Chapter 1

My Fake Bias || EXO fanfiction ||


After the news from yesterday’s good day gone bad, Jin hasn’t really been in her highest of spirits.
After hearing her one and only bias in EXO, Sehun, had a girlfriend, her whole system malfunctioned.
She suddenly turned into a lifeless robot.
Which was not good in her situation since this phase of hers was rare, really rare. And it surely was not good for her health.
She didn’t come out of her room for at least 2 days. She just continued to sit there on her chair, as if she was put on pause.

That was until her brother, Jimin, came in and pinched her side on the night of the third day.

But Jin still sat there, no reaction or sound from her whatsoever.

Jimin rolled his eyes in frustration and searched around his sister’s room and his eyes caught something on Jin’s wall and he smirked.

“Say noona, it’s okay if I take this right?” Jimin asked his hand reaching out to Jin’s favorite poster of Sehun on her wall.

Jin suddenly went into auto-attack mode and tackled her brother to the floor.

“Don’t.You.Even.Dare.Park.Jimin.” She practically growled into her brother’s ear whilst she was still on top of him.

Jimin chuckled and easily slipped from under his noona’s grasp.

“Noona, I heard about the news…” Jimin began whilst sitting in front of his sister on the floor.

Jin remained silent, waiting for her brother to continue.


“…And I think you’re acting like a baby in this situation.” Jimin finished his tone still the same, as if there was nothing wrong with what he said.

Jin picked up a nearby pillow and hit Jimin hard on the head.


“Yah! I was being honest!” Jimin blurted out before ninja rolling across the bed to reach for the other pillow on the other side.

“How can you be honest in a situation like this? Can’t you see my pain?” Jin asked dramatically gesturing to her heart at the end of her sentence, before hitting Jimin again.

“Psh. I was trying to help and besides it’s true anyways!” Jimin complains blocking Jin’s hits with his pillow.

“Yah! Yah! Yah! You’re being immature here! And you’re supposed to be my noona!” Cried Jimin after Jin hit him too hard on his arm.

“And you’re my dongsaeng! You should be comforting me!” Jin answered back hitting his head one last time before landing on the bed, exhausted.


Jimin looked over at his noona and saw her lying down on her bed, looking aimlessly at the ceiling.

He drew in a deep sigh and crawled in next to her on the bed.

“Noona…I’m being serious though. Aren’t you supposed to be happy for Sehun hyung? After all you are his fan. And as a fan of not only Sehun hyung but all of EXO as well, you should be supporting them and cheering them on. I know you like him a lot but you have to face the reality…” Jimin finished turning to look at Jin.

Jin sighed and looked over at her dongsaeng and smiled.

“알았어 (Araso)” Jin replied before looking up at the ceiling again.


I have to face the reality.


I’m just another fan, nothing more, nothing less. I’m a fan who has to stand by her idols no matter what. Regardless of my feelings towards Sehun oppa, I will be happy for him and cheer him on because he and EXO deserve to be happy and if Sehun oppa is happy, then I’m happy. His girlfriend must be very lucky, because I know Sehun oppa will treat her like a princess, like his princess…

Aigoooo~! I’m getting jealous because of these thoughts.
Ah-aniya~! Anyways, she must be very lucky. I just want to wish her and Sehun oppa the very best.

Jin sighs deeply and looks to the side finding an empty space where Jimin once was.

She sighs again but chuckles.


Aish, that Jimin. Why does he have to act so cool? Psh.

Jin’s POV

I sit up from my bed and decide to move on with my life.
But the first thing I do is search more on Sehun’s relationship. What? Just because I’ve decided to move on doesn’t mean I can’t be curious about my oppa’s love life, I can’t help it.

Once I typed in the search word I click search and the first thing that comes up is the girls picture.
Her name was Ga Eul, even her name sounded pretty. But when I clicked the search images, pretty was an understatement. She was BEAUTIFUL.

My jaw dropped in awe, is she even human? She looks like an angel.

My eyes snap back to reality when I went back to the search articles. That’s when I saw all the hate pages and negative comments on some articles about their relationship.
I was frowning the whole time. They didn’t deserve this kind of treatment, Sehun is happy so the fans have to accept that. And the girl seems nice, she doesn’t deserve any of this crap either. We don’t know for sure what’s she’s like but if Sehun oppa likes her then she must be amazing.

