Brightly Heard


Just another normal day in the SHINee dorm until Jinki drops some unexpected news.


Happy sixth anniversary SHINee! I had actually had this idea back in February but never really got the cahnce to write it down until now. And now seemd like a good time. I hope you all enjoy it!

Couples- slight 2min and Jongkey


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Chapter 1: aw, this is so cute and happy! i love it, 2min and jongkey are my ultimate otps~
it's so sweet, i hope you write another! as always, author-nim hwaiting! ^^
pinkwlgirl #2
Chapter 1: This is such a adorable story. 2min and Jongkey moment is cute, too!
Please come up with another soon ^^
Chapter 1: Whoa! Such a happy atmosphere around them ^_^ i love them being so happy n then jumping around. And that's how they're here :-D
Well I subscribed :-) hope I'll get the update soon ^^