
Princess' LOVE

Princess' LOVE 
Chapter 9 - Mathematics 

"Tiffany Hwang."The teacher gave out the last set of marked maths exam papers in her hand before the bell rang, signaling the end of the day. Tiffany quickly took her paper back from her teacher and walked back to her seat before looking at her results. She is always nervous when it comes to maths because it's her weakest subject and the fact that her name was being called out the last made her even more anxious. The papers isn't stacked according to rank but looking at your classmates exchanging results, bragging about how well they have done made her even more worried. Her palms were sweating. 

"How much did you get, Tiff?"Jessica nudged Tiffany by the elbow. 

"I.. Don't know. I don't dare to look... I have a bad feeling."Tiffany held her rolled exam script tightly, eyes slightly tearing up.  

"How is it, Fany ah?"Taeyeon quickly move to his girlfriend when the teacher walked out of the class, wanting to know how his girlfriend has done.

"I think it's bad, TaeTae.."Tiffany said and rest her head on the table. Taeyeon slowly pull out the exam script from Tiffany's hand gently. He roll it open and look at the red mark at the top right hand corner. 

"It's great, Fany ah!"Taeyeon said happily as he rubbed his girlfriend's back to comfort her. Jessica lean down closer towards Taeyeon to peek at Tiffany's result. 

"It's better that mine, pabo! Don't be sad."Jessica and Tiffany have been teasing each other and they don't take names calling as an insult.


"Yes, take a look. I have to go, Yuri's waiting for me for lunch. See you next Monday. Text me if any thing happens, okay. Now don't be sad."Jessica bend down and gave Tiffany a hug as they bid goodbye. Jessica made a hand signal to Taeyeon to comfort Tiffany as they know that she have high expectations of herself in terms of academic. 

"Should we go to the garden to look at your results? I think you will feel better there. They need to lock the class door soon, Fany."Taeyeon helped Tiffany pack her school bag and he carried it for her including his own bag. 

"It's bad, right? Don't comfort me, TaeTae."Tiffany stood up and waited for Taeyeon to move before she move. Taeyeon took Tiffany's soft hand into his and pulled her with him towards the direction of the school's garden.

"No, you made an improvement. I'm so proud and happy for you."Taeyeon lead them to stand under the trees and Tiffany took her exam script from Taeyeon. She slowly unroll the exam script and look at the marks on top. 

"70 out of 100, babe. It's good enough."Taeyeon quickly wrapped his arms around Tiffany when he saw that her eyes are glistening with tears. 

"Sshhhh... It's better than before right? Shouldn't you be happy?"Taeyeon took the exam script away from her as he doesn't want her to look at it anymore. Tiffany shook her head, not happy about her results.

"I n-need at least a-an 85 marks for s-scholarship... Daddy w-wouldn't pay for m-my college next year if I d-decide to stay in S-Seoul. T-TaeTae, I n-need the s-scholarship..."Tiffany sobbed in Taeyeon's hold after telling Taeyeon her worries. She buried her head in his chest. Taeyeon was lost for words. He wouldn't expect Mr Hwang to do this to Tiffany. 

"I'm j-just not a maths m-material unlike you. I'm d-dumb. I hate maths."

"No, you are not dumb. I don't allow you to say that. You are TaeTae's smartie pants. Look at your history and literature. You are always topping the cohort for those 2 subjects. Your humanities are so strong."Taeyeon kissed Tiffany's forehead to stop her from talking. 

"But m-mathematics is p-pulling it down... I need my s-scholarship."

"I will help you with mathematics, darling. I'll help you with the college fees if you promise me not to put too much pressure on yourself. It's not good. I hate to see you cry. Promise?"Taeyeon lifted up his pinky in front of Tiffany.

"No, I should b-be paying for my own s-school fees, not you. I'll work during the holidays. I'll do anything to save money for my next school year."

"I'll work with you just so I know you don't tire yourself out. And if it's still not enough to cover for your school fees, I'll pay the rest. How about that?"

