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Taemin was back home, sitting on the couch, munching on some snacks his mother made him as he watched Kibum get raided by their relatives one by one. He chuckled when one of their aunts pulled his cheek too tightly, making him yelp. That night was going to be a crowded dinner, and his mother was in the kitchen preparing for it with his aunt. Kibum flopped beside him after what seemed like an hour, taking a bite from Taemin’s plate, “Gosh, this is tiring.”

“After all, it’s five years worth of affection.” Taemin chuckled and Kibum couldn’t help but smile.

“Grandpa hasn’t showed up yet.” Kibum stated softly, and Taemin stiffened as well.

“We both are in quite deep waters.” Taemin said.

“I just hope nothing too dramatic happens.” Kibum sighed.

They sat a while, watching their relatives mingle, some of whom came over for a chat now and then. Taemin would find his mind trail to Minho, and he would smile to himself, too sheepishly at times, for Kibum would nudge him when he lost track of conversation, scolding him through his eyes.

“Missing him?” Kibum asked when they were alone after a while, and Taemin nodded, a slight blush creeping into his cheeks. Kibum rolled his eyes, “It’s just been a day.”

Taemin chuckled, but sighed soon after. Minho had occupied his mind ever since he had said goodbye, and though he tried not to think of him, knowing how much he will want to see him right after; his mind seemed to have reasoned with his stubborn heart, as it kept on playing Minho’s every trait, their every moment, and Taemin could do nothing but just give in to the flow of memories and every fluttery emotion that they carried.

Soon it was time for dinner and while everyone was lining up to wash up, the doorbell rang.

Taemin got the door while Kibum waited a few steps away. When the door opened, both boys froze in their spots, for there stood an old man, his posture straight and attire clean-cut.

“Grandpa.” Taemin said, and the man nodded before coming in.

“Did you have a safe trip?”


“I heard you brought Kibum along. Where is he?”

Taemin turned to Kibum, and his grandpa followed his gaze. “Kibum.” He said, beckoning the boy standing nervously a few steps away. Kibum walked to him, his face calm, but eyes hinting at his fretting mind. His grandpa raised his arm and Kibum flinched, closing his eyes, only to open them back in surprise when a warm hand his head gently. “I am relieved you are back.”

Kibum relaxed on spotting the slight smile on his grandpa’s face.

“Don’t run away again. Running away is the worst.” He continued, “Lee Taemin,” He called out to the other boy in a strict tone, “I will overlook your little getaway because you brought me back Kibum.” He gestured Taemin to come closer, and when he did, he pinched his cheek hard, making him groan. He chuckled softly, surprising the two boys, “Why? Can’t a grandfather be happy on seeing his precious grandchildren back home?” He asked when he felt their stunned gazes on him. Their faces eased into a smile, and their grandpa patted their shoulders, “Everyone’s here?”


They led him to the dining hall and the joyous atmosphere quietened on his entry. But soon it returned to it’s joyousness on finding the old man loosen his tie and chat with a smile. Kibum and Taemin exchanged happy glances, finding the burden, the very last one, shake off from their hearts.




Taemin loitered around home, letting the atmosphere become less hectic due to their return, before he could talk about Minho. For a whole week they had this party or that get-together, some invite or random relatives coming over, and he knew for what reason. The whole Yunhee issue had gone viral after he had left, and somehow things had calmed, but just not in their social circle. Small articles could be found in some corner of the newspaper, speculating the reason behind the cancellation of the wedding and the solidity of the business relation between the Kims and the Lees. Taemin sighed everyday as he went through the paper, wanting to speak to his grandfather to put a rest to this affair before he could initiate the talk about Minho.

A couple of more days passed, and he finally saw an opportunity; more like, it came walking to him, as his grandfather asked him to tag along to his study after dinner.

“I know Yunhee was wrong in this whole affair.” He sighed as he took a chair and gestured Taemin to do the same. “I needed to be a 100% sure before I could blame the Kims, hence I was coming down to meet you. I had just mentioned the possibility of you having neglected her, as it was quite evident you both weren’t all that intimate with each other.” He chuckled slightly, “Your mother reacted quite colourfully, and the next I knew, you had turned your honeymoon trip into a getaway.”

“I am sorry about that, Grandpa.” Taemin started, “About business-”

“Business matters are not to be confused with private matters, Taemin. True, the alliance between you and Yunhee had a lot of financial profit behind it, but there were many more I could’ve chosen from. I chose Yunhee because you knew her quite well, and I believed you both to fit perfectly.” He sighed, “Until she eloped, that is.”

“She told me before she went.” Taemin said, “And I think she did the right thing. We do not fit perfectly at all.”

“I realised.” He said, “And I will not let her parents suffer because of her rash decisions. I decided to continue the partnership between the companies.”

Taemin sighed with relief, “Well, so everything is sorted out.”

“Not yet, young man.” He interrupted, “You need to start at the office starting tomorrow. Also, I am going to be on lookout for someone suitable for you.”

Taemin blinked, “Wait, grandpa!”


“You don’t need to be on lookout for someone. I...found someone.”


“During my trip. He lives in London-”

His grandfather sighed before shaking his head, halting Taemin's words. “You may like him, Taemin. But it won’t work.”

“Grandpa…” Taemin said softly, shocked at his words.

