Don't Want To Lose You

Don't Want To Lose You

        Why, hello there! Yay! I finally got this done [insert happy sound here]! This is my first story after being a silent reader for quite sometime, so I hope it's enjoyable... even though I guess it's the not really the type of TaeNy story everyone wants and loves... but whatever.

        Please enjoy!

               “Wait… what?” Taeyeon stared at her best friend, listening to the news that had just left the smiling mouth.

                The eye smile dropped slightly at the tone of her friend’s voice, but appeared again just as quickly, “I’m dating someone.”

                The kid leader’s mouth dropped wide open after hearing those words come from Tiffany’s mouth.  A million thoughts ran through her head, which probably ended up being every question possible, which was closely followed by a mental string of every cuss word known to man.  She hadn’t realized that she most likely had a screwed up look on her face, which caused Tiffany to become worried.

                “Tae?” she called, remnants if her bright smile now completely gone. Tiffany reached forward and gently placed her hand on Taeyeon’s thigh.

                At the contact Taeyeon visibly flinched, looking down at the younger girl’s hand. This was so not happening, “Who?” she whispered, not looking up.

                “Hmm?” Tiffany replied, not able to hear the soft question.

                Slowly Taeyeon started to look up, “Who is it?” she repeated, louder this time.

                At her friend’s curiosity, the eye smile returned. That eye smile, Taeyeon thought. Fany removed her hand from her friend, slightly leaned back, and tucked her hair behind her ear, “Nichkhun,” sweetly left the girl’s lips.

                Taeyeon’s eyes widened at the 2PM member’s name, “Nichkhun?!” she asked, both surprised and very upset, “For how long?!”

                Tiffany eyed Taeyeon at the tone and volume of her voice, “It’s only been a couple of days. Not long at all.” A small smile played on her lips, “I wanted you to be the first to know, Tae… I mean… you’re my best friend. You’ve always been there for me and you know… I was kind of hoping you’d be there for me now too.”

                Even through the anger, Taeyeon was touched by her friend’s words.  Why was she angry? Because she was jealous. There was no use in lying to herself. For years Taeyeon had crushed on Tiffany, even sending her small signs. But either Tiffany was completely oblivious to her advances or she just wasn’t interested.

                Tiffany watched Taeyeon closely, trying to figure out what she was thinking. Usually the two girls were able to read each other like open books after knowing each other for over ten years, even having had the chance to live in the same dorm as one another at the beginning of their careers.  The elder girl took care of Tiffany, opening her up after the huge jump from America to Korea and not exactly leaving on the best terms with her family.  Tiffany was a lock that Taeyeon had been determined to open, which the two later symbolized with their lock and key couples necklaces.

                The thought caused Tiffany to reach for her own necklace which sat across her collarbone. She grasp the charm between her thumb and index finger and rubbed it softly as she smiled to herself.  Taeyeon was her best friend. The two of them had a special bond that could never be broken, something that the other girls had noticed as well.

                Noticing Tiffany’s smile and the unfocused gaze the girl cast towards the ground, Taeyeon started, “Fany? Wha-?” she realized what the girl had been occupied with. A big, goofy grin appeared on the older girl’s face, “You still wear that?”

                Tiffany glanced up at her friend, furrowing her eyebrows slightly, “Of course I do, TaeTae,” she paused, frowning, “Don’t you?”

                With a smile Taeyeon pulled her necklace from out behind her sweatshirt, “Never take it off.”

                The breathtaking eye smile appeared once again, and in turn, the goofy grin grew on the kid leader’s face. The two girls laughed softly at each other’s reactions.

                “I miss this, Tae,” Tiffany stated, her smile slipping away, “I miss us.”

                The elder girl’s smile shrunk as well, “I do too. We’ve just been so busy with schedule and ‘Mr. Mr.’ promotions are coming up,” she sighed, “We just haven’t had the time for each other like we used too,” Taeyeon paused, looking down at her, jealousy brewing, “And now you’re dating Nichkhun…”

                Tiffany furrowed her eyebrows, confusion spreading across her face, “Wait... what does me dating Nichkhun have anything to do with this?”

                Playing with her hands, Taeyeon answered, “I mean… you’ll be with him during off time, right? So…” she paused, unsure of what she was saying

                “Wait, TaeTae. You seriously believe that? That I’m going to ditch you girls, my best friends, to be with Nichkhun?” Tiffany was appalled by what her friend had been saying.

                “Well… I,” Taeyeon started.

                “That’s never going to happen, Tae! I love you and the girls! Geez… and to think I would forget about you guys for Nichkhun…” Tiffany trailed off.

                “I just don’t want to lose you.”

