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Kim Jongin always wondered why. Why was the sky blue? Why were there religions? Was it because humans were weak and had nothing to hold onto? Why? Every day for the last 22 years of his life, Jongin had always wondered, and he sought nothing but the answers. Even as he strolled his way down the street on a brisk, cold winter day to his favorite coffee shop, he was wondering. Why did he only go to this coffee shop? Jongin picked at the lint in the pocket of his jacket. Opening the door, he let the gush of warm air sweep over him, bringing with it the welcoming scent of freshly brewed coffee and pastries. The thing with Jongin was that he constantly wondered why this? Why that? But it never lasted long. Another thought or feeling would fly in, and he’d have no choice but to bury the mystery under the file he labeled as “think about later” in his head, although he’s never gone back to look at any of them.

Jongin walks to the counter and orders his usual, a large cup of black decaf, and a plain bagel with strawberry cream cheese to go with it. He’d never ordered anything different. He calmly walks to his usual table, but freezes, seeing another man occupying his seat, the one he himself had lugged in from home and placed in the corner of the cafe, by the window side of the table.

Moving almost robotically, Jongin faced the man and spoke in the most polite way he could muster to this…this imposter. “Excuse me, sir. You are in my seat.” His body is stiff.

The man just slowly looks up from his newspaper and blinks, before returning his attention to the article he was previously immersed in. Jongin fumes. What is this guy? Is he deaf or just plain stupid? Jongin stomps his foot in irritation. The male just looks up once again before picking up his coffee to take a sip, and Jongin doesn’t miss the fact that he’s drinking a large cup of decaf coffee, and placed on the table, is a plain bagel with strawberry cream cheese. It just further pisses him off.

Deciding that trying to get the stranger to move is not going to be accomplished any time soon, Jongin sighs and takes the seat across from him, and examines the young face before him. What he sees surprises him. Pale skin like snow glows under the light streaming through the window of the shop, and a pretty pair of eyes a dark hazel were placed above a sharp nose and slightly thin, kissable lips. Jongin slouches more in his chair, pouting and glaring at the man. The man seems unaware, however, and just continues to take small sips of his coffee and occasional bites of the bagel, focus never wavering from the paper.

Jongin humphs and decides he can ignore the guy for now; he would be leaving soon anyways. But the problem was that the guy never left. All day, he sat there, nodding his head for refills and just people-watching after he finished reading his newspaper. The most annoying this was, however, that he never looked at Jongin. It was almost as if Jongin wasn’t sitting there right across from him, glaring holes into his forehead.

As the sun begins to set, the man gets up out of Jongin’s chair and stretches, shirt lifting just a bit and showing a sliver of deliciously milky white skin. Jongin slaps himself in the face mentally for the mere thought of thinking the guy is attractive.

Lowering his arms, the stranger leisurely packs his things and throws away his trash, before grabbing all his things and leaving the café, without even sparing Jongin a glance. Once he’s out of sight, Jongin scrambles to sit in his chair, just in case any other person decided to steal his spot today. But as Jongin sits down in the familiar seat, something doesn’t feel right, and Jongin knows it’s not because of the chair itself, still warm from its last occupant. ‘Bring a new chair tomorrow.’ Jongin notes, and decides to call it a day, having wasted all day doing nothing.


Sehun opened the door to his apartment with a loud bang, and throws his bag onto the couch, ruffling his hair and walking to the kitchen. Grabbing a bag of chips, he makes his way to his bedroom, turning on the lights and plopping his down on his bed, immediately jumping back up when he feels a lump wiggle from beneath him.

The sheets are lifted, and Kris rolls out from beneath, mouths shaping to form curse words. ‘What the hell are you doing in my apartment?’ Sehun signs and Kris gives him a look of mock offence.

‘What, you don’t like me being here?’ He signs back, leaning back onto the headboard of Sehun’s bed. ‘Besides, you should have checked before you sat down. Your bony almost drilled holes into my stomach.’  He complains, rubbing said area.

‘Don’t complain in my house, jerk.’ Sehun deadpans, and Kris lowers his arms.

‘How was your day? Do anything interesting?’ Kris’ eyes soften.

‘No, I didn’t do anything interesting. But something interesting happened to me.’ Sehun signs, as he sits his down on the bed next to his friend.

‘Oh? Like what?’ Kris’ face contorts to one of curiosity, eyes brows scrunching up tightly above his eyes. Sehun would laugh if he could.

‘Some guy sat in front of me in a café for 6 hours. 6 hours! Can you believe that?’ He rolls his eyes. ‘Such a weirdo. And he wouldn’t stop staring at me too!’ he throws his hands up, shaking his head. ‘Ugh, people are weird.’

‘Hey! I’m not weird!’ Kris motions, lips pulling into a pout.

‘Yeah you are. One of the weirdest I’ve ever met. Why am I friends with you again?’ Sehun playfully shoves Kris.

‘Because I’m the most handsome guy you’ve ever met and you love me.’

Then Sehun’s slammed back onto the bed, landing with an inaudible ‘oof’, and Kris’ hands are tickling him.

Although the only laughter heard echoing in the room is Kris’, later on when they both lay on the bed looking at the white ceiling, sated and happy, Sehun reaches a hand up and makes a curve with his fingers, and Kris reaches up to complete the heart.

They fall asleep but Sehun thinks ‘The guy in the café was really handsome too.’ 


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