“You met him in a place foreign, you know him just a few days...moreover, your lives are so apart, how could it possibly work? Would he come here for you?”

“I will go to him.”

“Don’t be a fool-”

“Why can’t I?” Taemin said, his voice getting louder, “I was not going to come back at all. But I did not want to make things hard for anyone so I came back, came back to talk, to make understand, so I could go back to him, without any guilt or burden.”

“I won’t let you throw away your life for your impulsive infatuation.”


“No, Taemin.”

And he watched his grandfather leave the room, leaving him upset in those words of denial, making more impulsive thoughts rush through him.




“Kibum.” Taemin said immediately when the call was connected.

“Yeah, what?” Kibum asked sleepily.

“I am running away.”

“What?! To where?”

“London, to Minho.”

“Calm down, Taemin.”

“Yunhee told me I will understand one day, and I so do now, Kibum.” Taemin’s voice faltered, “I spoke to Grandpa about Minho, but he flatly refused.”


The line remained quiet before Kibum spoke, “You told me before, that Grandpa ain’t all that bad. Have patience; he will come around.”

“Fine.” Taemin said, his breathing relaxing, “Text me Minho’s number. I need to talk to him because I do not know when Grandpa will come around.”

“Okay, I’ll send it to you.”

Taemin hung up and flopped onto his bed, and a few seconds later, his phone beeped. He checked it to find Kibum’s message which had Minho’s number. He checked the time, and after making sure it wasn’t that late in London, he dialled Minho’s number.

“The number you have dialled is no longer available…”

He checked the number again and dialled it carefully.

“The number you have dialled is no longer available…”

Taemin blinked, staring at his phone. He calmed himself before calling Kibum.

“The number is unavailable.”

“What? I sent you the right number.”

“It’s unavailable, Kibum.” Taemin said in a tone which made Kibum worry, “There must be a problem, Taemin. I will check with Jinki and Jonghyun.”

“Please do.”

And Taemin clicked his phone off and buried himself in his lavish blanket, feeling his heart tighten as the sleepless moments passed by.




Taemin sighed as he got into a suit and combed his hair to the side. He glanced at his reflection, and found himself pleased with his appearance, but no smile, nor contentedness graced his face. A quiet breakfast later, he found himself in the car with his father, who was going to guide him around the office before he could take his chair.

He followed around, greeting everyone, understanding everything, and finally he walked into his cabin, where his father brushed him up on the paperwork. After his father left him to begin, he started going through a few files, though the unrest within him kept growing, pushing burdens on his lightened heart.

There was a knock on the door after what seemed like hours, and Kibum’s face popped in, making Taemin smile a little, as his cousin entered and took the chair opposite his.

“Don’t have training today?” Taemin asked, putting away his file.

“Nope.” Kibum replied.

Taemin just nodded, not being able to think of anything else to say.

“I am impressed.” Kibum smirked, “You look smart, Tae.”

“Of course I do.” Taemin replied, “Mom kinda flipped when she saw the clothes in my bag, by the way.”

“I’ll choose to ignore that.” Kibum said. He looked around a while, watching Taemin get busy in his files before he broke the silence, “I spoke to Jinki and Jonghyun.” He began, “Minho is not at home, nor is his number working.”

Taemin’s hands stopped, “Then where is he?”

“They can’t get to him.” Kibum said softly. “He...he seems to have vanished.” He panted slightly, waiting for Taemin to react, but when no reaction came, he continued, “I know what you will think, Taemin...but Minho is not like that...there-there must be some problem-”

“There has to be.” Taemin spoke, “I am alright, Kibum, you don’t need to explain anymore.”

“I’ll be checking with more of my friends there. We’ll find him.” Kibum said, and after giving Taemin a small smile, he left.

Taemin leaned back on his chair, sighing, “It throbs. Worse than it ever had.”





Another month passed and Taemin had adjusted to his professional life, following the same schedule every day. He heard nothing about Minho from Kibum, nor from Minho himself, and it ached him, for it filled his mind with dreadful possibilities that ran a knife through his heart on remembrance. He was coping up, trying to maintain a straight face, wanting to believe in Minho, but his belief was succumbing to what the air around him hinted, only making his heart throb more.

He knew what this throbbing meant, it was so harsh, folds harsher than what

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Chapter 6: they kissed and my heart race!!! 😭🥰🥰
Beau1996 1385 streak #2
Chapter 8: Grandpa made the right decision - ok there was so cheese but so worth it,🧀
Beau1996 1385 streak #3
Chapter 4: I'm swooning - so sweet!
Beau1996 1385 streak #4
Chapter 3: Profound words to end this chapter - reckless hearts and all!
Beau1996 1385 streak #5
Chapter 1: Hard to believe you penned this almost 10 years ago!
975 streak #6
Chapter 1: I had subscribed to this story earlier but I think I never got past the first chapter.
I do not know why that happened. Anyway, now I am so ready to go to the next chapter.
Shinee2020 #7
Chapter 8: I love this story... It is just so cute! I actually love all of your stories. You have an amazing style of writing. :) I hope you'll write some new ones soon! :)
Chapter 8: It was sooooo goood
Chapter 8: Died Again T_T
shojinryori #10
Chapter 8: Just. Adorable.
I love your work!