

Beep. Beep.

A strong and long arm stretched to silence the beeping clock. The owner sat up at his bed as he ruffled his already messy bed hair.

His name is Kim JongIn. A boy who was always quiet and loved to hang out with his earphone. He never gave a damn about his surroundings even rarely talked. However, the girls were all head over heels about him. He got many chocolates at valentine, a bunch of fan letters, and confessions. But he will just brushed it all off.

He sat up, walking straight to the bathroom. *I hope they'll stop bothering me today. I hope*

Finished with everything, he grabbed his toast and ate it on his way to school. While he was on his way, a couple of girls waved and even winked at him. Poor girls, Jongin didn't notice them because he was too busy munching on his toast.

He hummed as he made his way to his class. Sitting down on his chair at the corner back of the class before removing his earphone.

The teacher walked in just when he was about to take out his books for today's lesson. "Okay class, I need your attention."

Jongin looked up to find his homeroom teacher standing in front of the class. "We got a new kid today. Please come in and introduce yourself, honey." she smiled as she gesture the new kid to walked in.

A petite girl with long wavy black hair walked in, she stood right beside the teacher. She tucked her hair behind her ear while she smiled shyly to the whole class.

"My name is Cassie Wu and I'm from Canada. I'm actually a half Korean and Chinese. I love to meet new people. Hope we can get along well." The class went wild as she finished her introduction. The noises came almost from all the boys. The chics started to buzz around too, feeling a little bit aware of her beauty.
She got all the attention of the room, unless the one guy who kept jotting some notes on his book, yes, it’s JongIn. She saw him at the corner of the room, she somehow felt drawn to this one guy.

“You can sit beside Sehun, the guy with bowl cut? Yes, that guy at the middle.”

The said boy, Sehun frowned while rearranging his hair. “My hair ith juth fine tho” he mumbled silently.

Day passes, Cassie became popular faster than she thought. Her beauty had drawn all the attention of the geeks and even the popular guys. She actually felt happy with all the affection that had been thrown to her. She always had this bright smile on her face and it made her face glow. Guess that’s the main reason why everyone fell for her. And some hate on her.

They said, the more famous you got the more love you got, the more hate you got. The chics from other class popularity started to fell downfall. They all blamed Cassie on it. Even between the cheerleading team. She became the hot topic. Almost every popular girl hate on her. They hate her for taking the entire spotlight. Not leaving even a single one.

Till one day, when they all felt frustrate by all the attention that she got despite her ‘new girl’ label, they decided to ganged up. Planning a dirty plan to crush her down. To crush her face and even her soul. Hoping that after the incident she will fly her out of town.

“So… you guys ready?” The master mind of the plan or the leader of the cheerleading team, Minah spoke.

The other girls nodded, in the middle of their little gathering a girl opened the door of the room. “The geezers are here.”

Minah had a wicked smile pasted on her face. “Then what are we waiting for? Come on girls.”

In the other hand, JongIn had stayed at school for a Dance Practice on his own. He decided that the gym would be the nicest place to train his moves. Moving along with the fast but steady beat. Closing his eyes as he spun and drown himself to the music. Dancing is his only way of escaping from reality. Hence did he ever think about reality?

All he can think is Dance. And his only friend is Music.

The music slowed down as it came to an ending. JongIn huffed and puffed when the music ended. He walked to a near bench and rest himself. Sitting with his legs opened wide as he rest his elbow on his knees. Sweats were dripping down his face to his neck.

The sun was almost gone and JongIn decided to went home, when he was about to leave the gym. A scream of a young girl caught his ear. He dropped his bag and went to the source of the voice. He ran around to look for the source and finally met a suspicious class.

He somehow felt bad about this. But without hesitation, JongIn barged in to the class and found a young girl on the floor with three big guy hovering over her. She tried to kick one men who tried to undressing her when she was already half . A trailed of tears can be seen on her cheeks.

JongIn gulped, ‘They are going to her? but they are 2 times bigger than me. Can I even fight them? Ugh screw this.’

JongIn stormed at the man and throw some kicks and punches, one of the guy fell on the floor but the other guy helped his friend, he kicked JongIn on the ribs and he cough hardly. Too bad he was outnumbered but luckily a teacher showed up and caught them. The three boys had to leave the room with a shame. JongIn silently thank the god.

‘Thank god, I almost got myself killed.’

JongIn saw the girl and approached him. He was taking off his jacket before crouching right beside her and putting it around her shoulder.
“You alright?” JongIn spoke out before gasping when the girl looked up, it was Cassie.

