Welcome To Fancy and Formal

Welcome to Fancy and Formal

When Jasmine heard the bell warning her of an incoming costumer, she immediately ran to the front of her clothing store to confront the stranger. She closed the door of the storage room and jogged to the front counter.


"Welcome to Fancy and Formal!" Jasmine said with fake enthusiasm. She was tired, the day was long, and she was ready to go home.


She thought, by now, all the customers at the mall would have went home being it was 4:00, and the mall closes at 5:00 today. She guessed she was wrong.

"Is there anything you need help with Sir?" 


Lee Minho turned and looked at the lady behind the counter and paused. She was gorgeous. Her hair was cut in a chin length bob that showed off her delicious brown neck. Her pretty hands that were folded on top of the counter, were small and soft looking. The nails were painted a bright yellow and accompanied by a small gem on each finger. She smiled at him while she looked at him, waiting for his answer. Her teeth were bright, white, and perfectly straight. 

"Ugh no, I am just looking. Thank you," he said looking her in the eyes.


Jasmine's eyes widened. Who is this man? He was Asian, tall, and handsome. He had on a white shirt that hugged his hard chest, a black sweater that complemented his dark eyes, and a pair of dark jeans that wrapped around his thighs so good it could be a sin. His face was flawless. His thick eyebrows, strong nose, and y pink lips were to die for. Who is this man?

She was suddenly nervous. She took her hands off the counter and wiped them on her brown high waisted, knee length skirt. She straightened her cream colored blouse in self consciousness. She glanced over to a wall mirror and saw that her hair was flattened. She nodded in approval and brought her attention back to her costumer. 

When she found him, he was in the tie section, and looking at her. She froze, he saw her checking herself out. She turned around and ducked behind the counter. Embarrassed. 


Lee Minho smiled as he saw her "coolly" fall behind the counter. She was so cute. He brought his attention back to the ties in front of him. He had to look nice for the banquet tomorrow night. He had everything planned; he had his limousine, his parents flying in, all he needed was a suit and a date. He looked over to the counter that the beautiful lady was still hiding behind. Maybe he could kill two birds with one stone. 

He brought the ties he chosen to the counter and lightly tapped on the surface. 

"Yes?" He heard the lady say. She hadn't gotten up so he was forced to look over the counter. 

He smiled at her. She was so cute looking up at him with those pretty brown eyes. Pretending that she was working on the ring display under the counter. He knew better.

"I need your assistance ma'am," he said. She slowly got up and shyly looked him in the eyes.

"What do you kneed?"

He looked at her with a heated glare. "I need you…" her heart went crazy. He knew what he was doing.He stared her right in the eyes.She stop breathing. He laughed on the inside. "… to direct me to suit that would match these ties." He held up the ties in his hand.


Jasmine looked at the ties, distracting herself from the hot male in front of her.

"Right this way sir." She rounded the corner and steadily walked over to a mannequin wearing a dark grey suit.

She suddenly felt self conscious. The outfit she chose to wear today was very professional, but form fitting. She wasn't a size 0, she was far from it. She folded her arms to hide her stomach and turned around facing him to hide the other side. She nodded towards the mannequin.

"This suit is my favorite suit in the whole store. We just got it in and its the perfect suit for the ties in your hands." She looked at him as he looked at the mannequin. He seemed to be considering the suit. He grabs the tag on the arm of the suit. Pricey, but a good suit.

After a moment of thinking he looks back at her and nods his head. Jasmine smiles. That was easy! Now he can get his suit and leave and wont have to see his y self ever again.

"Ok, what size are you? We can get you rung up and on your way," she said hoping that didn't sound mean. She goes through the rack of suits and waits for him to answer her.


Lee Minho smiles at her side profile. "I don't know my size." The smile on her face slowly disappears. "I think your going to have to measure me."

His smile turns into a grin when she looks at him with defeat. AWWWWWWW!

"Are you sure you don't know your size?" He nods his head and she walks back to counter to get her measuring tape. She lifts her arm towards the men restrooms. "Please remove all clothing except for undergarments and walk to the measuring room," she says with no emotion.

He walks to restroom smile hidden under a smirk. "My Pleasure."


What is he doing? Why is he tormenting her? She is in no condition to see him mostly . Seeing his beautiful arms and hands is bad enough. She knows he is doing this on purpose. He's not even trying to hide it. 

She rubbed the back of her neck and slowly walks to the measuring room. She hops he has an ugly body. Like ten s or something. No belly button, or two belly buttons. She laughed at herself. What if he didnt have a wee wee? She laughed out loud and opened the door to the measuring room.

She looks up and what she sees stops her mid laugh.


He knew lying wasn't the best approach, but how would she find out anyway? How would she find out that he already knew his measurements? There's no way. 

