Chaotic Home

The Lunar Throne

Narrator's P.O.V

Although there were only 3 boys that had exposed their magical abilities to you, you believed you were on a foreign land named China and these boys were handsomely mutated human beings.

Chanyeol had mentioned a name previously and you assumed there were more of these boys.

At the current time, you all were leisurely strolling down the alley ways to what Chanyeol called the "home base."

"How much longer do we walk?" Your eyes glanced at the full moon shining above the building, stepping carefully over shards of a glass bottle.

"Just a bit longer, hold on." Kyungsoo spoke up and peered over the wall towards the cross intersection ahead. 

He motioned a run signal and Kai had physically dissolved into a grey mist before your eyes.

Chanyeol didn't explain as he backed up in the alley and sped across so quickly, he disappeared through a brick wall at the other end.

"What? How am I supposed to merge into that brick wall?" You grabbed onto Kyungsoo before he could disappear along with the others and leave you stranded. 

"Before I let you run across the road, you must check for any obstacles in the way. Other than that, run ahead and ram into that wall. The others will wait for you at the other end." 

"So you're telling me that that wall is basically the Harry Potter 9 and three quarters platform wall?" 

"Sure, I guess." Kyungsoo shrugged but nonetheless assured you that the other boys will be waiting on the other side.

The latter checked the roads again before mumbling a "go"  and off you sprinted down the empty road and dove face first into the gelatin-like brick wall.

In no time, your body wiggled out and landed into a pair of arms.

Both Kai and an unrecognizable face greeted you as they caught you.

"You managed through that quite nicely." Kai helped placed you onto your feet and patted your shoulder.

"Thanks." Your cheeky grin distracted the boy from continuing his duties. 

"Kai?" The other boy slapped the latter on the arm and faced you.

His eyes were narrow and precise as if he could track the subtle-most movements.

"Eunji, this is Tao. His ability is time control." The boy gave a slight bow and his expression transitioned into a friendly one.

"Hello, meimei. I'm currently busy tending our hyung's injuries. I'll see you later."

The foreign language sparked your attention but Tao was already gone.

Seconds later, Kyungsoo appeared from the magical wall.


The location was unique; it seemed like a modern apartment with a bunch of different futuristic and antique furniture.

Overall, the place looked like a small museum fitted for a collector to live in.

"This is what Chanyeol called home base?"

Kai turned his attention to you and nodded. 

"This is our home and facility. There are 3 floors in total. We have the bedrooms upstairs, the training room below, and this is the main level."

From upstairs, slight shouting can be heard. "Kai, come up stairs!"

There were several voices that called out to the latter and he vanished within sight. 

You made yourself at home and sat on the couch.

Off to the right, you noticed, there was a zen wall fountain with a calm stream of water pouring down.

The longer you looked at it, the water was becoming thin and it trickled rather than poured. 

The lights were beginning to flicker, like a power outage was going to happen.

The room began to feel chilly, slipping towards the freezing degrees.

"What's going on?" Your warm breath entered the cold atmosphere, creating fog.

You looked for a sign of danger before the whole house became black.

The water no longer trickled and the ice cold temperature frosted the walls.

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