"No, you shouldn't be paying... I'll find my way. Let's go home now."Tiffany broke the hug and she walked out of the garden. Taeyeon quickly caught up with her and he intertwine their fingers together. Their walk home was a quiet one. Taeyeon took secret peeks at his girlfriend making sure that she isn't crying or anything. 

"Let's have our lunch at your favourite."Taeyeon turned and pulled Tiffany into her favourite hide out before she can even say anything. 

"What do you wanna eat? The usual?"Taeyeon passed Tiffany the menu just in cast if she decided not to have her usual fish&chips. 

"I don't wanna eat. I wanna go home, TaeTae.."Tiffany still has that dejected and worried look on her face. If it wasn't for Taeyeon, she would have went home to study. 

"You may not be hungry but your stomach is, sweetie. We need to fill our stomach first before our brain can work. Don't think about your maths paper now and just focus on getting your stomach filled."

"I'll just eat at home. It's too costly. I need to save."
"You have nothing at home. We need to go to the supermarket to get your fridge filled after this  so that I can sleep at ease."

"Who says I have nothing at home?"

"Then tell me what you ate for breakfast."

"I had.. The last egg."

"See. We will go grocery shopping or I'm not going to stay over tonight."Tiffany texted Taeyeon last night to bring some of his clothes the next day so that he can stay over at her place for the weekend and head to school together on Monday since no one is at home to accompany her. Mr Hwang has went back to the States to settle some office issues and he will not be back so often. He just come over during Tiffany's holiday so that they can spend some time together. So Tiffany is alone most of the time in Korea. Tiffany pout at Taeyeon's words. Taeyeon smiled at that cute pout knowing that it always works. He raised his hand to get the attention of the waitress to get their orders taken. 

"Let me have beef meatballs and mashed potato set and one fish & chips. One Coke and one iced coffee. That's all for now."

"Are you that hungry, TaeTae?"Tiffany asked after she see the waitress walked away after taking their orders. 

"No. One is for you. We can share."

"I told you I'm not hungry."

"No, you didn't say you are not hungry. You said that you were going to cook when you get home but your house doesn't have anything. Be a good girl and eat so that your gastric pain doesn't act up. I'm doing this for you own good because I love you and I don't want you to suffer."



"TaeTae, wait for me.."Tiffany ran up to Taeyeon after Taeyeon took a basket from outside the supermarket. Taeyeon is too excited to go grocery shopping for Tiffany's food and necessities thus neglecting his girlfriend. Taeyeon smiled at turned back to look at his girlfriend. He stretched out his hand, offering to hold Tiffany's hand. Tiffany smiled shyly and held Taeyeon's hand. 

"We should get a loaf of bread to put on standby so that you can eat when you are hungry."Taeyeon let go of Tiffany's hand to take the bread. And then he held her hand afterwards. That happens all the time when they are in the supermarket.

"Hot chocolate is a must also. It's easy filling food."Taeyeon took a cocoa premix and put it in the basket. 
"Ham, bacon, sausage. You need protein."Taeyeon took all 3 kinds of meat and put it in the basket. He is good at spoiling his girlfriend and he enjoys doing it.

"That's too much, TaeTae."Tiffany took the 2 expensive meat and put it back in the refrigerator. 

"No, sweetie."Taeyeon took those 2 meat and put it in the basket again. 

"Milk and cheese. You can use milk and cheese to make pasta along with some meat."Taeyeon took a chocolate, strawberry and the original flavored milk. He make sure to take milk that the expiry dates are further away. As for the cheese, he took sliced cheese and mozzarella cheese. 

"Enough enough. Let's go make payment."Tiffany pushed Taeyeon from the back but her effort was useless. 

"Ah! Orange juice has high content of vitamin c and you need that a lot because stress can weaken your immune system. I don't want you to fall sick. Baby, stop pushing me."Taeyeon grabbed Tiffany's hand and held it still as they walk to the next department. 