She met eyes with JongIn and she hugged him unexpectedly. She was shaking so bad when she hugged JongIn. Hesitantly, JongIn envelop her in a comforting big hug. Whispering comforting words as she cried on his embrace.

“Thank you… thank you…” She chanted brokenly through her sob.

JongIn shushed her; he tried all his best to comfort her till she stopped crying. But Cassie just felt so thankful that JongIn came to save her from the rapists. She had lost hope. She had thought that she will live her life as a broken soul but it’s all thanks to JongIn now. She is safe. She is safe if JongIn’s around.

The terrible accident had actually made them close and it had made Cassie fell for her hero, JongIn. That day, JongIn stayed still till she stopped crying and Cassie thought that he is so caring and loving.

As day passes, they envelop their feelings. JongIn had fallen for her too and till one nice Sunday on a park. JongIn and Cassie parked their bicycle. Today they decided to go on a simple date around the park near the lake.

JongIn took her hand and lead her to nearest bench, “Sit here and don’t move. Alright?”

She just simply nodded and sat. JongIn disappeared quickly and after a while he came back from the back of the bench. He tiptoed carefully before putting on a flower crown on Cassie’s head. It took her by surprise as she gasped and turned around to a smiling JongIn. He walked around the bench before he finally crouched down in front of her.

JongIn stared at her eyes. It was all just silence.

“You look good on it, Princess.”

She blushed with the sudden compliment. JongIn reached out to tuck her hair behind her ear. She unconsciously smiled at the gesture.

“You look amazing with that smile, that’s what I like most about you Cassie.”

Cassie just blinked. JongIn took her right hand with his left one as he stared straight at her eyes.

“Cassie Wu, would you be my girlfried?”

2 years passed and they’ve been through a lot of obstacles such as some who tried to steal JongIn away but their bond got stronger. Another day passed, they are now a 3rd year student and the finals are coming.

They tried their best and finally, they graduate. All of their families came to watch their one special day. The last ceremony then came to an end. The boys hugged their teammates and the girls cried while clinging on their friends. Cassie looked around the room to search for her love.

However a pair of arms encircled around her waist from the back, it stopped her from walking. She smiled, turning around to face the grinning JongIn. They looked so happy and so perfect.

“We graduate.” JongIn was the first one to spoke.

Cassie grinned, “We are now adults.”

“Wanna go buy a house and live together?”

Cassie laughed at the silly words from JongIn, but there was no sign of jokes on JongIn’s face. She cupped his face before pecking his nose.

“We are too young for that. We still have 3 years, let’s take it slow.”

JongIn frowned, “Not 2 years. Not 3 years. We have eternity. We are going to be together, forever.”
Cassie smiled, caressing her boyfriend’s cheek.

Another 2 years had passed and they are now a university student. They always got tight schedule and Cassie will always took vitamins when she had her break time with JongIn on the library.

The wind got chilly as winter came nearer, Cassie looked so exhausted today. She took out a small bottle that contain some tablets on it.

JongIn saw the bottle and raised his brow, “What’s that babe? Candy?” JongIn wondered.

Cassie chuckled, “Its vitamins. Collage had been a trouble these days. I’m so tired. I need these to survive for another year.”

JongIn reached out to ruffle his girlfriend’s hair lovingly. “Don’t tire yourself too much okay? I can always help you if you need me. Just tell me everything and I’d do it.” He told her and she smiled gratefully, her eyes getting blurry by her own tears.

JongIn chuckled when a tear slipped down her cheek. He wiped it away caringly, “Why did you cried?”

“I wish I could spend my life for eternity with you, Kim JongIn. Thank you for everything.”

JongIn laughed warily, “What’s with you? You talked like you would leave me sooner or later. You are not going anywhere right, babe?”

JongIn took her hand and rest it on his cheek; Cassie shook her head before smiling genuinely. “No, I’ll always be here.”


It’s been 5 years since they started dating and today, they are going to a cozy date which every couple did on their free time. JongIn told jokes to made Cassie laugh.  She had the best night. It was all perfect, not until her eyes started to get blurry and she fell on the ground.

JongIn tried to wake her up, but to his dismay. Cassie wasn’t giving any sign. On panic state, JongIn rushed her to the hospital. He came in screaming like a mad man for the doctors with Cassie on his arms. Her body felt limp and light and fragile.

