Chapter Three

Motivation [HIATUS]


“And I thought he's a nice guy. What is he doing with her?”

Yuri poked Chanyeol's arm who wasn't very careful with words which came out of his mouth easily. He sent her a quizzicall look. Following her gaze at Yoona who was still staring at the couple, he let out an unhearable sigh. “Don't judge him so easily,” Yuri stood up for Sehun who now took the doll girl by her hand and together they left the school ground.

“And don't try to cover up that a similiar stuff hasn't happened yet,” Yoona spoke out, a hint of sadness noticeable in her voice even though she tried to hide it. “Remember when you guys even supported me from the beginning,” her face softened as she curved her lips into a slight smile. She looked down to the ground, her memories from the past swishing in her head in a speed of light.

It was Luhan who dragged her out from the sea of memories. “Well, you can be happy that you have such the good friends.” He said.

Yoona returned him the playful grin that appeared on his face. Her gaze followed from Luhan to the others; Chanyeol, Yuri and Baekhyun.    

Yoona had been knowing these kids for such a long time. For over ten years actually, now that she was thinking about that. It all started when their parents began to cooperate together as the business partners. And as the time was flowing ahead so quickly, no one realized that the partnership had changed into the close friendship. It didn't take long for their five-year-old kids to become a bunch of best friends too. Actually, the seed of their bond was already set at their first meeting. They just clicked. Since the first meeting, their friendship had never dropped down, on the contrary, they had just been getting closer to one another. Yoona... considered them as a part of her family. So did they.

“The good friends are like the good bras,” Yoona said and got weird looks from the others in response. “They are hard to find, supportive, comfortable, always lift you up and make you look better,” she tried hard to bear down a laughter as she was reciting a quote she had found a few days ago when she was surfing the Internet. “And also... Always close to your heart!” Yoona said as she hitted the place on her chest with her fist, showing off her hilarious, acting skills. “Thank you for being my bras!” She bursted into a laughter, joining her friends.


“Come over too, Yoona,” Baekhyun suggested.

“Sorry, but I've already made plans with Yuri.” Yoona made a sad face and Baekhyun pouted. “Aish, I was going to beat you today in dancing! But okay, the girls need some girltime for themselves too, right?” He said mischievously and poked her arm. She nodded with her cheeks lifted up and they both giggled with their hands covering their mouths.

“I'm here too... ?”

“Lulu!” Yoona turned to the left side and spread her arms to give the person, which had been walking beside her the whole time, a hug. He then looked satisfied. How childish was he, Yoona thought.

The three of them reached the bus stop near the SM building. “Okay, see you guys tomorrow,” Yoona waved at her two friends. “Are you sure you can go home by yourself?” Luhan looked worried and wasn't very willing to leave her side because of the affair from the morning. Baekhyun was the only one who seemed to not understand Luhan's worries.

“I'm not a child anymore, Luhan,” Yoona laughed, “I can take care of myself.”

“If you say so... Be careful on your way home, okay,” he knocked on her head. “Later, Yoong,” he turned around to continue his way, followed by Baekhyun who gave Yoona a short goobye wave before turning his back to her.

“Dude, since when are you so caring?” Yoona caught Baekhyun asking Luhan. A short laugh escaped .

Her face straightened once she stepped forward to take a look around the bus that was supposed to arrive in a while. Her eyes noticed Sehun and his girl sitting on wooden bench under the shelter. Immediately, he looked at her as he knew she standing behind there the whole time. He nodded slightly towards her to which she gave him a little wave in return. Her gaze moved to the brown haired girl sitting closely beside him, his hand still holding hers.

She looked like those popular good-looking people from the internet, though ulzzangs surely didn't look that good in real life. Her lips were painted in a bright shade of pink, her eyes highlighted with the large, black eye lens and fake lashes. Her small, smooth face was partly covered by the straight bangs. Mature, fresh and beautiful, all in free.

She scanned the girl's appearance. Why did this ordinary girl wave at her boyfriend? And why did he greet her? For six months they had been dating she had always been the only girl he had been interested in. This was unusual. She clung onto Sehun's arm possessively. He looked down at her. She flashed him an innocent smile.