"Pasta sauce pre mix and pasta and rice. Just in case you are feeling lazy to cook."Tiffany could only look at Taeyeon, the care and love that she sees in his eyes. She felt so warm, so protected when she is with Taeyeon. 

"What have I done to get such a loving boyfriend?"Tiffany muttered under her breathe. 

"Your care and concern that you showed me makes me fall in love with you. Looking at you everyday makes me feel like the luckiest guy on earth."Taeyeon put down the basket and turned Tiffany away to face him. 

"Don't say that, TaeTae. I'm seriously lucky to have such a caring boyfriend."

"I'm lucky to have you as my girlfriend too, sweetie. Let's not talk about this anymore cause I have a feeling you are going to cry again."Taeyeon teased but he kissed Tiffany on the lips to make it up to her. 

"You need some chocolates and sweets when you study. Glucose is a must when you do maths."Taeyeon grabbed Tiffany's favourite chocolate and candies and throw it into the basket. 

"Eggs! How can I forget that? We can make French toast tomorrow, how about that!!"Taeyeon smiled happily at his idea like a little child. Tiffany smiled at the sweet thought and she looked forward to see Taeyeon first thing in the morning when she wakes up. 

"Instant noodles too! Fany ah, I know I'm getting you a lot of chemicals filled food but please don't always consume them okay. I got them because it is convenient for you. Please eat nutritional food as much as possible. If you got nothing to eat when you wake up in the morning, please tell me okay. I can get you some milk and bread to last you until lunch. Don't starve yourself again because of money issues. You know you can count on TaeTae."

"Thank you so much, TaeTae. You are my blessing."Tiffany linked her arm around Taeyeon's. 

"Let's stock up your house with some soft drinks but don't drink them too often okay, sweetheart."Taeyeon tapped on Tiffany's cute nose and he took a few cans of Coke and other few. 

"Berries too!"

"Which brand of shampoo do you use, Fany ah? Do you need pads as well."

"No no no. That's enough, TaeTae."Tiffany tried to drag Taeyeon out of the soap department. 

"Is it this floral pink looking monster?"Taeyeon took up a pink bottle of shampoo and showed it to Tiffany. 

"Yah! How do you know?"

"Fany ah, everyone knows you love pink. Even a dumbie will get pink coloured shampoo for you. What's more I'm your boyfriend."Taeyeon took a bottle of shampoo and conditioner and quickly ran towards the cashier to make payment before Tiffany take those 2 out from the basket.



"Sweetie, wake up. 30 minutes passed already."Tiffany have been dosing off to sleep while doing mathematics just now and she felt very frustrated. After numerous attempts of getting her to nap for 30 minutes, she finally allowed Taeyeon to carry her to bed and to show her the alarm clock that he set to wake them up after 30 minutes.

"Let's go."Taeyeon slipped his arm under Tiffany's knees and shoulders as he carried her bridal style to the dining table where they study. He placed a cup of cold strawberry milk and a piece of caramel chocolate for her. 

"Eat this, we will need sugar to do maths."Taeyeon took his share and ate as he watched Tiffany enjoying her favourite chocolate and milk. They started doing some work and going through the mistakes that they made during the exam. After that, they did extra practice of mathematics questions. 

"How do you do this, TaeTae?"Tiffany whined as she rest her head against her palm, feeling very frustrated that she can't get it right. Her black glasses make Taeyeon want to jump onto her, she's too cute.

"You need to follow the formula. But your simplification is not right, sweetie."Taeyeon cutely pulled Tiffany's chair closer to him and slowly explain to her again. 

"Why can't I get it right..?"Feeling frustrated, she lowered her head when she felt her tears b around her eyes. She doesn't want Taeyeon to see. 

"Maths takes time, love. It's not like humanities where you can memories and regurgitate everything into the exam paper. Slowly you will get it. We will practice 3 mathematics sums everyday whether you like it or not. Take one step at a time okay? You are improving, your mistakes are lesser now. Come here."Taeyeon tugged on Tiffany's hand and made her sit on his lap. He bend his head down to look at Tiffany in the eyes. He saw Tiffany looking cutely at him while trying to avoid his glaze.