He is used to getting his way. With more outgoing women he wouldn't have to work that hard to get their attention. They would just see him and walk towards him. But women like this one, he had to really try . He knew what kind of woman she was. She was the shy type; didnt really approach men, didnt really talk to men unless she had to. If he would have simply bought his suit and gave her a few smiles she wouldn't have took that. 

So he had to go another approach. Make her interested in him. He knew that women wanted more than a man with a nice body, but the banquet was tomorrow night and he really wanted her to be his date.

He put his clothes in a cubby next to the door and made his way to the middle of the room. He admired himself in the mirrors surrounding him. He worked hard to get his body back. After he divorced his high school "sweetheart" he had went in a unhealthy eating spree and gained a bunch of weight. When finally getting over her and her stupid ways, he joined a gym and got his body and life back. 

He heard the door open and he looked up and saw her walk in. She stopped dead in her tracks. He paused himself. She stood in front of him with her arms at her side . Her shape completely visible to him. She had been hiding it from him ever since she left the counter. He only had tiny glimpses her backside. 

She was thicker than any of the past woman he had, had interest in. She had the perfect shape. Perfect hourglass figure. Her face was beautiful and clear. If she wasn't the most gorgeous thing he ever seen…

She swallowed slowly and walked towards him.


Nope, two s, one belly button, she wasn't even going to look down there. Six abs, and one nice happy trail. She slowly walked towards him, not daring to look him in the eyes.

She grabbed the stool next to his feet and brought it in front of him. She stepped on it and instructed him to open his arms. He did what she said and she nearly passed out with the sweet aroma that was coming from his body. He smelled of soap and lavender. She liked that. 

She brought her hands around him to his back and brought the measuring tape to his front to measure his chest. He liked that. She then measured each of his arms and went around to measure his shoulder length. 

She breathed a sigh and prepared for what she had to do next. She got off the stool and put it to the side.


She was shaking, and he saw. He couldn't let her do it. With the way she was shaking and sweating he knew she was due to pass out if she got anywhere near his area.

Right as she was about to bend over he grabbed her by the hands and lifted her back up. She nervously looked at him.

"I know those measurements." He gives her a sweet smile and she smiles back. She thanks the heavens for the save. 

"Well ugh… why dont you get your clothes back on meet me outside." He nodded and she left him to put his clothes on. 


Jasmine every fan in her possession, which was only one. She was so hot and it was all his fault. She didnt even know his name! But what she did know, was that she wasn't going to leave the counter for nothing. She didnt care if he was on fire right in front of her. If it wasn't behind the counter she wasn't moving.

He exited the measuring room and went over to the racks and picked out the suit. He met her at the counter and laid the suit on the surface. On top of the suit he laid the ties,handkerchiefs, and some socks . He smiled at her, signalling to her that he was done. 

He sure had a nice smile. Even with all the torment he gave her, she had to admit that she loved every minute of it. She kinda didnt want him to leave. But at the same time she couldn't wait for him to past the double doors.

She rung him up and swiped his credit card. She put his items in a bag and his suit under a cover. She handed him his purchase and watch him take them. She waited for him to turn around and leave but he never did.

"What's your name?" he said. She raised her eyebrows, surprised at the sudden question. 

"Jasmine." He extended his hand.

"Minho Lee, my friends call me Min." She accepted his hand and shook it. "I know this might be sudden, but would you like to attend a party with tomorrow night?"

She looked at him surprised. He wanted to go out with her? She smiled to herself and looked at him.

"It's a formal party, nothing crazy," he assured her.

"Sure Min, I would love to." He grinned at her and and took out a piece of paper and gave it to her.

She looked at the piece of paper and saw his name and number written on it. He had it already wrote before he even got her anwser. She tore the piece of paper in half and wrote her name and number on the other end and handed it to him. 

He swooped his arm in front of his body and bowed in front if her in a gentleman like manner and left the store.

"See you soon Jasmine."

She smiled as he left the store. She could finally close the store! She locked the door and walked back to counter to clean it off. But she stopped dead in her tracks. 

He grabbed his suit himself.


But she never gave him his measurements.



So how did he know which suit to get?


Her eyes widened.




She couldn't even be angry. She had loved the view too much.



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Chapter 1: I wish u made a sequel of this
Chapter 1: Are you seriously not gonna have a sequel???
This should have been more than a oneshot~~~~
Lotuspassion #3
Chapter 1: Sequel please please please
Chapter 1: Same. . . .lol. . .this is getting annoying. . .I keep sating "Same" to almost everything. . . .and your story. . . LIFE. . . WHY CAN'T THAT BE ME. . . lol. . .I have to show my friend this. . . .she probably die tomorrow cause she loves her Lee Minho lol. . . . .

Please make a Sequel or continue this ^o^
nini56 #5
Chapter 1: i loved it hopefully you make a part 2
Chapter 1: Cute story!!!!! I love it