Wake Me Up

There was a slight buzzing. The next thing Hoya knew, he was alive once more. It didn't really feel like he was away for those few hours.

"Am I alright?" Hoya asked, trying not to move.

"You're good to go." A pat on the back by his usual mechanic, Park Kyung, sent Hoya off the maintenance table with a slight jump.

Hoya smiled widely at the other. "Thank you."

"You have the best mechanics in you, so you're pretty much the most expensive android our company's ever producing," Kyung said.

Hoya nodded, looking at his own arms. He felt something was different, but didn't know what. He thought that part must have been worked on just now.

Kyung absentmindedly continued, "And Dongwoo 2.0's a close second. You two are almost the same. Almost. I like working on the two of you the most. You both are very challenging."


"Sinc Dongwoo's the other rapper and dancer, he is similar to you. You two sing, too, so you both need the most work. Well, over at Aesthetics, they'd argue that L, Sungyeol, and Sungjong are the most important. What can I say? We're all biased," Kyung laughed at himself before he took off his gloves.

The android didn't really pay much attention to Kyung since he had other things on his mind. He looked at the mechanic and said, "Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"Is there anyway for you to tell what androids are thinking?"

Kyung paused for a moment. He blinked a few times before he looked to an emotionless Hoya. "Not really. We can only train you, but not know what's going on. You're highly intelligent. But one thing for sure, we can reset you and all you know will be gone. It's like you're back to square one. But don't worry about it, because I'm sure we'll all do just fine. No one but Zico knows where the reset button is on all the androids, anyway. Apparently, the big boss himself doesn't even know it. Then again, just do what you're meant to do and everything will be just fine!"

Deep inside, Hoya was relieved at the fact that Kyung wouldn't be able to know how much Hoya disliked him talking so much. However, it was only human nature for Park Kyung. He was a nice man, but a little too talkative. However, he was also informative. Hoya now knew another fact now about his own body, that he had a reset button only Zico knew where. But why did it have to be Zico of all people? Hoya tried not to dwell on it.

Just then, a dark blonde male came into view and Hoya perked. It was Pyo Jihoon, a young fellow mechanic, but he really only liked to be called P.O. especially when speaking casually. He brightened when he saw Hoya activated again.

"You're back!" P.O. grinned as he came over, checking Hoya's examined parts.

Hoya stood up and let P.O. scan him. "I think I have to go soon. I have to go and 'socialize with the other android' according to my schedule."

Kyung chuckled. "They're teaching you to stick to schedules now, aren't they? Just like the old times. I think you'd better get going. We have to work on Sunggyu 2.0. He's coming out soon. Go on!"

Hoya stood up and bowed to P.O. and Kyung before Kyung yelled after him.

"Oh, smile more! You look better when you do!" He grinned at Hoya.

Hoya let out a smile eventually and waved away before he walked across the spacious unit. He could see through a huge glass window on the other side of the garage that Woo Jiho was inside it, working busily on Sunggyu 2.0.

Jiho was more commonly known as Zico in the facility, and he was the head of the Mechanics Unit. Hoya didn't really like Zico because Zico was mostly distant and quiet. Maybe as compared to a chatty Kyung and a sociable P.O., at least. Kyung had told Hoya many times that Zico was only cold on the outside but he's actually really nice. Not that Hoya was interested.

Hoya left the Mechanics Unit and headed straight towards the R&D sector where Hoya probably made his closest friends. He went inside and found his favorite male friend being busy with hot water and a mug.


"Hello, Professor Ahn."

"You joke!" The luscious-lipped male said as he beckoned Hoya over to the pantry. "No, seriously, drop the formality."

Hoya lightened up a bit and smiled slightly. "If you say so, Niel."

"Great!" Niel chirped. "Are you going to the Karaoke Room with L 2.0?"

"My schedule states so," Hoya said.

"Then go ahead," Niel patted his back. "I think I saw L making his way past just now. I was just making myself some coffee. Let's walk there together."

Hoya agreed and they left the pantry and took a shortcut through the R&D Unit. It was quieter than usual but only because the other scientists were having a meeting and Niel was supposed to be back in the meeting room but he decided to bail on them for a bit.

"How was it at Zico's?" Niel asked.

"He's busy with Sunggyu 2.0," Hoya replied.

"Ah, the leader," Niel nodded. "He's a well-balanced android. Quite easy to work with. He's going to be activated soon. Tomorrow, I think."

Hoya looked at Niel. "Will L and I be present to watch?"

"Like you were there when L was activated? Well, I guess you're most welcome! I'll let you know after your karaoke with L. Here you are. Drop by after dinner!"

Niel patted Hoya's arm and turned to go back to the meeting room. Hoya looked at the door with the sign 'NORAEBANG' and went in without hesitation. He saw L was sitting on a bean bag holding a microphone, looking quite amused.

"Hello, L," Hoya said, bowing 90 degrees.

L immediately got up and bowed the same. "Hi, Hoya. I'm having trouble with this. Can you help?"

