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“Are you sure you both not gonna swim?” Kibum asked Taemin and Minho again, and both of them shook their heads.

They were at the lake again, this time all prepared to drench themselves, but Taemin was reluctant to go in since he had had enough of the water due to yesterday’s incident.

“I can understand Taemin’s reason to refuse; the bump on his forehead hasn't healed completely, but what about you?” Kibum asked Minho.

“I already swam my share yesterday, all thanks to Jonghyun.” Minho replied.

Jonghyun grew slightly angry at his words, “Don’t use me as an excuse to-”

Jinki had clasped his palm on Jonghyun’s mouth, who understood Jinki’s glare and nodded.

“Just dive in when you feel like it.” Jinki spoke, “I ain’t gonna waste any time. Oi, Kibum, let’s see who makes the biggest splash!”

The three were gone, discussing who would go first, and suddenly Taemin heard a splash. He turned towards the lake to find Jonghyun be the one to have dived first. Kibum went next and Taemin made himself comfortable under the tree’s shade, deciding to watch it all to the end. After Jinki dived, he glanced to Minho who was watching the three as well.

“Why didn’t you go swim?” Taemin asked.

Minho looked to him, a bit taken back, but he replied, “I guess I am just not in the mood.”

Taemin smiled a little, “Then, are you in mood for a chat?”

A smile took over Minho’s face at his suggestion, “Yes.”

Taemin couldn’t stop his lips to curl up goofily at the smile Minho gave him. It was as contagious as before, maybe more, and also downright charming. His heart caught a speed at the smiling sight beside him, not a great one, but noticeable enough for him to become flustered.

“...then...let’s just start with the basic.” Taemin spoke softly, “What course did you do?”

“Business.” Minho replied.

Taemin was a bit surprised, “I did business too.” He looked to the three playing in the water, “Kibum took arts; I wonder how you both could’ve become friends.”

“Those three took arts alright. But in the last year they took business as a crash course. They had the basics brushed up and ended up sharing a few classes with me.”

“Really? Is that possible here?”


“...I didn’t know Kibum had taken business.”

Minho’s eyes widened, “Oh no. Maybe it was supposed to be a secret.”

Taemin chuckled, “It’s alright. I’ll pretend I never knew and act surprised if he ever decides to break it to me.”

Minho just smiled in response, making Taemin feel his heart catch a higher speed.

“You live here in London?” Taemin asked immediately, panicking due to his rushing heart, “I mean...well, that was a lame question.”

Minho laughed a little, “Yes. With my mother. And Kibum did say you lived in Korea, and you were easily the best relative he had in a huge family of annoying people.”

“Did he really say that?” Taemin asked, amused. “I guess I should be relieved I ain’t annoying according to his standards.”

“You aren’t annoying at all, actually.” Minho said.

Taemin felt a little heat fill his face, “Is that so? Well...thank you.”

“ you wanna go for a walk?” Minho asked all of a sudden, “Their games won’t be done any I thought we could walk around the lake.”

“That sounds good!”



They walked, a mere foot separating them, a cool breeze spiraling in the air, making the pleasantly dim afternoon all more refreshing. There was silence between them, a comfortable one, unlike the awkward conversation they had before, which they both were cringing at silently in their minds.

“Why did you take business?” Taemin asked a while later.

“Nothing else made sense.” Minho replied, shrugging. “What about you?”

“The same reason, maybe.”

“Do you have any hobbies?”

“Not really.” Taemin sighed, “I am kinda a lazy person.”

Minho chuckled, “Well, there are lazy hobbies for lazy people.”

“I like to run movie marathons…” Taemin said, thinking a little, “I am sort of addicted to my SNS...I listen to music, or just play videogames in my free time.”

“I do movie marathons too.” Minho said, “I do real marathons as well. I don’t have an SNS, but I do have a library card. I am kinda a boring person.”

“You are not boring at all, actually.” Taemin smiled, “You taught me how to climb a tree, and then you were able to row a boat all on your own!”

Minho chuckled, looking at the sky. Taemin walked past him and sat at the bay, beckoning Minho to come sit by his side. He undid his shoes, pulled his pants up and put his feet in the cool water, “I always wanted to do this.”

Minho smiled and followed suit, “Haven’t you ever soaked your feet like this?”

“Nope. I just saw it in movies, and thought it would be nice if I ever did this once.” Taemin replied, “Have you ever done this?”

“I did it once before...but it didn’t feel like this.” Minho said, “It feels different, and actually refreshing.”

Taemin smiled in response, as he looked ahead. A while later, he turned to Minho. “What will you do after this week is over?”

“I’ll have to work…” Minho replied, “Why did you come to London in the first place?”

“Getaway.” Taemin sighed, “A break, a vacation, a change of air, call it whatever. It was kinda unpredictable, but I am glad I took off.”

“I am glad too.”

Taemin turned to Minho, confused if he heard right.

“Can I challenge the lazy person to a race?” Minho asked, changing the topic.

Taemin got his feet out from the water and started putting on his shoes, “Yes.” He smiled.

Minho got up as well, “Then, till the tree we sat at previously.”

“Anything at stake?”

“Let the winner decide.”

After making sure that their laces were tied, they both stood side by side, and on a joint count of three, ran ahead towards where they had come walking leisurely from.

“You’re fast for someone lazy!” Minho called out, as he watched Taemin run past him.

“Aren’t you slow for someone you runs real marathons?” Taemin shouted back, laughing later.

Minho caught up to him, “What do you think now?”

“I am not taking back my question.” Taemin increased his speed and ran as fast as he could and halted right under the tree’s shade. He turned

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Chapter 6: they kissed and my heart race!!! 😭🥰🥰
Beau1996 1382 streak #2
Chapter 8: Grandpa made the right decision - ok there was so cheese but so worth it,🧀
Beau1996 1382 streak #3
Chapter 4: I'm swooning - so sweet!
Beau1996 1382 streak #4
Chapter 3: Profound words to end this chapter - reckless hearts and all!
Beau1996 1382 streak #5
Chapter 1: Hard to believe you penned this almost 10 years ago!
972 streak #6
Chapter 1: I had subscribed to this story earlier but I think I never got past the first chapter.
I do not know why that happened. Anyway, now I am so ready to go to the next chapter.
Shinee2020 #7
Chapter 8: I love this story... It is just so cute! I actually love all of your stories. You have an amazing style of writing. :) I hope you'll write some new ones soon! :)
Chapter 8: It was sooooo goood
Chapter 8: Died Again T_T
shojinryori #10
Chapter 8: Just. Adorable.
I love your work!