crying harder. "All this time I thought he was somehow communicating with me...but it was just some stupid cemetery keeper this whole time!"

"Now wait a second," Sehun begins angrily, "I realize you're upset but really is that tone necessary? How was I suppose to know the difference between food meant for a dead guy and food meant for me? Next time write a note or something!"

Lu Han gives off a small huff at what Sehun can only assume is his way of trying to look tough. Sehun rolls his eyes and trudges off. "Hey!" Lu Han yells after him. "I'm not finished here!" But Sehun brushes him off, too tired to deal with crazy, naive, and extremely good-looking men right now. Sehun's got a job to do after all.

All the while Lu Han glares at Sehun's disappearing back as the said man trudges farther and farther away. Lu Han would go after him but realizes that it's getting dark, very dark, and he must get home quickly. Lu Han spots his keys hiding in some grass and grabs them, quickly walking back towards his car.

As Lu Han always said, nothing good comes from the dark.


It's the next morning when Sehun gets a call from work telling him he's fired. Apparently someone complained that Sehun wasn't doing his job properly and was seen showing up to work late. Although the latter was true, Sehun didn't think that was reason enough to fire him. "Whatever," Sehun had mumbled into the phone after his boss had told him the news; he then proceeded to sleep for the next 24 hours.


Lu Han likes the new cemetery caretaker. He's old, in his late 60s, and he's quite cheerful. He always says hi and waves goodbye. He doesn't eat the Hershey kisses he places on Minseok's grave. In fact, no one is. Lu Han's been placing the small treats on his grave for the past month, sometimes even bringing three or four a day in an attempt to tempt Minseok into eating them. But no one does, and the Hershey kisses pile up on the gravestone until the new cemetery keeper, Mr.Kang, tells Lu Han he needs to stop.

"They're attracting wild animals," Mr.Kang informed him one day while visiting. "You need to stop bringing them. It's a sweet gesture, but I'm afraid no one is ever going to eat them."

Lu Han sighs, because he knows. He knows that no matter how much he wishes, Minseok won't answer when he talks, nor will he eat the Hershey kisses he gives him. Lu Han thinks that maybe all along he knew.


A few months after, Lu Han stops making such frequent stops to the graveyard, deciding if he must move on this should be the first step. It's hard for Lu Han, and he cries about it (but only a little he swears). He doesn't give Hershey kisses anymore. Instead he gives forget-me-nots. It's a simple gift, but he knows Minseok appreciates the gesture, and this time he knows-knows, not the previous "thinks he knows."


It's four years later when they meet again, Sehun and Lu Han. Sehun's earned himself a teaching degree, and Lu Han's moved to teaching preschoolers in the city. The two find themselves rounding a corner on a busy street, almost missing each other if it weren't for the car that almost tried to run one of them over. "Careful," Lu Han said as he helped Sehun up, "These streets get busy during lunch time. Wait are you-"

"You!" Sehun shouts, face turning into an angry scowl, "You're the one who got me fired!"

"I beg your pardon?" Lu Han says, "I did no such thing."

"Oh really?" Sehun asks venomously, "Then how come the day after you come to me and complain my boss calls me and fires my sorry ?"

"Well, maybe you were just a really bad employee," Lu Han retorts, and he half regrets helping this man. "And now excuse me, but I ought to get going. I don't want to be late." Lu Han scurries off down the road, and Sehun does the same but in the opposite direction. Both hoping they'd never have to see each other again. But fate has other plans.


"You've got to be kidding me," Sehun mutters as he is met once again with a scowling Lu Han. "You work here?"

"You're not the only one upset about this," Lu Han mutters, "Just think about me. I have to mentor a complete bonehead. Are you even good with children?"

"O-of course I am!" Sehun says, stuttering a bit, because no, no he is not good with children. In fact children freak him out. They have sticky hands, snotty faces, and climb all over people. What's not to fear?

Lu Han snorts but tells Sehun to follow him as Lu Han introduces him to the preschool class Sehun will be helping. "Hello everybody!" Lu Han says enthusiastically, a complete 360 degree change from his former frowning face. "Today I'm going to introduce our assistant helper, Mr. Oh. Please give him a warm welcome."

"Hello Mr.Oh!" The chilren sang out happily. Sehun inched away, not liking how they were crawling closer. "Now, now," Sehun said stretching his arms out to keep a distance, "Let's all stay in our safety squares."

"Our what?" One kid asks, cocking his head to the side in confusion. "Mr.Oh, what is a safety square?"

"Yeah Mr.Oh ,what is that?" Lu Han asked through a gritted teeth, a fake smile adorning his face.

"Oh nothing. Just a invisible square that surrounds us." Sehun explained.

"Mr.Oh, that sounds boring!" A little girl says, coming closer.

"Oh no it's loads of fun! Right, Mr. Lu?" Sehun asked hoping Lu Han would back him up.

"You know what," Lu Han said, "I think it's snack time!"

All the children cheer, running to the tables at the back of the room and bringing out their boxed snacks, completely forgetting about safety squares.

"What the hell was that?" Lu Han hissed, taking Sehun to the side, and out of hearing range of the children. "This is preschool, not military camp. Stop being so restrictive. If you can't handle kids don't be a teacher, especially not a preschool one, where all the kids do nothing but adore you."

Sehun slunked back against the wall, "Sorry, it's just...I'm nervous that's all."

All Lu Han gives him is a disapproving look before he walks off to help a kid poke his straw through his juice box.

Sehun ruffles his hair in annoyance. This was  lot harder than he thought it'd be.


