
Driver instructor

As Yixing hurries down the stairs, being extra careful not to trip and fall over shoes that were lying haphazardly near the door, he slips on his shoes before checking to see if he's missing anything. Once he's done, he get's out of the house and locks the door, not once has he looked towards the direction of the male leaning on the side of his car.

When he's sure that the door was locked, he turns around and is momentarily frozen when he sees just who will be teaching him how to drive, Luhan. He blinks a few time before biting his lower lip, looking anywhere -mostly down at the ground- but at the older male in front.

Luhan smiles as he sees Yixing coming towards him with his head down, finding the sight, endearing. "Hey, Yixing. Ready to get this lesson started?" Trying to make small talk, seeing as Yixing seems to be back to being shy around him.

Yixing stutters a quick reply and nods.

Before Luhan can tell Yixing to hop in, he receives a text, from Kris. He rolls his eyes before opening the text.

From: Kris
There better not be anything wrong by the time he gets home or I swear I'm going to murder you, got it?

He makes a slightly irritated noise in the back of his throat before he looks up towards Kris room, seeing the younger male watching them through his window. Luhan scoffs before typing in a quick reply and sticks his tongue out, winks then smirks. He hurries and turns his attention back to Yixing, ushering him to hurry and get in to the car before driving off, not forgetting to tell Yixing to put his phone on vibrate, just because.

From: XiaoLu
You're worse than an overprotective father, afraid of his precious daughter having her heart broken on the first date, chill. I'm only teaching him how to drive, not taking him on a date. Then again, it'd be the perfect time to swoop him off his feet right now wouldn't it? Not having his over protective brother around to stop us. Sounds like a plan, I'll make sure to have him home before midnight. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Kris nearly throws his phone across the room. He doesn't know whether Luhan was being serious or was just messing around with him. Either way, he still trusted and respected Luhan enough to know that the older male wouldn't do anything to Yixing, right? Not taking any chances, he texts Yixing telling him to be careful and if anything happens, to call him, immediately.

Well, nothing ever goes the way people want it to, so when Kris sent the text, it was unnoticed by Yixing because he was still shocked that Luhan was the one that had taken the responsibility of teaching him how to drive. Luhan, of all people.

Yixing chances a glance at the male next to him, slowly studying his face. He was so absorbed, that he failed to notice that he has an incoming text from his brother.

Luhan was mentally patting himself on the back for sending that text. He knows he'd probably get a beat down from the younger male later on when he sees him, but he simply doesn't care at the moment. Not when he has Yixing with him, just the two of them, for once. He can feel Yixing looking at him, but he doesn't do anything and continues to focus on the road ahead instead.

The sudden sound coming from Yixings stomach has the younger male blushing.

Chuckling at the younger male. "Do you want to go eat first?"

Yixing wishes that the earth would just open up and swallow him whole at this very second because seriously? Do you really have to growl right now? It's stressful enough to be with Luhan alone, why do you need to make a sound. Stupid stomach. He blushes even harder and timidly nods his head, looking down at his hands.

Looking around trying to search for places along the way. "Well, what do you feel like eating?"

Yixing shyly looks up. "Anything is fine."

Thinking for a minute. "Let's go to that place down there, is Chinese okay?"











just a mini update for you guys :P
if you hadn't already noticed, in my fics
there's always somethin to do wit food..
i luv food, don't judge XD

wordcount: 705~

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Lol, xing ignoring his brother-overprotective-almost-father message xd I just imaging Kris with a frown and typing furiously in the phone, lol, I can't xd

Thank you so muuuuch for writing this! ♡ I hope you can update soon (͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)
Pandaaelaine #2
Will you continue this story??? Please say yes!! My layhan feels XD
will you continue this story?? please please pleeeeaaaseeeee o beg you oh my god my LayHan feeeellll ♥♥♥♥♥

i'll give thousand my love kkkk /joking ;p
Pandaaelaine #4
Chapter 2: Omg I love love love it even though it's a mini update :D I can't wait!!! Awesome job ^3^
imanahi #5
Kyah! Ican'twaitIcan'twaitIcan'twait! This is amazing!!^^
Pandaaelaine #6
Chapter 1: Kyaaa I love it already!!!! Great job :D hope to see and update soon :3
Oh my gosh!!!!! School AU I can't waaaaaaaaaaaait!!!!!!!!!