Omo~! These kinds of people give me headaches. There are some fans that can be so immature and insensitive.

I check twitter and see if Ga Eul has one and luckily she does.
So far she hasn’t reacted negatively to the situation nor has she tweeted about it ever since.

Her last tweet was:

I am happy. We are happy. I just hope you can respect that. Please.

The replies to her tweet were mostly negative, which were an eyesore to read. It made me feel bad for her. Sehun must feel bad too, seeing all the negative reactions people, and especially the fans, have been giving.
I continued to read the negative tweets and one really hit me, though it wasn’t meant for me, it still hit a nerve in me.


@Ga_Eul you’re nothing special. You shouldn’t even have the chance to stand next to him or to even live. You’re nothing compared to Sehun


I mean the ‘ugly’ and ‘fat’ comments were harsh but this… has just gone way too far. You can’t just threaten someone’s life like that. Are people that insensitive? Going to the point of death threatening someone just because she’s in a relationship? These people aren’t even supposed to be called fans.

And I know just who these “fans” are, they’re sasaengs.

I just had about enough of sasaengs. I’ve heard tons of horrible things they’ve done just to get closer to their idols. Leaving their sanitary pads by the front door of the idols dorms, sneaking into their dorms and stealing their belongings (especially underwear), chasing them around everywhere, and I mean everywhere, even the bathroom, camping outside their dorms and even crawling on the ground looking for their hair strands. I mean that is scary. It makes me wonder how the idols cope with all this madness.

But what saddens me the most is that these sasaengs gave up their education and basically dedicated their whole lives to following their idols and monitoring their every move. What kind of life is that? What future will that bring? Just thinking about it also makes me feel sorry for the sasaengs. I wish I could understand their motives but I can’t. I just think everything they’re doing is wrong.

Before I knew it I’ve already opened Twitlonger and wrote my message.


It saddens me to see all these negative comments from people about their relationship. And knowing that most of these people are actually fans of Sehun and EXO saddens me even more. I myself am a fan of EXO and I was quite shocked by the news to be honest but I didn’t mind because in the first place, I have no right to but in and to be mad about their relationship. I don’t know any details about their relationship; I don’t know what goes on in their personal lives. And I have no right to judge Ga Eul unnie because I don’t even know her personally, but what I do know about her is that she’s beautiful and she makes Sehun happy, and if he’s happy then I’m happy. We should all be happy for Sehun.
Please don’t go sending hate to people you know nothing about. It is irrational and uncalled for.
Like what I said, we fans, know nothing about their personal lives therefore giving us no right to judge them and to but in. If they wish to share something to the public then they will, but you don’t need to force them into doing so. It’s their lives and their relationship so they get to make their own choices.
As fans we must stand by our idols and support the decisions they make. If you don’t do that, are you even considered a fan? I’m not trying to add any more flames to the fire; I’m just trying to help reason with some people that sending hate in this situation is wrong. But I understand if other people want to send hate, we are human after all, we have imperfections. And besides, it’s their life so it’s up to them whether they send hate or not but please think before you act. And just know that if you send hate, it won’t change anything. We’re still just fans. We have to accept the reality.
Sehun oppa and Ga Eul unnie, if you ever have the chance of reading this (which I’m sure is very slim) please know that I support you and your relationship all the way!! Also please know that there are also people who are here to support you and are cheering you on! Stay strong and positive! FIGHTING!!! :))))))) ^_^


I take a deep breath before pressing enter and then my tweet is sent.

I check then check the time on my laptop screen and see that it’s already 10pm.
I shut my laptop and jump into bed and move my attention to my Sehun poster.
I take in all of his features like I’ve done so many times before.
His styled white hair, his pale white skin, his pink lips, and his gorgeous eyes.
His smile is also clearly evident on his face.

I smile to myself as well.

Please be happy, Sehun.

Slowly, I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.




//AN: Thank you for reading the first chapter of 'My Fake Bias' It's my first fic on AFF and I hope you like it so far. Please continue reading and just to let you know, my update schedules are random. So please bare with me. :) I will promise to make sure you won't regret reading my story. Thank you again. ^^ //

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exotic1993 #1
Please update! The story seems really intresting.
(੭ˊ͈ ꒵ˋ͈)੭̸*✧⁺˚