The next two months Sehun tries harder. He googles "how to take care of kids","is your kid a happy kid?", and "how to know if you have a sociopath child on your hands & the steps to prevent it." He doesn't quite know why he's trying so hard. Maybe it's to show Lu Han that he is capable of taking care of children, or maybe it's just to one up the preschool teacher. But Sehun thinks it's probably neither, no, it's probably that raise the school is offering for the teacher that is loved the most by the kids. Yes, that's most definitely it.

"You've gotten better," Lu Han compliments one day after the last child has gone home. Sehun stares at Lu Han warily, waiting for the punch line, but it never comes. "Really," Lu Han says sensing Sehun's wariness, "It's nice to see how much you've improved with the kids. You've been a great help to me these past months. I think I may have underestimated you."

Sehun doesn't know whether to pat himself on the back or just simply thank Lu Han for the compliment. But Sehun isn't the smartest man so he does neither. "Ha!" Sehun shouts loudly, "I told you didn't I? I told you I wasn't scared of kids and that I'm great with them! How do you like that?"

Lu Han just sighs and packs up his stuff, muttering out a quiet, "Just when I thought you'd matured." before Lu Han heads out, driving away in his car. Sehun plants his head in his hands, muttering, "You're an idiot Oh Sehun you know that? A real big idiot."


It's mid-February when Sehun realizes it. Realizes that Lu Han might be the human version of a deer and it amazes Sehun about how they could look so similar. Mid-February is also when Sehun notices that Lu Han might be one of the most caring human beings he's ever met. Sehun continues to work hard for that raise, also maybe for something more, like the attention of a certain deer look-alike.


"Do you want to go grab some food?" Lu Han asks one afternoon after the preschoolers have left.

"Yeah sure." Sehun says cleaning a table decorated with hand prints. That is the last time they let them finger paint, the last.

"Do you want to go get a burger or something?" Lu Han suggests, shrugging his coat on.

"Nah, a burger's too intimate. How about we head over to Pierre Gagnaire Seoul?​" Sehun says trying to sound as casual as possible, which as you might have guess he at.

"Isn't that like a really high-class restaurant?" Lu Han asks, "Won't we need reservations?"

Sehun shrugs his shoulders as if it's not big deal, "Nah, I don't think we'll need reservations." Only because I've already booked this place a month in advance, but Sehun doesn't disclose this information.

"Okay, then." Lu Han says uncertainly, but still excitedly, "If you're sure."


They proceed to go to the restaurant, Lu Han awed by the décor, and then shocked by the prices. "This is a month's salary!" Lu Han had shouted, "I can't afford to eat here! Waiter!" But Sehun has stopped him and said that he would pay, which Lu Han had refused until Sehun assured him that he had a coupon that would cover most of it. Which of course was a lie, because who ever heard of a high-class restaurant offering coupons? Nevertheless Lu Han believed him and the evening was spent enjoying delectable dishes and sweets, although Sehun still preferred bitter desserts over sweet ones. By the end of the night Sehun had spent about two months' salary, but it was worth it. Because I'm definitely going to get that raise now! What Lu Han had to do with raise was unclear to Sehun, but he knew that somehow it had to add up.

The next few months went similarly, with Sehun taking Lu Han out to eat, which eventually progressed to the movies, and other things, and sooner then later Sehun wondered what had become of them.

It was Lu Han who asked what they were exactly. 

"What do you mean 'what are we?' " Sehun asked, "We are men."

"I mean us, Sehun," Lu Han said, exasperated. "We've spent the past couple of months glued to the hip, and I feel like we're dating or something, but you haven't said anything. So, I thought it might have been because you were shy but now I know it is because you are too thick in the head."

"Oh well, I just assumed," Sehun said slowly.

"Yes, you assumed what?" Lu Han asked eagerly. 

"That we Aren't we?" Sehun asked.

"I suppose," Lu Han said, "But you've got to tell me. You can't just decide on your own. So go on, ask me."

Sehun blushed, and twirled his fingers together. Lu Han found it quite cute how flustered Sehun had gotten. "Lu Han, do you want to be my boyfriend?"

Lu Han pretended to think about it for awhile before he shrugged his shoulders, "Yeah I guess, why the hell not?"

Sehun smiled, and pushed Lu Han against the wall, kissing his lips tenderly.

"Ew!" a group of voices chorused. "Teachers are kissing! No PDA in the classroom!"

Lu Han smiled, and gently shoved Sehun away, "Yeah, Mr.Oh. No PDA in the classroom."

Sehun grinned taking Lu Han's warm hand in his, and then looking up at the class as he hits the lights, immersing the room in a sea of darkness. "Okay everyone snack time!"

The kids stumble their way in confusion to the back tables. Although dark, the kids were fascinated instead of afraid, and took joy in eating in the dark. Sehun scooted closer to Lu Han. Leaning in close to Lu Han's ear he whispered, "Now, where were we?"

Lu Han turned his face towards Sehun, a goofy smile adorning his lips, "Let me show you."

With the darkness concealing them, they kissed, while the kids ate their snacks, completely oblivious to their surroundings.

Because maybe darkness brings good things too.


A/N Okay, so not particularly proud of this oneshot. Idk where I was even going with this. it is not how I planned it at all;; sobs they never are. Anyway, I'd like to thank my friends for inspiring me. THANKS! 

Also I hope you enjoyed and please excuse my extremely awkward ending/story in general. Have a nice day!

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Chapter 1: Started from a graveyard to a land of fluffiness.
I love you and your writing ♡
Chapter 1: i like it how the children said, " ew. Teachers are kissing. no pda please." hahaha. they're cuuuuuute. ;')
Onepenny #3
Chapter 1: Who knew that a story that started out in a graveyard could be so cute?!
Caitlynn2013 #4
Chapter 1: Great job author-nim! I really loved this! You should make a sequel!!
exovixxfinite #5
Chapter 1: Awww it is so cute
Chapter 1: Awwwww well done