Hoya closed the door and went forward to L and took the microphone. Then someone came in as well, and the two androids turned to see it was someone from the Artificial Intelligence Unit. It wasn't the girl Hoya wished he was, neither was it the head of the group. It was just Ahn Jaehyo.

"Professor Ahn," Hoya bowed. L, too.

It was probably why Niel preferred to be called by his name than a professor. There was also a huge difference between them. Niel is light-hearted and kind but Jaehyo is sort of arrogant. Hoya didn't really care at that moment, but he just wanted to know why Jaehyo was there.

Jaehyo was standing ramrod straight with arms crossed. "There's a change of plans today. Sunggyu 2.0 is coming out tomorrow and you two will have to make your way back to your holding rooms on your own since all of us are going to be working overtime. It will lock at 8:00 PM sharp so if you're not in it, you'll not be charged and you won't make it for Sunggyu's activation tomorrow. Security will you from 7:00 PM onwards till your final schedule before 8. Everything else after 8 is officially cancelled for today."

"So that means after karaoke, security will be with us?" L asked since their singing session was supposed to end at 7.

"Exactly what I said," Jaehyo narrowed his gaze. "I don't even know why they sent me to tell you but I'm here now and make sure you don't go wandering off on your own later. Have fun while you can."

Jaehyo turned and left the room. Hoya and L looked at each other, unfazed.

"He's like that," Hoya said to L with a shrug.

"I've seen enough to second that, too," L gave a small smile before playing with the karaoke menu.

Hoya and L sat down on their beanies after the microphone started to work again. After singing BTD, Hoya put the next song on hold.

"What are you doing?" L asked.

"We need to talk," Hoya said. "Can I trust you?"

L was slightly shocked. "What's it about?"

"Can I trust you," Hoya repeated seriously. "It's about us androids."

With eager eyes, L leaned in. "What?"

"We have a reset button on us that erases everything we know if pressed. Only Zico from Mechanics knows where it is. I'm just thinking..."

"If we know too much, they'll reset us?" L tried.

Hoya clenched his jaw. "Exactly," he said. "I'm sorry for bringing you into this but you have to admit that we shouldn't be held back from feeling more than what we should, right?"

"You're not wrong, but then in the end, we're all going to get in trouble, aren't we?" L looked worried.

"Not unless all seven of us are in this together," Hoya said. "I know I'm not going to give up trying to be a normal human being and I'm going to—"

"We can't be normal human beings, Hoya. Ever. We're pretty much metal."

Hoya frowned and looked away. "I'm going to try."

L knew Hoya was blinded by his experience of love so he didn't try to dissuade him further. "How are you sure the rest of us will agree to this?"

"You will all see the light," Hoya mumbled.

"But man created us. And when they create us, they can destroy us. They'll reset us and all we know is gone."

"So we cannot let them know what we already know. Do you understand? We must appear normal. When we're all up and running, we get closer and we will tell them eventually what more to life is there. Then as individuals, we will make our own escape and live life normally. We're not the only androids out there."

"This sounds really dangerous," L's eyes met with Hoya's. "But I'm with you. I've got nothing to lose."

"For now," Hoya stared blankly as he thought of the woman he loved. "For now."






Okay you guys... I know what you're thinking: "WHAT KIND OF AN ENDING LSAKDJAKLSDJL!!!" And why is Block B and Teen Top inside..?! Hmm. You see, it doesn't end here because this girl who read this story decided to spawn off something of her own, resulting in pretty much a sequel of this.


1. Putting characters you already know is easier to picture

2. I like this story and I'm glad someone else decided to extend it (hers will have Sunggyu apart from Hoya as main male characters)

3. Someone needs to give sci-fi a name on AFF!

4. Basically this is a sneak peek to musicbeat's story (Zico's going to be an important character, too keke and so will Block B... *cough* TMI!)

5. And lo and behold there will be OFCs for her story (no more 'you'!)

If you really liked this story then please subscribe to her story. I'll be reading it too. I've also signed up as her co-author to help her along the way. The plot will be pretty amazing. I've heard bits of it.

WANT TO SEE SUNGGYU BEING ACTIVATED? And the rest of INFINITE? Go subscribe now! :)

I hope you'll support her! ^^ xx

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tehdemoness #1
that is a really unusual concept.... BUT I LIKE IT! you wrote that flawlessly. too bad this hasn't been touched in a year, but it was a good read :D
I love this..<br />
off to the sequel..
omg this is beautiful ;A; <br />
naaaaaaaaaaa I love this <33
delikizzz #4
this was pretty awesome. i hope the sequel gets updated soon
oh my goodness!!!! This is making me pumped up for the story...I better think about the storyline properly... thanks for supporting me^^ <br />
I wanna see how the rest of Infinite will turn out.<br />
awww, android Hoya is so innocent and adorable XD
I found this after seeing your Woohyun oneshot! Dude, omg THIS IS SO UNIQUE AND CUTE AND DIFFERENT AND OMG I LOVE IT. Hoya sounds so freaking adorable in here. AND YES, YES, PLEASE WRITE AN EPILOGUE.
It's cute... Hoya 1.0 I want SUNGGYU 1.0 OR INFINITE 1.0 hehehe!!!!