                Although her words were barely above a whisper, Tiffany had heard and her shattered as she took in Taeyeon’s fragile appearance. Her best friend was slumped over in her seat on the couch as she kept her gaze glued to her hands, not daring to look up into Tiffany’s gorgeous eyes.

                No words were exchanged as Tiffany pulled Taeyeon into a warm embrace. Taeyeon welcomed it, but didn’t return it for some time before wrapping her own slim arms around her friend’s slim waist. She buried her face into the crook of Tiffany’s neck and breathed in her calming sent. The calming sent that she had been so use to. She closed her eyes, relishing in the moment as Fany rubbed circles on her back.

                “Tippany, saranghae,” Taeyeon breathed out.

                Tiffany held her friend tighter, “I love you too, TaeTae.”

                As platonic as the statement had been, Taeyeon felt her heart soar as she smiled into Tiffany’s milky white neck. The two of them pulled away from each other, the goofy grin appearing on the elder girl’s face as the eye smile appeared on Tiffany’s face. Oh, how Taeyeon loved that smile. She would kill to see it every day, hoping that it would never leave her friend’s face.      

                “I’m happy for you, Pany-ah,” Taeyeon came to her decision, “I love it when you’re happy. When you smile,” Tiffany watched the blonde with wide eyes, “and if Nichkhun can make you happy. Can make you smile… then I’m happy.”

                It seemed to have taken a bit for the younger girl to realize what Taeyeon had said, “Really?” she asked slowly.

                Amused, Taeyeon chuckled softly and nodded her head.

                “Oh my God! Thank you, TaeTae!” Tiffany reverted back to English as she threw her arms around the shorter girl, smiling widely.

                Taeyeon patted Tiffany’s back, a small, soft smile on her face. As much as it hurt, she couldn’t help but feel happy for the girl. Yet, she wished that she could be the one to hold her in her arms, to be the one to kiss her lips… but that was impossible and would always be impossible. Even if Tiffany hadn’t been dating Nichkhun, there was no way that she would accept her feelings.

                Tiffany pulled away and excitedly hopped up and down, “Let’s go tell the rest of the girls!” she grabbed Taeyeon’s hand pulling her up, “Come on!” Tiffany ordered as she pulled the older girl away to break the news to the rest of the girls.

                After rounding the other seven girls up, the group made their way back into the living area where Tiffany and Taeyeon had originally been seated.

                The first one out of the nine of them to speak was Jessica, who looked back and forth between their leader and her fellow American from her spot next to Yuri, “What’s this about?”

                Tiffany looked to Taeyeon for moral support, who smiled in return, ushering her on, wanting for the second bullet to hit her chest quickly and hopefully less painfully.

                The younger girl took a deep breath then turned back to her friends, “Well…”

                “Oh, hold on,” Sooyoung cut Fany off, a smirk on a face, “I think I know what this is about.”

                The other seven girl’s looked at her with confused expressions on their faces, “You do?”

                Sooyoung nodded confidently, “Oh, yeah. But I’d rather hear it from you two, you know? More memorable that way.”

                Sunny stared at Sooyoung as if to say, “The hell are you talking about?”

                Sooyoung smiled as Taeyeon briefly caught her eyes, giving her a wink, causing Taeyeon to furrow her eyebrows at the tallest members smirk.

                “Well,” Tiffany started, “since we promised to never keep anything from each other,” her eyes wondered to Taeyeon’s once again, who continued to smile, “I’m dating.”

                All at once the other seven girls spoke up, speaking over each.

                “Why didn’t I know about this sooner?” Jessica asked her fellow American, narrowing her eyes, but all at the same time being happy for her.

                Seohyun smiled brightly, “Congratulations, unnie.”

                “Who is it?” Yoona asked innocently.

                Sooyoung nudged Hyoyeon, “Yeah, Pany-ah. Who is it? Who is this lucky person?”

                Catching on, Hyoyeon smirked, following Sooyoung’s eyes to their kid leader. Sooyoung had been the biggest “Locksmith” of the group, which had totally rubbed off on Hyoyeon.

                Tiffany smiled at their curiosity, just as she had with Taeyeon, “Nichkhun,” she stated, just as Sooyoung mouthed Taeyeon’s name.

                “I knew-! Wait… Nichkhun?!” Sooyoung shouted, utterly surprised. Hyoyeon’s smirk dropped as well, while Sunny turned to the two once again with a look on her face that said, “What the hell is wrong with you two?”

                “Yup,” Tiffany answered, popping the “p”.

                Yuri gave her signature smile, “Well I’m happy for you Tippany. We all are.” She finished flashing a look to Taeyeon who was frowning slightly.

