saturday mornings

saturday mornings
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Incoherent babbling is what wakes Yifan up at 7:30 on a Saturday morning. He values his sleep and can usually stay asleep until 10:30, but ever since two and a half years ago, it hasn’t been the same. He has to admit he misses those days a lot, but idly thinking about it in his half-asleep state, he also has to admit he wouldn’t trade his new Saturday mornings for anything in the world.   He rolls over onto his other side, trying to get away from the noise threatening his beauty sleep, but alas, the babbling only grows louder, and he groans. Quick silence ensues, and Yifan thinks he’s won this round of Trying to Lengthen My Sleep Time. He smiles into his pillow, not feeling the light dip in the bed behind him, until he feels something creeping up next to his ear. He goes to swat at the unknown object, smile turning into a frown when he swats at nothing before trying to go back to sleep again. He’s almost back to dreamland, so deliciously close until he hears a loud–   “Baba!”   Yifan violently flinches at the loud voice directed into his ear and falls off of the bed with a satisfyingly loud thump! He groans in pain, eyes squeezed shut to quell the stars dancing in front of his vision. Once the pain dies down in his head and the rest of his body, he rolls onto his back to look up at the cute, adorable, inquisitive eyes of his three-year-old son Sehun, peeking his head over the edge of the bed to stare back down at him.   “Baba awake?” the youngster questions innocently, small hands tightening on parts of the blankets that’d managed to stay on the bed. “Baba?” It’s cute how he doesn’t care for his father’s well being anymore.   Yifan sighs, reaching up to run a hand through his hair before a fond smile takes over his face. “Yes, Sehunnie. Baba’s awake.” He internally squeals when his son’s face shifts to his favorite expression where his eyes form happy moon crescents and he’s wiggling around because he’s so happy and – he needs to stop.   “Baba!” Sehun excitedly yells, climbing down from the bed hurriedly only to fall on top of Yifan’s stomach.   “Oomph!”   “Sowwy, baba!” Sehun screams out again, turning around to pat Yifan’s chest repeatedly.   The elder sighs in defeat, opening up his arms and earning an excited squeal from his son again before the toddler throws himself onto his daddy. He can’t help but smile at how insanely cute his little boy is. “Where’s appa?” he eventually asks, letting the younger cuddle into him and effectively pulling the comforter off of the bed completely to fall on top of them.   Sehun giggles in the little cocoon fort he’s made on top of his dad. “Food!” He squirms around on top of the larger body, trying to pull the blanket over his dad’s head as well.   Yifan laughs at the younger’s effort, relieving him of his duty and pulling the comforter the rest of the way as well. His effort causes his son to giggle some more, starting to say any words he can remember, and he laughs with him, resorting back to baby talk just to amuse his son. Suddenly, he mumbles a soft “Boo,” and Sehun squeals some more, patting at his dad’s cheeks to try and get rid of the ghost suddenly with them.   “What are you two doing on the floor?”   Yifan and Sehun instantly still at the sound of the amused voice. The former quietly shushes his son under the blanket who quickly giggles at the sound. They hear a set of chuckles before they seem to fade away into silence. Yifan looks down at his son and gestures to keep quiet still, and Sehun obeys, curious wide eyes looking back up at him.   Suddenly, a loud, happy squeal is heard as Sehun and the blanket is suddenly lifted high up in the air. The toddler laughs and giggles, arms reaching out to try and latch onto the person holding him up high.   When his vision adjusts to the sudden brightness of the room, Yifan smiles brightly up at his husband who’s lightly tossing their son up into the air. The other catches his gaze and smiles back, laughing as he tosses Sehun up once more before bringing him in close and wrapping him in the blanket. “May I ask why you two were on the floor? Again?”   Yifan laughs, sitting up and staring up at his little family. “We were playing with spaceships and ghosts, Yeollie.”   “Uh huh,” Chanyeol dubiously responds back, playfully eyeing the elder still sitting on the floor smiling up at him innocently. He just stares at the other until he gives up and rolls his eyes, looking down to Sehun who’s silently listening to his heartbeat. He smiles affectionately, “Are you hungry, Sehunnie?”   