"Let's go for dinner, shall we? And then we go for a walk at the park."Taeyeon leaned in to give Tiffany a kiss on her lips.  

"No. That's going to take a lot of time, TaeTae. Our precious study time."

"The proper way of studying is not just studying one subject alone for hours, honey. We need a 5 minutes break every 25 minutes of study. Since you insisted on not having so many breaks, you ought to give yourself a proper break. Let TaeTae pamper you."

"No, TaeTae..."

"What do you want to eat, Fany ah?"Taeyeon tried to change the subject. 

"Let's cook. It should save us some time."


"Please, TaeTae.."

"Blah blah blah.."Taeyeon stood up and carefully push Tiffany to her room for her to change. He knows that Tiffany will go out with him for dinner. 










Hey! I wanna apologize for taking so long to update this one shot because I was too focus on my other story. I'm sorry. Just a random one shot on Mathematics. I know, I know a lot of people hate mathematics right? Especially females. Fret not, I hope some of these tips that TaeTae gave Fany will help you. 

Do many chapters of different subjects a day. Don't just do one subject alone.
Take a 5 minutes break for every 25 minutes of study. Your brain deserve some rest, don't push yourself too hard. Just do your best and that's good enough okay :)
As for mathematics, practice practice and practice. You can give yourself a number and do that number of sums everyday. To me, I think 5 is just nice. I'm not sure about you. Don't lose hope. I used to fail mathematics with an F but after 4 months of hard work I got an A and that's when I start loving mathematics. If I can do it, you can too!
Do mathematics with a fresh mind not a tired one. It's best in the morning or after a nap! Wash your face or take a shower will help too! Because I feel very sick everytime after nap, I can't take naps in the afternoon. So my night sleep is very very important. Sleep comfortably.
Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Ask questions. Every time I make mistakes, I always ask my tutor why can't I do it this way, do I really have to stick to that certain method.
Plan your time wisely. Especially for college students, I would recommend you to invest in a planner. So you can allocate your time properly. 

Okay, that's some of my tips for you. It doesn't only apply to maths okay! As I'm still studying, I understand your woes and I'm sure majority of you are still studying? Don't lose hope!! But don't put too much pressure on yourself. My school is starting next week and I'm sort of looking forward to start my new modules. *fingers crossed* but I'm not looking forward to see my classmates. 🙊 sigh, I just got discharged from the hospital a few hours ago. I didn't expect my last week of holiday to be spent in the hospital. There's still a lot of pain and discomfort. I gotta go and rest while I can! See ya, I hope you will benefit from my tips! 

Oh yes! Any suggestions for a one shot? Cause I kinda don't have anymore inspirations. 

Now playing: stress // Taeyeon 🎧 ( 'I' album is daebak omg. Indeed our TaeTae, I'm so proud of her. I fell in love with the album when I first hear it on the V live app. Let's help her by watching the mv kay.) 

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1127 streak #1
Chapter 7: I miss this story and thank goodness I found it again hehehe
Hi I'm new reader ^^ every story make me melt because of the sweet taeny ^^ can i request to make story when fany filming unnie slam dunk? When they meet on mubank taeyeon calling her boo boo ❤️ Thanks for your awesome story ^^
1127 streak #3
Chapter 10: Welcome back chingu... ^_^
Chapter 10: I like itt!!!
tipco09 #5
Chapter 10: Sweet Tae Tae
uduurueuueu #6
Chapter 9: Gosh i love this oneshot of yours. Pls update soon author ;)
Arabellana #7
Chapter 9: Me too... I've used to fail in mathematical. I hate it too! But just that particular one day I'm kinda tired of being failed in mathematic. So I eventually studying it hardly. And finally I pass with a B+ in result. Well... Mathematics is quite easy. I am just need to remember the formulation and theories. Then doing it step by step.
tipco09 #8
Chapter 9: Cute update, authorshi. I enjoyed it.
Chapter 8: Ayyy so sweetttttt