Not wanting to disturb them, Yoona looked away and waited for the bus arrival with patience.

Yoona took a seat at the front part of vehicle. And because there were no other empty seats for two, Sehun sat opposite to her, the doll girl taking a seat next to him. Yoona didn't even attempt to look at them as she felt the girl's eyes staring at her, which wasn't nowise comfortable.

Something inside his bag vibrated. Sehun took out his phone, knowing that the vibration came from it, signalizing that he had just received a new message. His girlfriend's small gasp caused him to turn his eyes away from the phone.

“Where's is your keychain from me?” Her eyebrows furrowed.

“I accidentally lost it today in school. It just dropped and I didn't notice... I'm sorry,” Sehun lied with the mask on his face. She hit his arm, “You pabo! It was my anniversary gift for you and you ju–”

“Actually, it's my fault,” Yoona spoke out. Truthfully, she didn't even know that there was a keychain on his phone. And the fact that she didn't apologize before and that his girlfriend got mad at him now left her totally shameful.

“It just happened by mistake, I didn't mean to. I'm sorry,” Yoona bit the skin inside of .

Sehun's girlfriend didn't say anything, instead she frowned a little. “I'll repay it to you if you want to!” Yoona blurted out.

It was Sehun who spoke out. “Don't be stupid, Yoong, you don't have to repay anything. It's fine, right Hana?” He looked at his girlfriend and hoped she'll agree with him. Her eyes met his before nodding slowly. Yoona gave her apologetic smile.


They were standing at the subway station, waiting for the train's arrival, when Yoona let out a desperate sigh. “Don't think about that anymore. Hana isn't mad at you,” Sehun assured her, knowing exactly the reason of her sudden change in mood.

“I hope so,” she said.

“Come on, smile,” he demanded for her bright side. She crossed her arms and snuffled in amusement. Who would say that a guy who nearly smiled would want her to do such a thing.

A smug smile spread across her face when she recalled something. “Hey, by any chance, I didn't know you call me Yoong?” She grinned. He looked at her quizically, “You guys told– no, you wanted me to speak to you informally. Remember, in canteen.”

Yoona laughed. “Yeah, I know. But my name isn't Yoong, you know, my real name is Yoona.” 

Sehun scratched the top of his head. “I heard your friends calling you like that so I thought... Nevermind.”

“It's okay! Call me how you want to. Yoong, honeybee, honey,” Yoona laughed loudly at the last word, making Sehun join her too, “just be careful how you call me in front of your girlfriend. We don't want to be mistaken after all,” she poked his arm, teasing him.

“Right,” Sehun said smilingly. He liked that easy-going personality of hers. Somehow, he felt free around her.


Woah, this chapter is longer than I expected it to be! LOL at the bra part, I'm so lame. Oh, btw have you guys noticed the new poster? It's made by me, again orz. I can't call myself a designer, but making posters is definitely fun :D

By the way, this is how Hana looks:

Pretty, isn't she? Hehe.

Aish, I have no idea what to write for the next chapter ;----; hopefully something will come into my mind soon. Don't forget to leave the lovely comments of yours, because they are my motivation!


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Gehanle #1
Chapter 5: Update please
Chapter 5: Yoona you will get a better boyfriend soon so dont give up !!! i waiting for yoonhun moment again yeahhh and happy holiday author update soon
Highisfive #3
Chapter 5: Update soon, author-nim. Your story is the best :))
leeyoonhae #4
Chapter 5: Aww,yoona deserve a better guy.ahh,i want to see sehun’s reaction,but too bad,you must go for awhile..but it’s okay,i can wait for yoonhun,so enjoy your hollyday!!
Random_Amy #5
Chapter 5: Aww poor yoona </3 oh and have fun on your vacation! :D
Daniela_Exotic #6
Chapter 4: update soon
I love your story
YoonHaeChoding #7
Yes! Yoonhun r locked inside together ;)
Random_Amy #8
Chapter 4: Yay yoonhun locked inside together ;)
yoonhun07 #9
Chapter 4: woahhh im so excited for the next update!