Today the park, tomorrow...


A man takes his dog to the park, for the last time.


Today I took my dog to the park. My dog isn't his younger self anymore, his legs and joints don't move as quick as he wants them to but that doesn't stop him trying.
I had to lift him into the passenger seat that should have been the first sign, but I thought nothing of it as he hadn't been well lately.

As we headed towards the park, I lowered the window for him. Within an instant his old head is out the window, panting in anticipation of the sights, smells and new friends that awaited him at the park.

I opened the door for him, he slowly lowered himself out of the car like a child trying not to slip on ice. But now he was off, turning back as if to say "Come on! we are here now lets go!" and with that he turns and trots off ahead.

Its was not hard to catch up with him, but we walked along happily for a while. I noticed he was getting tired, quicker than usual though so I figured it was best time to head home.
Not until he had sniffed and pee'd on a few more bushes though.

The drive home was quiet, he rested his big head on my leg staring up at me with those old eyes that seemed to stare straight through me. This time I had to lift him down out of the car.

Once inside we would normally go sit on the couch but he headed straight for my bedroom, I decided to followed him in as this was not normal for him.
He went to beside my bed and tried to climb up,  never been allowed on my bed ever. I gently lifted him up, held him in my arms and lay down on the bed. I knew what was coming.

"Thank you, you've been everything I could ever have wanted and more. When I was angry, you made me smile. When I was scared, you gave me comfort. When I was alone, you reminded me you were always there.
I love you and I just wish you didn't have to go now..."

He stared up at me, as tears began to fall on him. Suddenly he gave me one last long of his tongue over my face, as if to say "Why are you crying? Its going to be ok, You are going to be ok."
With that I held him close, and felt his last breath leave him.

I don't know how long I lay there, holding the lifeless body of my old friend.
He had given me everything until his old body had nothing left to give but even in his final moments he still had time for me. I would always have time for him, time is all I have got left now.


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