We are old

We are old

  Flying cars turn out aren’t as popular as people thought them to be,those four wheels vehicles still belong to the ground,and so are the high-speed bikes and automatic skateboards.

  Everything seems to move in a higher speed,except me,and other old people.

  This world is filled with clowns and stand-up comedians,often times good ones.But that dosen’t mean they can bring you happiness,right?Even though they might bring a smile to your lips,that does not come near to the notion of happiness,not at all. Happiness is a whole different concept,which few have attained.I was one of them.The taste of pure happiness is unforgettable,especially when it involves more than one person.

  My happiness involves 9 persons,to be precise. After years of trying,people still haven’t achieved to invent a pill that can obtain all of our memories.For a 83 years old women,though I might be considered fit and healthy,I couldn’t remember thigs much.

  However,the picture of 9 girls dressing in exposed clothes,dancing and singing in utter ecstasy and a little bit of silliness,plunged in the roar of applauses and screaming,never faint.

  It is the memory of those glory days that sustain me to live. I have no parents,child,no husband or wife...Nothing. I can rarely name those girls.Sometimes,I can’t even tell what my own name is. Yet,those pictures,those unbridled roars,are far past enough for me. Who are they,anyway?They sure are hot,even for a old lady with barely no teeth like me.I better spread you the detail of my drenched pantie...

  Anyway,here I am.With a nice cup of ma juice,writing all the things that are going on in my head as my doctor told me to.Somehow I managed to gripped the pen firmly and scribed down these words,wait,wait.. My hand is wiggling,it does not do writing anymore,instead it is drawing something.Given that I’m too old to control my hand,it is really drawing something.A pair of eyes first,a pair of eyes that seem somehow rather familiar to me.They are beautiful,without a single doubt,yet they are missing something..They are seeking for something. And then nose,lips,jaw line...It is a face of a young girl.The most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen in my livelong life.And it seems to me that this is not the first time I see her,though she’s on a paper now.It feels like,it feels as though the lines of her features have been inked into my brain.

  Ding Dong!

  My hand lost its grip on the pen as soon as the bell attacked me,I sprung up from my chair and moved towards the door with my silver-made mechanistic legs..Nah,I’m kidding,I’m walking towards the door at the very speed of a snail,and slightly irritated by the fact that this person standing in front of my door has destructed my drawing inspiration.

  Well,let’s just say this sure is a day that everything is possible.Because standing before me,is the girl that I’ve been drawing just now.Though there are a few lines across her delicate skin ,it wouldn’t make any difference.

  She seems sorely familiar,sorely.

  “Hi,”She parts her lips.I feel as though her mere utterance of greeting has brought back those glory days in my head,that is how I call them,glory days.”Yuri?”Her voice shakes with uncertainty and hope,hands clutching onto the paper she’s holding.

  I straightened my back and cleared my throat“Yes,yes I am.”And then I see some flicker swinging in her orbs,her cheeks tinged with a shade of crimson.

  “Uhm,would you like to come in?”I try my best to keep my voice steady(deliberately lowering it for a bit just because),and take a step inwards to give her space to walk in. She pause for a second but decide to walk in anyway”Thanks.”

  “Would you like anything to drink?”I ask her as she sits down onto my sofa,all graceful and charming.She shakes her head in a adorable manner and asks me to sit beside her.

  “So,Yuri,”She stares at me with her bright eyes,a rather curious pair as well.”I just found this piece of paper this morning,it has your name and your address on it,and a awful lot of things about you,so I thought I could just dropping by,and maybe,ask you some questions.”

  “Go ahead.”

  A flicker of hope flashed in her eyes.”Alright,thank you.I couldn’t get the imagine off my chest.”

  “What imagine?”

  “Well,it might scare you,even I myself think it is absurd.” I smiled,my whole body seemed to unwind sitting beside this woman.Every move she made was so familiarly graceful,I found it peculiar in a pleasing way,since this is the first time I’ve ever met her.”You accidentally killed my puppy?”Her eyes were clouded with bewilderment hearing my words,I continued speaking,trying my best to not laugh.”I don’t own a puppy,just messing with you.Now come on,tell me what’s bothering your .” Then she laughed like an angel,crinkles crawled up on the corner of her eyes,like an angel.”Alright,alright.It is,so to speak,a bunch of girls singing and dancing under the spotlight.There are nine of them,I believe.”