Sehun suddenly perks up at the question, eyes sparkling as he nods his head frantically, “Yes, appa!”   Chanyeol laughs, carefully removing the blanket from his son’s body and tossing it onto his and Yifan’s already messy bed. He looks down to his husband in the process. “Come on, hubby. Get up and join us for breakfast.” He simply stands there, smiling and waiting for the elder to get up off of the floor.   Yifan’s smile is about to split his face in half, never getting tired of hearing his other half say that. He hoists himself up, grabbing onto Sehun’s outstretched hand afterwards. His smile softens before he leans down slightly to kiss his son’s palm. Sehun giggles at the action before patting his father’s cheek in return, “Hi, baba.”   “Hi, Sehunnie,” the elder happily responds back, earning himself those same beautiful moon crescent eyes directed at him. He shifts his gaze to his husband who’s staring at him with natural wide eyes and he laughs. “May I have a good morning kiss?” he teases, earning himself a bright smile before Chanyeol suddenly yells–   “Only if you can catch us!”   Chanyeol laughs at the loud, happy squeal Sehun lets out at the sudden movement, small arms quickly reaching around to cling onto his long neck. They make it down the hallway before he’s tugged back into a warm, rumbling chest. He turns his head instinctively, meeting a chuckling Yifan halfway as Sehun claps his hands happily at his parents being so happy beside him in their own small hug.   They’re both smiling as they pull away from the kiss, Chanyeol shoving Yifan in the way back towards the bathroom. He’s laughing as the elder pouts at the action. “You have morning breath, dear. Go wash up.”   Yifan pales before he hurriedly makes his way for the bathroom, not taking a chance to look back at his husband’s laughing figure.       Yifan starts when he hears the bathroom door opening, pausing in the middle of brushing his teeth to see that it’s Chanyeol peeking his head into the room instead of their son. He lets out the breath he didn’t know he was holding before he smiles around the toothbrush. “Morning, love,” he officially greets, letting the younger walk up behind him to wrap his arms around his waist.   “Morning,” Chanyeol softly responds back, nuzzling his face into the crook of the elder’s neck. He moves with him when he bends over to rinse his mouth, laughter escaping his mouth when he feels the elder wiggle against him playfully. “You’re fixing the bed later,” he lightly demands, letting the elder turn around so he can cuddle into his arms comfortably.   “I know,” Yifan murmurs, nosing his way to the younger’s mouth and kissing him on the lips. They languidly move against each other, granting access to the other as they smile at the lazy action. Yifan’s hands move to the younger’s hips, thumbs slipping under the waistband of the other’s sweats before rubbing small circles into the warm skin. “Where’s Sehunnie?” he mumbles against the younger’s lips, leaving them to kiss up the other’s jawline so he could reach the sensitive spot under Chanyeol’s ear.   “I’m letting him choose what flavor milk he wants,” the other breathily says, tilting his head to the side to allow better access, “You know how he is.”   “I’m so glad he’s ours though.”   Chanyeol smiles at the sweet statement, trying to push away the other so he can check up on their son and make sure he isn’t crying when he realizes they ran out of chocolate milk yesterday. Involuntarily, his eyes roll in the back of his head as he
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choiandlee #1
Chapter 1: Reading this makes me smile so much. Sehun is so cute, lol
Chapter 1: omg this is so damn sweet!
perfect wu family :)
and theres little sekai <3
Chapter 1: WU FAMILY is LOVE!! They look so good together<3 A perfect family~
Violet_Cloud #4
Chapter 1: This is... Perfect :') *dies*
Chapter 1: hnng this family is such an adorable family, I love their moments so much. krisyeol being lovey-dovey is my weakness gosh. I hope u will write a sequel to this hnng the slight!sekai was cute ; wwww ;
Onepenny #6
Chapter 1: Such a heartwarming story :)
Chapter 1: SEQULE!!!!!
Mimisass #8
Chapter 1: Love Wu family so so much!!! Never get enough of Wu family <3
Mimisass #9
Very cute, very krisyeol, very cool and very sweet