                “Thanks, Yul.”

                Sunny smiled, choosing to ignore Sooyoung and Hyoyeon, “And we’ll all support you no matter what, Baby.”

                “Sunny-ah… thank you.”

                Hyoyeon stood up holding out her arms, “Group hug!”

                Everyone stood up from their spots and wrapped their arms around each other, pushing Tiffany into the middle, whose eye smile shined while tears of joy left her, “I love you guys so much.”

                Taeyeon finally spoke up, “We love you too, Pany-ah.”

                Jessica turned towards the older girl, noticing that despite the words that left , the sadness in her eyes was noticeable.


                The group eventually dispersed after everyone congratulated Tiffany. Taeyeon made her way to her room, wanting to wipe her mind of all of the emotions she had felt. She laid down on her bed and stared at the ceiling, refusing to let herself cry. The oldest member had tried to get rid of these feelings for her friend, but she couldn’t, and the fact that Tiffany loved skinship didn’t help at all. She was so immersed in her thoughts, that she hadn’t seen nor heard the blond Californian enter her room.


                No answer.

                “Yah! Kim Taeyeon!”

                Surprised, Taeyeon sat up quickly, eyes searching for the intruder, “Jessica?”

                “Yeah. Why do you sound so surprised?” With an impatient scoff, Jessica sat down on the edge of her leader’s bed, uninvited. But, Taeyeon didn’t mind.

                Now, the two girls had never been close. Well, not as close as Taeyeon had been with the other girls in the group, so to say she was surprised that Jessica had been the one to enter her room was an understatement, “Uh…”

                Not being the type of person to stall, the girl got straight to the point, “How are you feeling?”


                Jessica expectantly raised one of her perfect eyebrows.

                “Uh… fine?” Taeyeon’s answer sounded more like a question.

                Jessica was also the type of person to be blunt. Very, very blunt, “You’re lying.”

                The older girl sighed, “What is this about, Jessica?”

                “What do you mean, ‘what is this about?’, Kim Taeyeon?” she stared the girl straight in the eyes, “You know exactly what I’m talking about.”

                “I don’t know,” she rolled her eyes, “What do you want me to say, Jessica? That I’m upset. That I’m not happy for Tiffany? That I’m heartbroken?!”

                Jessica nodded, “Uh, yes. Because it’s the truth, Taeyeon.”

                As much as she didn’t want to believe it, she knew that Jessica was right, “Why do I have to be so goddamn selfish?”

                Smiling softly, Jessica slightly moved closer to her friend, “Everyone has a selfish side to them.” She watched Taeyeon closely, noticing small movements as Taeyeon silently shook with sobs, “You know you can let it out. I’m here for you, Taengoo.”

                After hearing her nickname, the dam broke and the tears were released, which caused Jessica to lean forward and pull Taeyeon into a much needed embrace. No words were exchanged at first as Jessica rubbed small, soothing circles on her friend’s back, as tears soaked the shoulder of her sweater. The two sat in the same position as the older girl calmed down. Taeyeon wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her sweatshirt, “It hurts, Sica,” she paused, sniffling, “It hurts so bad.”

                Jessica closed her eyes, smiling softly once again as she heard her old nickname, “I know,” she continued rubbing Taeyeon’s back, “Love . It hits you when it’s least expected.”

                Taeyeon moved her head off of Jessica’s shoulder to look her in the eyes, “H-have you ever been in love, Sica?”

                Sighing softly at the question, Jessica briefly looked down, “Yeah… I have,” the younger girl paused, choosing her words wisely, “And I know how it feels for that love to not be returned.”

                Taeyeon’s eyes widened slightly, but she didn’t ask any further, which Jessica was thankful for. The kid leader softly laid her head back on the Californian’s shoulder, before looking up at her with a small smirk, “Love .”

                Jessica chuckled softly at the girl’s choice of words and she sighed, “You can say that again.”

Well, there it is. Since for some reason  I get motivation to write at really random times... such as 3 in the morning, there were probably mistakes.  And if anyone would like to correct those mistakes. Feel free! Please comment as well, as I very much enjoy reading what my readers think (plus comments are a huge part of what motivates me) and it makes me a very, very happy. Thank you and until next time,


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sla2802 #1
Chapter 1: Can u cont this story author??
And make it taengsic :))
Bumella #2
Chapter 1: ahhh poor tae.. sooyoung n hyoyeon reaction is epic
Taeny4everinlove #3
Chapter 1: awww ~~
it hurts me to read this !! huhuhu :((

well .. make a sequel please . and make it taengsic ahihi :))
it will be awesome if you do