  Nine girls?I blinked my eyes as the faces of nine girls’ flashed before my eyes.”God,we have been seeing the same thing!”I said with overwhelming excitement,fidgeting in my seat.She grabbed my hands and speaks with the same excitement.”No way!I can’t believe it!”The grip on my hands grows harder with each word she utters.

  There are moments in your life that you no longer find yourself disagreeable,no longer feel everything you do is utterly nonsense,no longer aware of the existence of time.For me,this moment is one of them.

  We fell silent,hands gripping each others’,heat spreading on our aged body.But nothing,nothing uncomfortable.It feels as though we have known each other for years that one another’s presence no longer brings any awkwardness.

  “But who are they anyway?”She suddenly broke the silence with a puzzled expression,adorable as a newly born puppy. I shrugged.”I dunno.But they sure are hot.”And immediately after I uttered those words,I regretted it,awfully.Jesus Christ Kwon Yul,how can you say that in front of a lady!Wooh,at least I remembered my name.

  Ding Dong!

  ing hell,who the are on the door right now,I’m having a nice little chat with a lady,who the dare to disturb me? I tried my best to conceal my anger,and reluctantly let go of her hands. Swinging open the door I shouted in a low and rather scary voice.”What do you want.”

  “Oh my god!Oh my god!It’s Yuri!”Who are these girls?Why they know my name?And why are they holding flowers and chocolates and posters of,wait,those two girls on the poster seem familiar...Anyway who are they?Before I have the time to think,they swarmed my house,squealing and covering their mouths at the presence of my precious lady. I swung to her rescue in my highest speed.”Hey,hey,hey,strangers,don’t step in my house without my permission and scream at my guest!”I yelled,stepped before her and used my body to keep those crazy girls away.

  “Oh my God!She’s so protective,even when she gets old!Kwon oppa,you are the best!We are glad that Jessica is in safe hands!” I furrowed my brows,did they just call me,Kwon oppa?Where did I hear this before,it sounds familiar!And the name Jessica..

  “Why do you know my name?”She clung to my back,glancing at the girls that came out from nowhere.

  “Because we are royalshippers!”They squealed in unison at the top of their lungs,if my hearing hadn’t been decreased,I would have go straight deaf.

  I felt a pair of arms tightened around my waist in pursuit of security,as Jessica’s curious voice sounded out from behind.”What is royalshipper?”

  “People who ship YulSic!”Holy Jesus,are they trained in military or something?I thought to myself as they answered in absolute harmony. Wait,YulSic,Yul and Sic...

  “Aren’t them our names?”I turned slightly,whispering to Jessica’s ears.She gave me a quick nod with certainty,her eyes still filled with questions.

  “We don’t even know each other,how do you-”I was cut off by a body that abruptly leaped at me,almost made me lose my balance.

  “Never,ever,ever,say that again!Now,let us review those beautiful times.Come here and sit tight,yes,keep your arms around your sica baby,Kwon Seobang.”

  It seemed to me this group of girl aren’t going anywhere,for sure.And there are thousands of stories waiting ahead.

  Well,I better go get my lady and these crazy women some fancy sugarfree icecream,as this is sure going to be a long day indeed.

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Chapter 1: Que rollo con el chap es algo hilarante
crazykwonyurifan #2
Chapter 1: Awww my ever so adorable yulsic, yes I am a ROYALSHIPPER too...
PilotIsMyJob #3
Chapter 1: Hahaha! I wonder how u'll develop this story, by flashback? Whatever. Anw, good job.
YulSicSLTTR #4
Chapter 1: Old wifey & seobang so adorable ^^
Chapter 1: Thumbs up!
Chapter 1: so they forgot what they r before?? XD
cucuMAber #7
Chapter 1: Now I actually try to imagine what will happen when they're 80's ㅋㅋ
I think snsd n yulsic will always become one of my best and unforgettable memory in my life even when i'm 80 >.<
Good job author nim ^^