The medics finally came and took her from him. He tried to follow them inside the emergency room but a nurse stopped him and he helplessly let her go. At last, his feet were giving up on him and he fell on the floor. He cried helplessly wishing that she would be alright.

An hour passed and Cassie’s family came, he greeted them before kneeling in front of her mother. Doing a full bow.

“I’m sorry I can’t protect your daughter. I’m sorry.”

Cassie’s father reached and pulled him up before pulling him in a tight embrace. “It’s okay son, it’s not your fault. It’s not.”

As time passes, a doctor came out and told them she had been diagnosed with a brain cancer. It began to sink in. The vitamins that she had been drinking for these past years have not been a normal vitamins but a cure to her sickness. She had been sick from the first day she met him. JongIn had become her hero from day one.

It hit JongIn hard like a big boulder had come crashing him down. He felt dizzy. He felt breathless. What happened? Everything was going so smoothly and beautiful for them. They’ve made plans for their future. Their future.

“Will she survive? Will my love survive?” JongIn’s voice sounded desperate. He can let it be like this. He had plans, plans with Cassie.

The doctor just simply shook his head, but JongIn still believe in miracle. Her grandma once told him that, miracle do exist if you believe in them. Yes, miracle did happen. After the doctors did an operation on her and shave her head, 3 days later Cassie finally woke up.

JongIn entered the room to find his Cassie on the bed, looking so fragile and pale. He came closer; she turned to the door and saw JongIn. Cassie smiled warmly at him and it broke his heart. The long wavy jade black hair that he used to play with had no longer to be seen. JongIn felt like crying but he knew that crying in front of her is not the best idea.

“Hey… how are you?” Jongin whispered.

Jongin took her hand carefully not to hurt her. She became skinnier. Her skin was no longer warm as it used to, but JongIn still love the feeling of her hand on his. He kissed her hand and caressed it lovingly. He was scared of letting her hand go, it feels like if he let it go, she’ll be gone.

No longer around.

The next day, JongIn decided to propose her one and only love. She loves him and He is certain that he is so totally in love with her too. Hoping that they will have a better tomorrow and life will not be so cruel to them. They were just a young adult.

Again, he stepped his foot on the white room but this time, he had a small black box in his pocket and a bouquet of rose and baby’s breath. He later showed her the bouquet when he sat on the side of her bed.

“Cassie Wu, be my wife” Giving his best smile, he took her hand and put on the ring on her index finger.

But Cassie started screaming in horror. JongIn stood up and asked her frantically.

She can’t feel her hands.

She passed out.

Couples of days passed with JongIn accompanying and not leaving her side not even a single hour. Her parent came to asked him to rest but he insisted on staying beside her. He felt like he got no time left with her.

Morning came and finally her eyes fluttered open. She groggily sat up and looked around. As she turned her head to the left, he saw a mesmerizing face in front of her. An innocent sleeping face of a boy.

“Who is he?” she wondered as her eyebrows met in the center.

JongIn stirred awake, he rubbed his eyes sleepily. “You are awake?”

Jongin’s happiness soon came crashing down when Cassie started to spoke. “Excuse me but, who are you?”

It felt like a slap across his face. It literary broke his heart, now she can’t remember him?

“I’m JongIn… your boyfriend.”

It pained to see her acting the way she acted now. She did things slower than ever. She even can’t drink properly from a glass. She always spilled it.

“T-thank y-y-you.” She stuttered, but she still smiled. They still can have a conversation normally when in fact she can’t remember him fully. But it’s fine, it’s already enough for JongIn. As long as she is around, it’s fine.

“I hope t-that we can rev-verse the t-time. So I c-could treat y-y-you better.” Cassie tried to move her hand so hard and JongIn help her; he took it and put it in his cheek. She slowly caressed his cheek with so much love and care.

JongIn felt like crying but he had made a promise with her that night. “You c-can’t cry, ok-okay? B-b-because if yo-you cry for me w-when I’m gone, I c-can’t wipe it for y-you.” That’s when he gave up; the walls that he had built till now had broken. He cried silently beside her, she cried along silently. Why did life have to be so cruel with them??
The next day, Cassie’s no longer around. Everybody cried on her funeral, except for JongIn. He had made a promise to not cry and he will not go back on his words.

*I’m going to be strong for you, just you watch me from there. I know it’s just a small time but thank you. Thank you for all the memories that you had given me. I’m so thankful to have you. Wait for me there, okay?

Rest in peace, my love, Cassie Wu.*

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